Monday, May 3, 2021

Attendance at “Blue Claws” Event – Not Exactly a ‘Parking Lot’

"  ובמקהלות רבבות עמך בית ישראל " could hardly be said in good faith about the Lag B’Omer celebration this past Erev Shabbos afternoon.

When a friend of mine drove by during the finale – the puppet show at 3:00 p.m., the crowd appeared to number about 200. “Even if my estimation is incorrect, there were no more than 300 people there,” he said.

There were black frocks present and also empty seats piled up in stacks – that sounds like BMG’s Botei Midrashim during Bain hazemanim.

Obviously, the organizer’s ‘Anash’ – party faithful where those who showed up, not much of anyone else.

These individuals who were “sellout hopeful,” and ended up with, basically a family get together, probably had the same sentiment as Benny Begin when he was unsuccessful in a bid for a Knesset seat. He ruefully remarked, " אני חזן בלי בית הכנסת !"

This is a tribute of Kiddush Hashem, to the parents of Lakewood’s mosdos, who stayed the course,   און האבען געפאלגט די ראשי ישיבה שליט''א ,who enjoined all to take a rain check.

One of the knocks on our community is that with so big a populace, has the Yeshiva lost traction with the לייקווד תושבי ?This event shatters the myth.

The parent body of Lakewood’s kids,  כן ירבו  ,showed uncompromising fealty to השקפת התורה – the vision of this community since its founding! Our signature trait – from young cheder children to mature baalei batim and yeshiva people alike, is that ‘Lakewood’ means  אמר רבא ,אמר אביי  – and lots of chessed and maasim tovim!

 So shall it always remain – אמן כן יהי רצון



  1. One of the organizers told me that there were 1000 people coming and going through the afternoon.
    If you know how to read, that means 75 people max

  2. Made the end of it as well. It was very nice. looking forward to next years BE"H.

  3. This post is total non sense. The Tzibbur was scared of having their kids kicked out of school

    1. No mossad threatened to throw anyone out. Parents made their own choice.

    2. Duh. Of course they didnt openly threaten.

    3. The schools intentionally kept their letters parev, with no threats. They wrote that it is 'inappropriate'.
      I think people thought for themselves and realized that there is no reason for such events, we don't believe in them, and we are not looking for new ones.

    4. I had absolutely no problem with the event and I would loved to have take my kids to keep them entertained . The thought that they might get "missionized" is so ludicrous and silly. The only reason I didnt take them is because it wasnt worth the risk of getting on anyones bad side

  4. Did it ever occur to anyone that this might not have anything to do do with listening to the Roshei Yeshiva. After all, the "issur" is somewhat mystifying considering the fact the construction of the Blue Claws stadium was consented to by the Roshei Yeshiva in the first place. It was part of a sweetheart deal which in exchange for the stadium, the township gave its approval to the developers of the Cedarbridge project who in turn showed their "appreciation" to certain members of the Vaad.

    No, I rather think the enthusiasm for the event was somewhat dampened by the tragedy in Meron; the "oilam" was not in celebratory mood and could not bring themselves to attend.

    1. The issur is even more mystifying considering that BMG held "concerts" in the same parking lot

    2. When the stadium was built, the Yeshiva sent out a letter in Hebrew saying that if you go to the stadium, your kids will be thrown out of school. A few days later, a member of The Lakewood Police Department approached me with a copy of the letter TRANSLATED. He says to me, “I don’t understand you people. You supported the candidate who was pushing for the stadium. And now that you got it, you write a letter condemning it?”
      I had no answer for him.
      I’m not much of a mussar person, but as frum Jews, we need to take into account how our actions will be perceived “out there.”

    3. Right, so why didn't the organizers have the minimum sensitivity to cancel it too? Where was their feeling for their brothers in Eretz Yisroel?

    4. You took the words right out of my mouth. I also recall that the Yeshiva's administration even consented to the NJ Devils transferring their arena to Lakewood. That was until the huge outcry and tumult that ensued.. So instead they watered it down a drop and invited the BlueClaws to rent a huge swath of land at a ridiculously low cost of just 25K per year. And here we are today.

  5. The tone of this letter screams arrogance and elitism mixed with sarcasm. Just surprising considering the fact that in light of the meron tragedy maybe we should be more careful bein adam lechaveiro EVEN or more so if we don’t agree with anothers opinion. And yes, the event was most probably not attended due to the fact of the tragedy.

  6. Maybe it’s time to start a Lakewood Kollel in CH

  7. The oilam that didn't attend, was not out of respect to the roshei yeshiva that may have or may have not signed, it was because no one wants to risk being on the the wrong side of "right" with their child's yeshiva. No concert is worth it.

  8. נצח ישראל לא ישקרMay 3, 2021 at 12:04 PM

    In my humble opinion one of the main issues with this event was the false pretenses under which it was marketed. Nobody has a problem with chabad making an event. People do have a problem with chabad making an event and pretending it's not a Chabad event. Hiding behind the facade of local organizations compounded the issue.

  9. can someone explain for me what was the problem with this event, it seemed so nice? the roshei yeshiva's letter said concerts aren't allowed in lakewood, but this letter sounds like it was something else?

    and if most people actually listen to the roshei yeshiva, why get the schools involved?

  10. this town supposed to have a tradition for this
    In the
    אגודת הרבנים
    The revered founder of Lakewood tried to pass a resolution against חבד back in the 1950s

  11. I think it was the Word "Zemiros" turned people off

    Just say Benny will be singing

    And trying to Market the event by saying there will ne Tehilim and Raffeling off a Shas ..seemed to many as a cheap shot at trying to cloak a Comcert and Entertainment in to some type of Mainstream BMG event

  12. I didn't go to the event but next year I plan on attending. I think it's very nice that we get free entertainment. And the last people attending gives me a higher chance statistically to win the raffle. And I'll get extra nash

  13. Johnny come latelys find it difficult to comprehend What was inappropriate regarding the event and its backers
    As for those experienced Among Us This should have been treated hardly as a novel development but rather as a proper continuation of the protocol

    1. Rav Cohen,
      You and I both know that the “Johnny come lately” are Lakewood today.

    2. There are plenty who are Lakewood of today that resemble Lakewood of the past
      Our job as a tzibur is to nurture an protect that coveted class of unique Talmid Chochom and not to wave the banner of simplicity as if it was the gold standard
      The entire idea of the rally was not there to promote Bnei Torah it was there to make Anash feel that they are on the same plane

  14. What ahavas yisrael this post has.

    1. well it wasnt exactly ahavas yisrael that drove this event to be organized in the first place.
      It was just about getting a foothold in the minds of Lakewood kinder and perhaps snaring a few to stop spending some much time on learning nigleh


  15. The Chazon Ish said ,only with the BALANCE between Sin'ah of evil and ahavah will in tandem rectify the golus and bring the final geulah

  16. That is not the issue here.

    The issue is that you have a Lakewood Established community here with a Set Path of Torah living and they are not looking for changes in their Mesorah

    1. Maybe that is why someone tried banning the event - but that is definitely not the reason why 99% of people didn't attend. Do you think the Restaurants and houses etc. in Lakewood Conform to those standards? People didn't go because why get involved in this it wasn't like they were giving out boxes or Money. It's easier to just forget about it.


  17. A significant element disagree And subscribe to the concept that even with the lowering of Standards for this region
    putting in place and having some standard is better than zero standards

  18. Come out into the openMay 5, 2021 at 2:21 PM

    The event was a bizayon to the Lubavitcher Rebbeh, his Chasidim acted like marranos hiding their affiliation with him.

    Why are they not proud and open about their affiliation with the Rebbeh?

    1. What are they to be proud of

      In the אגודת הרבנים the revered RY
      founder of Lakewood wished to make a resolution against way back in the 1950s
