Saturday, February 4, 2023

Motzei shabbos Beshalach 5783

 A Shovavim Asifa - Chizuk Habayis for BMG youngeleit will take place this Motzei Shabbos at Ateres Reva 8:45 -10:45 b"hishtatfus HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Aba Brudny shlita, Rav Uri Deutsch shkita, and Common Shaialos in Hilchos Niddah from Harav Shmuel Felder shlita.

-  The U.S. Military shot down the Chinese spy balloon by a single missile off coast of South Carolina after it traveled thousands of miles across open seas and the United States for 4 long days.

- Costume closeouts purim store opening this motzei shabbos at 4518 rt9 in HOwell same shopping center as shop Rite next to petsmart hours 8pm-11pm and open Sunday- Thursday 10:30am - 8:00 pm 732-363-8848

- Melava malka inaugural parlor meering motzei shabbos for Yeshiva Gedolah of Blooming grove R"Y Rav Shmuel Tzvi Munk shlita at 1800 Ataya Divrei Bracha by Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal shlita and Rav Avrohom Kammer shlita

- Yeshiva Gedolah of Toronto Annual Lakewood Alumni Melava malka this motzei shabbos at R' Gissingers shul 175 Sunset with the Participation of the R"Y Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky shlita

- Fresh Pizza now available at NPGS Jackson Motzei shabbos

- Shiva info: R' Mordechai Senderovits is sitting Shiva for his sister Mrs. Frieda Berger a"h Motzie shabbos & Sunday morning Until 10 in Lakewood 1211 N Lake Dr . Shachris 8:30. Rest of the week in Brooklyn  at 318 Ave F.


  1. I assume the pizza is freshly made Pizza - unlike the other establishment that advertised fresh hot pizza that they warmed up.. (kuddos to them for changing their advertisement to just hot pizza..)

    1. You have serious da'agos.
      I wish you that your da'agos should never be any more serious than this.

    2. Is everything you see on the online world such chochma and such devorim ha’oimdem b’rumoy shel olem that a comment about motzey shabbos pizza needs an indirect response about whether such issues are worth worrying about?

  2. Where did the oilam in wg daven this week? There must be enough room
