Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thursday Feb 2 News Updates Lakewood

 42°  Sun and clouds mixed. High 42F 

- Freezing cold temps this shabbos friday night thru shabbs morning low of  Very cold. Low near 10F. Winds 15 to 25 mph.
- ט״ו שבט is this coming Monday

- Chinese spy balloon over the USA- The U.S. military has been monitoring a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that has been hovering over the northern U.S. for the past few days, and military and defense leaders have discussed shooting it out of the sky, according to two U.S. officials and a senior defense official.

- Powerball jackpot jumps to estimated $700M Next drawing set for Saturday night

- A Shovavim Asifa - Chizuk Habayis for BMG youngeleit will take place this Motzei Shabbos at Ateres Reva 8:45 -10:45 b"hishtatfus HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Rav Aba Brudny shlita, Rav Uri Deutsch shkita, and Common Shaialos in Hilchos Niddah from Harav Shmuel Felder shlita.

- OCHD total covid cases as of 1/24/2023 - 1/31/2023
28 new covid cases +1 death in Jackson totals 1543/166
62 new covid cases in Lakewood +2 deaths totals 27189/401
49 covid cases +2 deaths in Manchester totals 11262/507
82 new covid cases in Toms River totals 26482/490

- A Shabbos mode halacha training took place in Lakewood by Rabbi Tzvi Ortner of the OU at Town Appliance showroom.

 - Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Yeruchom Olshin were at the Lakewood  Matzah Bakery with their respective chaburah baking matzos mitzva for Pesach. 

- With a competitive market in the Lakewood news media, there's a push to put exclusive stories out there vying for clicks, recently some news articles were posted and pulled after it was deemed fake news or old news.

-BDE: Petirah of Rebbetzin Ahuva Klein A"H94 she was the almana of the Unvar Rav of Boro Park Rav Menashe Klein ZTL the levaya took place today in Yerushalayim

- Jackson zoning board meeting for shul applications has been canceled  due to technical difficulties 

- The GOP-led House voted today to boot Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee over her past anti-Semitic comments. 

- Trump says what he will do if he returns: “I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female and they are assigned at birth,” “No serious country should be telling their children they were born with the wrong gender…the radical left invented it just a few years ago.”

Photo: Rav Moshe Sternbuch celebrates the publication for  the new edition of his seforim Moadim Uzmanim with the participation of Torah supporter R' Ruby Schrohn. 


  1. Why is Dragon fruit in some Heimish stores $12.99 or $11.99 Shoprite has both colors for $2.99 & usually that price every week. Is that not Oinoa 400% SR isn't cheap on produce.
    Cherries in Aldi $2.99 a pound not $9.99 Plums in Aldi $3.99 2 pound bag not $3.99 or 4.99 a pound.
    Is this price gouging for Tubishvat?
    the list goes on?
    Can anyone explain why it isn't oinoah?

  2. A Shovavim 'assifa' in Lakewood?! Where have we sunk? Why aren't we proud of our own Mesora? Why borrow that of others?

    1. our mesora & dikdukei halacha is precisely what's taking place at the asifa..." onas talmid chochom bizman hazeh

    2. There are plenty of things to complain about them not being in accordance with our mesorah but a Shovovim asifa is not among them.

  3. Most exclusive first report news in the frum media is fake news click bait yellow journalism that have become a laughing stock but unfortunately people like the sensation and taken advantage of as fools who keep falling for the click bate. The frum media is tabloid trash

  4. I don't chap what does hilchos niddah have to do with shovivim. I guess it is a litvaks version of it

    1. Hey Litvak you probably never learnt in Eretz Yisroel.

    2. You are so clueless

  5. What is the mekor to learn these Halachos Davka during shovavim? I’m curious..

  6. As talmedai brisk , you should know that noshing the malios of others are on top of the list .. should be a shtultz that the oliam is Benai aliyah
