Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday February 19 News IUpdstes

Weather: 53° Overcast. High 53F. Winds  10 to 20 mph.

- Price of matzah will go up by 20% after Israeli companies get approval to hike the price. It will effect US prices as well.

- Tragedy a 39 year old chosson R' Hershy Schwartz a"h killed in a robbery in N. Miami he was set to get married next week in Lakewood. His family are Nikolsburg chasidim.

- Purim shopping and sales at local stores 

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Abba Bronspiegel zt"l he  was niftar over Shabbos in Lakewood. He was the rav of a shul in Boro Park for many years before moving to Monsey and recently to Lakewood. He was a rosh yeshiva at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon and Beis Medrash L’Talmud  Landers and had thousands of talmidim. He was a holocaust survivor and gave several accounts of it. The levaya will be held  today Sunday, at 10 a.m., at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street.

- Adirei Hatorah fundraiser a group of 30 tomchei Torah traveled on a trip to Japan and the far east as a appreciation for their support of youngeleit. The Malchus choir from EY is scheduled 

- Family fun day at American Dream for the grand opening of the Address specialty store.

- Lakewood residents fighting against a Zoning Board approval of a cell tower facility on Clifton Avenue received a major blow as Judge Hodgson ruled Friday that health and environment concerns may not be used as a basis to oppose cell tower applications, beyond whether the tower complies with current FCC requirements. See more at Faanews 

- Former President Jimmy Carter to receive hospice care at home instead of treatment at hospital, Carter Center says

 Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Tav Malkiel Kotler shlota at the European shabbos of chizuk for kollel youngelit 


  1. How low have we gone that to show appreciation a yeshiva predicated on Torah and Avodah has to take their nadvanim to a far off place.

    1. If they (and many more of our אחינו בני ישראל) don't appreciate the words of Dovid Hamelech, הנחמדים מזהב ומפז רב, ומתוקים מדבש ונפת צופים , let's hope that they will someday get there.
      However, let's reflect on ourselves and be מתחזק and grow constantly in our appreciation of the תורת אמת וחיי עולם שנטע בתוכינו.

  2. Seems strange - who sponsored the trip to Japan - from funds that were raised for yungeleit?

    1. No it's the money that should have gone to help the girls schools open new classes and make lower class sizes. But they won't get a trip to the Far East for helping a girls high school

    2. Because they continue to further infiltrate and ruin our tzibbur
      That and the chanifa gives them purpose for their

    3. Is that alone all there's to it

  3. Are they going to keep 2 days Shabbat?

  4. They went to a sushi place called Tokyo Japan. Chevrah. This is one big spoof.

  5. What’s with the shul in wg? I think that’s the reason for the high school crisis.

  6. לא מעבר לים היא


  8. Are all girls in a school yet?

    1. I heard that some of the schools didn't even finish their acceptances yet. They were caught by surprise and thought that everything would be coordinated like it is every year .

  9. At least this year all the Bais Faiga girls will be quickly accepted to a school as the now have their own high school. So at least for Bais Faiga parents that must feel like a big relief.

  10. Yes. I heard that this actually will solve part of the space problem . Bais Faiga girls who are siblings in other schools can go to the new Bais Faiga high school and that will open up a number of slots for new girls in the other High Schools.

  11. It's crazy. Some schools are still giving interviews and haven't even sent out acceptances.
