Saturday, May 29, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Behaaloscha 5781 News Roundup

Coastal flood warning rain will continue tomorrow Sunday near a half an inch.
- No new covid cases in Lakewood OCHD revises total to 13683/307 after reporting 6 new cases on Friday at 13689/308

Tehillim: Rav Gershon Edelstein was hospitalized erev Shabbos after not feeling well name is ירחמיאל גרשון בן מרים

- Lakewood BMG Poskim issue new letter dated chodesh Sivan 5781 with the support of the Roshei Yeshiva that lace top/Cap and Lace front Sheitels are אסור to be worn, sold or manufactured.

-  President Joe Biden said a spate of antisemitic attacks are terrorizing American Jews and “must stop.“In the last weeks, our nation has seen a series of anti-Semitic attacks, targeting and terrorizing American Jews,” Biden said in a statement 

-Israel-  Yamina leader Naftali Bennett is set to announce in a meeting with his faction on Sunday that he has agreed to form a coalition government with Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid. Bennett would serve first as prime minister until September 2023, after which Lapid would take over until the term ends in November 2025
- While NJ lifted the face mask mandate on Friday  many shoppers were still wearing masks some chain stores encouraging masks or have signs that  only  vaccinated people can enter without mask


  1. The voice of Lakewood published an OP-ed letter by a mechaneches in Lakewood blaming the chasidim for the rise of prices in Lakewood. Besides for it being factually wrong, it's disgusting. No wonder their kids are throwing eggs at other yidden and so many go off the derech. The sinas chinum is so blatant.
    In Westgate there's one shul and oak and vine has a dozen. But they're lecturing chasidim. Disgusting.

    1. Nothing against the Chassisim per se, but it’s obvious to everyone that when Chassidim come from Brooklyn where prices are already through the roof, and create new demand, prices go up. Remember, it was the developers/Real Estate brokers who came up with this idea to sell to Chassidim. In BP there are imperial signs in Yiddish. Just a fact. Chassidim didn’t just “happen” to move here just as Oak and Vine was being built. Let’s not forget that. With that said I don’t think it’s unreasonable to point today’s market rise at ppl from Brooklyn (ie Chassidim) who are willing to pay premium prices and push up the market in the process. Nothing to do with Sinas Chinam! On the contrary to hate the author of the op-Ed sounds more like sinas chinam to me!

      In Westgate there's one shul and oak and vine has a dozen.


      What does this have to do with anything? And pls don’t insist that Chassidim are such goody-goodies. Curious, how many Shuls are there in New Square?? והמבין יבין

    2. Agreed! The so called 'mechaneches' is shaming all of us Real mechanechos here in Lakewood. She is not our voice! Her language is disgusting.

    3. The article in The Voice was 100% correct and was right on the money!

    4. I saw that op Ed and was disgusted by that. The Oped is a racist Oped ,chasidim have every right to move here just like the litvish have ar right to move here and displace the native non jews. The litvish bmg does not own this part of new jersey just like the non jews do not own it,this is American and u can move wherever u want and if this so called mechaneches doesn't like it she shouldn't live her in lakewood.

    5. The מסורה in Lakewood
      only allow to wear Shtreimel privately in your own house
      this was into the 1980s

    6. “In Westgate there’s one Shul” - no that’s not true. It should read, “in Westgate there’s one shul that’s allowed to be as big as it wants but no other shul is allowed to build without the permission of certain people and if they become in the least bit successful they will either be chased out or won’t be allowed to build for fear that they might appear more successful than the big shul.” והמבין יבין

  2. I read the article

    She did not "blame" the Chasidim.or any group

    She specifically wrote that blaming or pointing fingers at any one or any group will not solve the problem

    Read the article again

  3. This mechaneches should sign her real name otherwise this op-ed is not worth the paper it is written on and shame on the voice for not putting her name, it has no credibility.
    That being said, this mechaneches is also out of touch as the youngeleit were priced out already 5 years ago and started moving to the brookwoods. Maybe this mechaneches is financially well off than most kollel guys but the latest prices priced her out too.
    As far as blaming the chadidom they have every right to move anywhere, the ones to blame ate the developers real estate agents and a few township committeemen who lured brooklynites to move to Lakewood instead of providing housing and marketing it for the local bnei hayeshiva and lakewood young couples.
    Once it started with Belz all others followed and there was no more new developments built for the Lakewood youngeleit besides for a few exceptions such as developments off prospect street.
    The chasidim are proactive in addressing their housing shortages by moving to existing communities or starting new ones in places like Tampa Fl, or Linden NJ. The litvishe have no organized effort and fend for themselves. Lakewood was the natural choice but now it is priced out and became Brooklyn

    1. How can you blame the developers they have every right to make as much money they are able to make. You forgot we dodnt live in a communist country so you can't prevent people from making any money ,the oped author is more than welcome to move to a communist country.

    2. The only ones that you might be able to blame are the people sitting on the board. The only real solution I see is more affordable housing units like lakewood commons.

    3. Lakewood commons was approved years aho under COAH NJ the State agency responsible for establishing and monitoring municipal affordable housing obligations in New Jersey. Town has to provide space for affordable housing It could jave been built at one shot instead of in phases but for some reason the askanim shlepped it out maybe because it looks better to always be providing affordable housing. Lakewood also has the LHA on Sampson ave in Ridge

  4. If this mechaneches cared so much for the kollel youngeleit she should not be reading these magazines or allow it in her home. The Gashmiyus epidemic that is gripping lakewood spills out of these publications and has a tremendous impact on our innocent kollel families. Why did this mechaneches never write an op-ed about this especially that it is a bigger ruchniyus problem effecting the bnos yisrael, there is a reason why youngeleit dont let the papers into their homes.

  5. Chasidim are educated in the ways of the Baal shem tov that the focus should be on עשה טוב the Misnagdim in Lakewood are busy with סור מרע from staying away from bad things thus preventing other from doing good things.
    In a few short years look what Chasidim accomplished in contrast what the Vaad did for their Tzibur in the last 3 decades.

    1. The language that’s being used the only one that the newcomers grasp and will show some cold caution hopefully for

      Too many suffer the consequences of being nice
      it is wrong for roll over

    2. There are no real misnagnim in lakewood, most of lakewood residents grandparents were all chasidesh before the war.

    3. Right, so in CHassidishe communities nothing is forbidden, they just add more Yiddishkeit. They don't forbid smartphones, they add shiurim. They don't forbid any styles, they just add more lectures for the ladies.


  6. There is Billions of dollars of Monry in the Frum Black hat Chareidi Litvishe Community amongst its Gevirim and there are 100s of Talanted Askonim and young people it is not to hard to start Dozens of new Communities in NJ NY and Beyond

    NJ alone has more than 500 Municipalities

    NY and Pennsylvania are 5 and 6 times the size of NJ

    1. Those whose raison d’etre was leaving the materialistic profit-oriented World Behind for better Pursuits whether a few years ago or decades ago are usually less capable of organizing accordingly than those whose modus operandi is the opposite

    2. Correct and people are moving out to Manchester. The fact is that the whole united states us experiencing a housing shortage and to blame it on us chasidim is racist and disgusting and the lakewood voice should apologize. Pleaee contact the voice to apologize.

    3. hmmm
      Williamsburg,Boro Park,Monsey, Rockland County

      "racist" eh?
      Perhaps politicians deemed anti-semitic every election are on target about the way your oilam operates?

  7. The rownship and askanim bent over backwards to accomadate the heimishe olam moving in by providing shuttle buses to chemed and shopping areas, safe sidewalks and playgrounds paid for by tax dollars yet long time lakewood residents to this day do not have sidewalks or a free shuttle or many of the amenities provided to the newcomers. It is a chutzpah what was done and a slap in the face to the residents.

  8. Lakewood has been has been what it has been prior to the last few years
    because this is the Gathering of Exiles from all those other places chased out mostly by Guess Who ..

  9. There is a new community opening up in miami vicinity thats a bit more affordable then north miami beach etc , miami has the benefit of full school vouchers and no state tax , if anyone wants more details pls reply

    1. Will Takanos be set up to stop from being overrun in a matter of a few years

    2. Please post more details. I Am chasidesh and baal batish have been living in lakewood for 25 years and would love to move to a more affordable quieter place in the Miami area.

  10. 80% of the "Litvaks" in Lakewood are not from Lithuania most come from Hingary , Galicia , Russia and other Places where their Grandparents Davened Nusach Sfard

    1. Hungary itself wasn't chasidish until pretty recently.
      The Chasam Sofer davened nusach ashkenaz.
      The main Shul in satmar davened ashkenaz, the Satmar Rav had his own private minyan that davened Sfard. This was the case in most towns across Hungary

    2. and besides; ממנ"פ it's אסור to say that,
      because if your wrong it's מוציא שם רע on a whole bunch of ehrlicher frum yidden to say that their forefathers once had a שם לווי.
      and if your right (which historicly your not, and not just because it was not so in Europe ואכמ"ל) then it's anyways אסור לומר לבעלי תשובה זכור מעשה אבותיכם

  11. I stay out of politics. I've lived in Lakewood for almost 50 years and don't really like what it has become, but, you can't stop progress, so ut is what it is. Take it or leave it.

  12. new community. where and what type. chasiddish? litvish?

  13. There is a new Chassidish community in Tampa Florida with 2 developments one with 1800 homes another with 700

  14. Chasidim need to stop being so sensitive, the op-ed writer mentioned Chasidim as one of 3 groups coming to Lakewood causing prices to climb.
    Chasidim also need to realize that it natural for there to be resentment when when old Lakewood families see huge developments coming up that are exclusive to Chasidim while their own children are priced out of the market.
    Another problem people have is the pattern of chasidim following litvaks into the towns that they started. This happened in Boro Park, Monsey and now in Lakewood.
    This doesn't mean that the Chasidim are doing anything wrong by coming, they do have a right to buy cheap housing that we know is not available in NY.
    It is however a strong indictment of the askonim, who rather than help the very yungerleit that get them elected time and again they actively participated in getting out of towners to move to Lakewood to help the well connected rich land owners, bringing us to the situation at hand.
    This is another proof that this town is owned by a few individuals who do as they please, while they temimusdike townsfolk just keep going along with it.
    Hopefully they will realize this before it is too late, if it is not already too late

    1. If u replace the words chasidim with orthodox jews and u replace the author of the oped with John old time Jackson non jew we would be fuming anti semitism anti semitism!!!

    2. who is the "we"
      we are more adult than that
      most of us will not be

    3. Anonymous 12:16
      You are wrong.
      No one is posting anti chasidish on Facebook, no one is organizing CUPON, making angry speeches at township meetings and yelling insults.
      We are simply resentful at being marginalized by the powers in town.
      If a non Jew in Jackson would feel similarly about his town representatives, I wouldn't call that Anti Semitism

  15. VIznitz is selling homes for 400-500k, yet Prospect Vines, Williams St and Albert Run is 700. But the chasidim are out pricing the litvaks? Really?

  16. Gratitude and appreciation would be unlikely but let's have some acknowledgement [ more than just half lip service to some RY or minhag]

    parable a la Ben Gurion
    From Chaza"l of Two wagons coming to a mountain pass. The emptier wagon[Chasidim] ought to give way, before Weighted long Settled Wagon

    How many Chasidim of today have been so for even three or four generations? few
    they've only managed to Survive, hrive,and now revise due to the institutions, framework and legwork endured and shouldered of with few exceptions-Non Chasidim

    1. You are bending the historical truth. The chasidim built their own infrastructure, and not on the back of litvaks. The satmar rebbe built his own schools, kashrus, cemeteries, and communities.
      I recall 35 years ago, more BMG bachurim davened in satmar than in the yeshivas. Satmar cheder in Lakewood is almost as old as the Lakewood cheder. NPGS failed in south Lakewood while gourmet glatt is flourishing. Stamford Meadows, the first development marketed to Brooklyn chasidim was done so because no one from the yeshiva would consider moving there. The areas where satmar and belz built, no one wanted to go to.
      When Tora vadass split and Bais Medrash Elyon went to monsey, it was a majority of Hungarian chasidish families that went there to support it. It was chasidish bachurim that saved Bais Hatalmud in Bensonhurst when no litvish bochur wanted to go there.
      The litvaks did nothing to help chasidism flourish.
      How many of today's litvaks are true Lithuanian descendants? Most are third generation Hungarian holocaust survivors. The chasidim can't be more than a few generations, as the movement isn't that old. Yet the litvaks who should be going back much longer, fail to exist in such large numbers.
      The "litvaks" in Lakewood are for the most part Hungarian descent or second generation American Balei Teshuva, with no standing to bash chasidim.
      The real litvaks with yichus, have all built relationships with chasidim, going back many years. R' Schneurs Rebbetzin was saved by the lubavitch rebbetzin, R Ahron and the Satmer rebbe were close, R Moshe and the satmer were close, and R Yaakov with the Klausenberger, the Chazon Ish with the Belzer, R Shach with the Bobover. Because those with the true Torah, recognize Torah, even if it's chasidish. But somehow, today's fake litvaks know better.

    2. Rav Shach with the Bobover? The Chazon Ish with the Belzer?
      What are you smoking?

    3. Fraudulent and false revisionism on many accounts
      The satmar rav told his chassidim that if it were not for Torah Vadas nothing would have remained from them !

      During the early [post]war years whenever the Satmar Rav or Tzelemer Rav traveled, they would only take meat from exclusively my great-grandfather along with them .A yekke !
      My great uncle and his brothers were from the original Bais Medrash Elyon -hardly Hungarian chasidish-& were well aware how chassidish influence co-opted the place after coming in

      The chasidim,some tried and some didn't even bother trying to build
      their own infrastructure ,for the first six Decades of the twentieth century,but largely they threw in the towel.
      'The litvaks did nothing to help chasidism flourish. '
      Ask any honest 90 year old
      Drop the hyperbole that you obviously absorbed from their Publications

      My grandfather already being an educator was getting older in 1946 and was looking for a shidduch. Girls from chassidish backgrounds were being suggested, which due to his straight litvish background, put him in a quandary. He traveled by train to R’ Aharon Kotler ztz”l to ask him if it is permitted to marry girls from chassidish backgrounds due to the cherem of the GRA. Rha

    4. Your comment is so full of inaccuracies, I won't even bother to try to refute it.
      R' Moshe and Satmar? Huh? Are you referring to Satmar chasidim throwing Igros Moshe into the mikve, or when they came and trashed MTJ. Nu, whatever.

      Yes, chasidim and litvaks have (for the most part) had mutual respect for each other. At the same time there was a strong feeling of uniqueness that it was necessary for each community to live separately with each of their ideals. I am pretty sure that as much respect the R' Aharon had for the Satmar Rav, he still would not have tolerated a Satmar BM with a daily 12:00 shachris

    5. We missed another source of the 'success' of
      Chassidish mosdos Until 1973:The Draft

      Enrollment exploding exponentially,especially during Korea and Vietnam,
      though with little but change in actual attendance

      Most of those who did enroll would keep the connection and their families would join

      Yekkes, except for the erudite would go to serve
      Rarely would they move back to the original communities afterward

    6. Who cares about satmer and the litvaks. Chasidim and litvaks have every right to move wherever they want and thats the end of the story.

    7. Would you like to try that in gateshead
      Kiryas Yoel,Monroe,New Square,Developments in Williamsburg Boro Park Monsey

      That rule applies for this place only!?

  17. While this is one of the deficiencies of raising independent individuals
    rather than collectivist flock

    there are more virtues in the long-term

  18. why is ab so angry and so intent on spreading hate, division and falsehood?
    i think it's pretty clear who he really is.

    1. Can u explain as nobody knows who ab is and he has a good point ,so please elaborate why you think he is wrong.

    2. On the contrary, he is calling out truth, something that seems to bother you.

    3. We grasp where all of you are coming from
      acknowledging what really took place is too frightening
      That it's acceptable and okay cuz if it well be too traumatizing to reassess your whole identity

      frightenedafterwards to the original communities afterwardslies would joinAnd threally happened is too scary it's okay we grask where you are coming from all of you are coming from acknowledging what really what really took place is too frightening too frightening for all you so frightenedafterwards to the original communities afterwardslies would joinAnd th

    4. Re: built relationships
      Akin to polls with George W bush September 11 George W bush the poles were 90% of the public was backing him & was behind him
      observers commented :less because the public really believed in him rather
      to the contrary because they felt that in order for him to accomplish he needed badly

    5. Cohen Y, JB, re Chassidim vs. Mismagdim well said. Anybody who tells you otherwise either doesn’t know or doesn’t want to admit to the facts. And yes there are not many true Litvaks of Lithuanian descent since more than 90% of Lithuanian Jewry was wiped out during the war. Today most are of Galician/Hungarian/Polish who went through the Yeshiva system and act like litvaks, but have zero appreciation for a true Litvishe yid. The “kalte Litvak” stance is pure propaganda put out by the Chassidim and is nothing further from the truth. In my opinion someone who has never come in contact with a genuine Litvishe Yid is really missing out...

      And yes it’s also on obvious that Chassidim always take over well established communities by the Litvaks. They did this to Williamsburg, BP, Monsey and now Lakewood. Not blaming anyone, these are just facts. They probably tried Flatbush but were unsuccessful bc of the Syrians...

      Same goes for Kashrus and Shchitah.... anybody ever saw a Litvishe Kashrus org. (Besides for OU) or a Shochet w/ a Litvishe mesorah?

      To AB who claims there are no real Litvaks, that might be true to an extant, but just want to point out that there are no Chassidim either. Almost all are Hungarians who “converted” after the war bc they needed emotional support. Before the war there was no big Chassidus in Hungary/Romania. Satmar/Bobov were nobody. A small Yeshiva with a few hundred Bachurim tops. Ger in Poland was huge (as was Alexander btw) but they were wiped out mostly. After the war the Beis Yisroel lured many top Chevroner Bachurim into the Chassidus. So, no, there are definitely no real Chassidim. Sorry.
