Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday May 4 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 74F. 

-See updated Photos and Videos below on Miron tragedy

- 6 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 13609/304

-Food distribution: OTL box at Tashbar and Yeshiva Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm 

- Correction the Asifa is tomorrow
Divrei Chizuk and Hisoirerus in BMG  tomorrow 6:15 pm addressing the Miron Tragedy. Speaking Roshei Yeshiva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita, Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita. Hook up phone # 857-347-0100 pin 125005

-Netanyahu loses mandate to form govt as time expires. Bennet/Lapid have chance to form coalition

- Former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been released from Otisville prison under a provision of the CARES Act, which allows prison bureaus to release those deemed vulnerable to Covid.

- Shiva for Habachur Yossi Kohn z"l is at 8 Hill Top Ct Lakewood starting today

-Kashrus alert: Cruster's Bakeshop Important announcement This is to notify the Tzibur, that due to a hurtful mistake A dairy cherry cheese strudel was mistakenly labeled as Parve and was distributed recently thru the schools the shtrudel does have on the ingredient listed  dairy ingredients. We apoligize for the mistake and corrective measures have been taken this should never happen again

- APP reports on Meron tragedy and the connection to Lakewood Here

-Please continue to daven  for the רפואה שלימה of יוסף עזריאל בן חיה מיכל a 15 year old bachur from Bet Shemesh who was injured on the Miron tragedy. He underwent surgery to place a shunt to relieve brain swelling.

- The Blueclaws baseball team will play tonight in the stadium after 614 days of no games. The team has been renamed the Jersey Shore BlueClaws as they dropped "Lakewood" from their name. Lakewood tax payers paid over 30 million dollars to fund and build the stadium. 

-Yeshivos in EY for American Bochurim have brought in speakers to help the bachrim process the Miron tragedy  and have arranged for  professional  one-to-one basis if students feel the need to talk to someone. Additionally, the Igud Hayeshivos is trying to work with the Israeli government to obtain entry permits for parents who feel it necessary to visit their children at this time.

- Lakewood Zoning Board denies use variance for non-permitted duplexes and undersized single family homes at Chestnut Street and Vermont Avenue, Board also postponed the hearing for the Verizon communications tower on Squankum rd to July 26. (Reporter Moshe/LNN)

- Rav Chaim Kanievsky on the Miron tragedy:  It is a gezeiras Shamayim, and we don’t know cheshbonos Shamayim. We need to strengthen Torah and hasmadas haTorah.’ Maran repeated this a number of times. ‘And women should strengthen their tznius.’“Maran added: ‘We do not pay enough attention to the laws of washing hands for netilas yadayim, in all its details. And one should concentrate more on brachos to feel kirvas Elokim.'” (Hamodia)

News Photos and Videos below

Updated Misaskim shiva list

Rabbi Meir Elchadad who lost 2 sons HaShem has a plan and chose 2 of his boys. But he begged HaShem, and said you’ve taken my boys but don’t take my belief, that you did this for a reason, away from me.

Picture of the ramp in Miron 2 years ago with sign that it will be closed due to sakonas nefashos

Video below Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita the people who trampled were innocent but Hashem is sending us a message to stop killing each other

Rescue workers from the tragedy gathered at the steps in Miron and sang nigunei hisoirerus and mishnayos

A  strange note reportedly left on a Hatzolah members car...


  1. https://youtu.be/9-FnM4d6ZU0

  2. The denial of the variances shows that everything in this town is about who and what you know, and nothing to do with fairness. Similar variances have been granted all over town.

  3. Hilchos Netilas Yodayim

    R Chaim pointed uot we should be more careful about hilchos netilas yodayim.

    There is a misconception that people have and without realizing they are unfortunately not yotzey netilas yodayim.
    Once water hits the hand one cannot be mafsik and talk. This is so the Brocha should be for the Netila even if it is not Over Lasiyoson.
    if one must talk it is better to talk after the Brocha and the hands are dry. Yes, it is a hefsek but this hefsek doesn't disqualify the netilas yadayim. So it Kosher Bedieved.

    If one is mafsik before the brocha he must wash over so the brocha should relate to the netila but he can't wash over because his hand are nekiyos and there is no need to wash.
    One must ask a rov what to do if he was mafsik before the netila. Should he dry his hands, should he be metame his hands, should he wait.

    The reason we can make a brocha even after we wash because as long as the hands are still wet the mitzvah is not over and the Netila is still not complete. it is still considered over lasiyoson. But if there a hefsek from the ikker mitzvah.

    1. i think you are yotzei netilas yadaim, even if you didn't make a bracha.
      same for every mitzvah.

    2. R chaim said to pay attention to the halochos of netilas yodayim which requires a Brocha.

      When one is not careful he will CV be making a ברכה לבטלה.

  4. News Flash: Hatzoloh has been renamed Hatzoloh of the Jersey Shore as they dropped “Lakewood” from their name.
    Hatzoloh is funded in large part from the Lakewood community.

    1. Actually that is a separate Hatzalah. Lakewood Hatzalah has been rebranded as Hatzalah of Central Jersey. However, it is funded by DONATIONS of individuals who happen to live in Lakewood and are free to donate or not. We the taxpayers of Lakewood, were forced to fund this and continue to fund it with our tax dollars. So it is a chutzpah to take our names.

    2. Actually that is not a separate Hatzalah.

    3. Hatzalah of Lakewood is now Hatzalah of Central Jersey. The Jersey Shore Hatzalah is Deal and it's surroundings.

  5. The asifa in BMG is tomorrow
