Monday, February 13, 2023

Monday February 13 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 57° Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 57F.

- Girls high schools scrambling and sending out answers instead of after Pesach after others did so putting everyone into panick with hundreds of girls now waiting for answers.

- Ribbon cutting tonight for "The Address" at American Dream mall 6:30 pm a collection of clothing stores for the frum community.

- At least four people injured after being struck by U-Haul van in the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn, NY; driver in custody and bomb squad investigating truck, police tell local media

 Turkey Earthquake death toll rises to 35,000.

- China claims US sent more than 10 spy balloons into country's airspace

- Lakewood car crash totals for January e023 is 424 total crashes resulting in 45 injuries with 14 pedestrians  struck and 1 Fatality. (Faanews)

- Hespedim tonight commemorating  the first yartzeit of Rav Lipa Margulias Ztl at yeshiva mesivta Torah Temima of Lakewood 1727 Lanes Mills @7:45pm. Divrei Zikaron will be delivered by Rav Binyomin Margulias shlita,Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita , Rav Shmuel Shlesinger shlita, Rav Meir Finkel shlita.

- More points from Cheder technology asifa: 
They spoke about exposure and how outside world infiltrates changing our food, clothing, lifestyles... At the end touched on practical ways we may think we secured our kids from it but how they can access. 

- Major protests in Jerusalem today with  thousands  converged on the Knesset and Supreme Court to voice their thoughts on the Israeli government's planned judicial reforms. 


  1. Is there any news with shuls in wg?

  2. Where are the Kol Koreh signers when it comes to real issues that have a serious effect on the children in our community? Issues that are being perpetuated by those we entrust to be mechanech our children. First it was the boys Mesivta and now it’s the girls schools as well. These issues are more damaging than Peshutoi shel …… and prob even Smartphones.

    1. Please get your facts straight before you comment. I have nieces going into high school so I know what is going on . one school caused the whole havoc . Up until now all the girls schools bent over backwards so that what happens by the mesivtas should not happen by the girls. It only takes one school to destroy it for everybody. I heard that the Vaad does not exist anymore because of what this school did .

    2. Which facts are you referring to? Was that school out in Cherim?

    3. I have a niece going into highschool and I have no idea what is going on - For the last 10+ years there's been a problem with girls not getting into highschool by the time school starts - doesn't sound like a good system to me..

    4. Whatever you want to say ,it's a system that eventually got every girl into school even when schools had to pack 45 kids into a class to do it. Now let's see if the " non system " will be better than that.

  3. The troll from wg is back

  4. How is this right in 2022 to do this again with girls going into high school. All it takes is for the agreed upon date ro be broken and now all achools are in upheaval forced to send answers to the ones they are scared of losing to other schools. How is this allowed???
    There was no time or effort put in tplace for 300 girls.

    1. Why don't you the ask the one school that didn't care about anything and ruined it for hundreds of girls for this year and all years in the future ? Why don't you ask the people who gave them the big money that allowed them not to care about anybody else .

    2. Lucky it's not 2022 any more

  5. This is what happens when people only think of themselves. If parents would have told this one school that they will not be subject to threats and ultimatums and they will all wait until the agreed upon date to give their answers, then this would not have happened. But parents only think about themselves and don't realize that now there are going to be hundreds of girls without the help of a system that has been in place for many years to make sure this doesnt happen .

    1. Nice.
      Blame the parents.
      Of course, each parent should not look out for their own children, only for other children.
      But Menahalim of schools? They can look out for themselves, that doesn't matter. Even though the tzibbur pays them, they can look out for themselves. It's always those terrible parents.

  6. Why should girls wait until after pesach to get answers? Why should they suffer so long? Schools should give answers immediately after interviews like the mesivtas do.

    1. So you are saying that if a school has 500 applications that takes them 6 weeks to process and interview , they should just accept the first ones right away ,and the ones who get the interviews later should be left hanging or forced to go to a school that has less interviews and accepted them earlier ? That sounds like a very reasoned and fair system to me .

  7. Very simple. There are 60 mesivtas They all only have one class
    There only a handful of high schools many with 4, 5 or 6 classes per grade. Many of the high schools have to interview and get information on close to 500 applicants. With the mesivta system, many schools are being forced to give answers even before they have finished interviewing all their applicants because many girls were threatened by 1 or 2 schools with losing their slots. So there are many girls that never even got a fair chance of getting accepted. Under the old system the schools waited till everybody was finished interviews and speaking to the teachers and then they sent out letters at the same time to give every girl a chance to decide . Now they have to decide before even getting an interview in the other school that they may have watned to go to .

  8. Could we term those who caused this rishus?

  9. What goes on down there with the schools????

  10. Call it what you want. The old system wasn't perfect but it at least worked for the most part. No system can be perfect in a town that went from 200 girls in 8th grade 20 years ago to almost 2000 girls now . But I don't think too many people are mekane the one who broke the system without even discussing it with the other schools or the Vaad. Having no system means total anarchy. There will no longer be a common time for applications or answers . There will no longer be any trust between the schools so the application process will keep getting earlier and earlier in the school year ,thus destroying the 8th grade school year . Why don't you ask the elementary school principles if they think that this is a good thing or not for their 8th grade school year .

  11. As separate desperately needed discussion, are one overstuffed one class per grade mestivas good, or would it be better to have larger mesivtas with 3-4 class per grade?

  12. Can you imagine?? Some high schools spell “panick” without a k!


    Eretz Yisroel - no mesivta rishum (registration) until after lag baomer. I wish we could have that here.

  14. If you don't write the name of the school, then don't talk. Put up or shut up

  15. "Major protests in Jerusalem today with thousands converged on the Knesset and"
    These protests are rather insignificant compared to the charedi turnouts
    And a small group of backers readily supply the whole thing
    When you have the media in your camp..

    1. There were fewer people protesting than that voted for the meretz party in the past election.

  16. Which school ruined it this year?

  17. We need more schools. Why doesn’t someone open like 2-3 schools? You won’t have any problem with funding just make a few charidy campaigns. I will also support all your schools.

  18. Looks like hefkervelt shutdown with along with the vaad.

  19. What does the system of accepting falling apart have to do with the vaad system of dividing up girls not accepted anywhere.?Just asking since I don't understand how this works.

  20. Schools worked together under a system with agreed upon rules. There was a level of trust between the schools and they had constant meetings to try to solve the problems. It wasn't perfect ,but for the most part it worked . Now that this school brazenly broke all the rules after promising not to , there is no trust ,no meetings and no cooperation . Just like by the mesivtas where it's dog eat dog and nobody cares or meets to do anything

  21. Go back to your little hole as you are not capable of understanding how anything works.
