Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday May 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: A mix of clouds and sun. High 83F.  Risk of fire spread

-In light of the tragedy and call of gedolim to strengthen in bein adam lechaveiro especially during the yemei hasfira, to please be respectful when commenting and refrain from personal Ad hominem attacks and name calling, as opinions and discussions can get heated, to please keep a civil and respectful tone.

- Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael  to call for an Atzeres tefilah

-Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita will speak divrei chizuk at Lutzk B"M 7:00pm

- Mishpachas Feuer sitting shiva for their son and brother Eliyohu Meir Z"L ben Harav Avrohom Chaim shlita at 172 Enclave boulevard Lakewood. Shachris 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv 7:30 pm shiva hours 10:00 am - 12:00pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm  not later than 10:00 pm

- List of Shiva houses for nichum Aveilim Here
- New sphotos below
 - 6 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 13596/303
- Murphy: Tomorrow at 1:00 PM, .. I will make a major announcement on easing restrictions and ramping up our vaccinations
.-Badatz will have a Atzeres Tefila Thursday at the end of shiva for the victims 5:30 pm for men women and children and all factions under the Eidah hacharedis calls to strengthen in bein  adam lachaveiro to stop machlokes and not to connect and get close to wicked ones or learn from their ways
- Jackson officiall responds to lawsuit  says AG Grewal blindsided them after 
the Township went out of its way to provide whatever they asked for and we have not heard from them since  “Instead, we learn that they simply filed suit and issued a press release.”  that municipality didn’t have a chance to work out any solution prior to Grewal filing his lawsuit. (NJGlobe)
- 12 injured in hospitals 2 critical please daven for  Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal 16 year old  from Beit Shemesh very critical. 
- Badatz Eidah Hacharedis planning atzeres tefila in herushalayim
-Levaya of Habachur Yossi kohn Z"L ben Menachem Mendel (Mikey) Z"L from Cleveland will be at the Mir yeshiva 2 pm US time. Live hook up Here. to listen by phone dial 518-329-9200 Ext. 1kevura at Vizhnitz bais hachaim bnei brak. 
- Levaya of Habachur Dovi Steinmetz Z"L. will be 12:00 pm us time at kehilos yerushalayim chapel  by Har Hamenuchos watcH live hook up Here

- Levaya of Habachur Donny Morris Z"L will be  8:00 pm at Shalavim kevura at har hazeisim. Watch live hook up Here 1:00 pm us time
- A candle in the darkness Hamodia 

Signs in yeshivas Mir
Illustration video of what happened in Meron

 Chizuk letter in ponovizh

  At the Levaya of Habachur Dovi Steinmetz Z"L

                                               Levaya of Habachur Yossi Kohn Z"L  at Mir yeshiva  Yerushalayim

Rav Asher arieli shlita nichum aveilim mishpachas Steinmetz

Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita at the levaya of Yossi Kohn ZL


  1. נפל דבר בישראל
    This past Friday in Lakewood, an event banned by the Roshei Hayeshiva took place. This event was co-sponsored by several local entities. Are we to remain silent? Doesn't our continued support of these businesses and organizations demonstrate our gross disrespect for our very own leaders? No is an opportunity to demonstrate that we are not just apathetic fools, but we actually do have spines and kavod Hatorah. The performers and sponsors, should not be patronized until they do a public teshuvah. If they face no communal repercussions it will only be a demonstration of our communal lack of dignity. For shame.

    1. Differences of opinion is not a reason to affect someone's parnasa. Rabbonim said people shouldn't go. Not about where to shop....

    2. Anon, it is not differences of opinion. It is a small group of people, with their low rent mouthpiece, going against all the rabbonim in town. Money is power, and if they use theirs to defy the rabbonim in town, it shows they are not responsible caretakers of that power.

    3. How many showed up ?

    4. It started with an erosion of decency with outside investors hurting local went unheeded. Now those outsiders set the trends.

    5. The Roshei Yeshiva said, "in our opinion" one should not go to the event. They never issued an issur. They never said that you can't ask another Rav's opinion. There is a reason why it wasn't on BMG stationary. There's a MAJOR difference between a outright ban and expressing a Rabbinic opinion.

    6. And Benny Friedman did sing the 12 Chabad pesukim contrary to what the organizers said they would keep it neutral of chabad.
      That is very dishonest.

    7. Did any Rav disagree with the Roshei Yeshiva?

      Here is my issue with the event.
      1. An anonymous event is just wrong. Why did nobody take responsibility for it?
      2. The Roshei Yeshiva expressed their antipathy to this event. If they had other Rabbinic backing, they needed to show it. To disregard the Roshei Yeshiva and the Roshei Mosdos, is just disrespectful to the town that they represent.
      3. The importing of Chabad ideas to our community, is a message to us that we are not two separate, equally valid, streams of Torah Judaism. They are telling us that we are essentially like non-frum Jews, people who are missing Chasidus in our lives. It is an announcement of disrespect not just to us, but to our entire Mesorah, as though it was all missing something.

    8. understatement naive.originally put aside the comment because of the tragedy but unfortunately may be necessary:
      הרב חיים קרייזווירט in Atlantic City 1975 [Of Polish Hasidic extraction himself] stated that we have a tradition that the original חרם is presently still intended to remain in force vis a vis חבד

  2. Why is no one taking responsibility? no one resigning??? Is Israel a hefkervelt?
    What's going on?

  3. NOw is not the time for this... Time for everyone to look at the mirror and see what introspective they can do to rectify ahavas yisroel.

  4. However
    first turn inward
    To introspection of our own And ponder this
    for a while without rushing to conclusions

  5. "Eidah hacharedis calls to strengthen in bein adam lachaveiro to stop machlokes and not to connect and get close to wicked ones or learn from their ways"

    Calling Jews wicked. What bein adam lechaveiro!

    1. How is this different than what it states
      before Kol Nidrei
      semantically should have been better presently
