Sunday, May 30, 2021

Lace psak by Lakewood Poskim

 New updated letter on Lace front Sheitels signed by the Lakewood poskim with chizuk from the Roshei Yeshiva. The psak reads that Lace top/Cap even when lined and lave front Sheitels are assur to be worn sold or manufactured



  1. No rov will tell you it’s muttar. It’s pashut that it’s assur. There is no tzad heter.

    1. Check out Rav Aryeh lebowitz’s Halacha analysis called “erase the lace”. He explains very clearly that there’s a tzad heter.

    2. Please explain what is the issur?

  2. Why is it pashut? Isn't her hair covered?

    1. Is that the only criteria, or it needs to be readily apparent that it's covered?

  3. Try calling the number on bottom of the letter....

  4. I spoke to Rav shmuel Kaminetzky who said that it may be inappropriate but he won’t say it’s assur.

    Rav shlomo Miller said the same.

  5. The correct phone number for questions is 732-806-0630

    1. That’s the oldest trick in the book. Putting the wrong phone number. 😅😅

    2. This is an anonymous speaker who doesn't say anything except that 1 hour a week some anonymous phone number will take calls and another number at another hour in the week. The voice sounds like Esti Halberstadt

  6. R' Neiman from Monsey says those who assur are sh'loI k'halacha

    1. link to psak of Rav Neiman from Monsey

    2. The psak you link to has nothing to do with this issue. please post the correct psak

    3. Either wrong R' Neiman or wrong psak. Or both.

    4. SO what did R Neiman say? Because according to the link he assur's human hair shaitel

    5. That is the father of the Reb Shmuel Neiman


    Link to reb moshes teshuva its pretty clear that there is no issur because its covered , the question would only be maris ayin which is also clear that there was no such takana of maris ayin ever out in place .

    I think the deeper question is about being considered covered the new rabbonim philosophy is if you cant tell its covered its not called covered . And r moshe says 📔 is covered as long as its not the real hear it's covered has nothing to do with what people think. I wonder if this has something to do with the attitude of our day where we worship what othe people think vs lower east side where everyone minding theor own business not worshipping what people think of them

  8. i think we should start making all te women and girls stay home and not allowed on the street. the posuk says befeirush that kol keudo bas melech penima. the streets these days are filled with enticing women and girls and it makes it impossible for a ben torah to stay bikdushoso!!!! gevalt! Rechovoseinu einom hefker!!

  9. For better or for worse many Lakewood poskim are telling ppl that min hadin it’s not a problem but if the local big poskim are saying assur they won’t publicly disagree

  10. The more I look into this halacha, the clearer it is that it is muttar.

    Remember, the באר שבע argues with the Rema, and he says it is Assur to wear a sheitel. Do you know why he says so? It is important, because when we know why he assered it, we know on which sevara the Rema argued.
    He writes clearly that the Issur is מראית עין!!!
    And the Rema disagrees with that! Meaning that the Rema believes that מראית עין does not apply over here!

    These anti-lacetop signs, are anti-Rema signs!

  11. That is fake news! All lakewood poskim and really all real poskim everywhere agree that it's assur.

    1. But Anon 3:16 is making a very cogent argument
      Please explain how rabonim can allow regular sheitlach that were assured by many achronim but assur others
      Again if this is some sort of mishmeres than please let us all know

    2. Someone whose wife does not wear a lacetopMay 31, 2021 at 4:55 PM

      Real Poskim presumably excludes Reb Moshe Feinstein. And his son Reb Dovid. How about Reb Dovid Kohn? He is included in 'real poskim'? And Reb Shlomo Miller?

      The Rema is mattir, and you can look at the Magen Avraham for more info.

      Rabosai, it is muttar, don't get fooled.

  12. im a layman but its obvious that a married woman (or at least the ones in lkwd)covers her hair that being said isnt it ossur according to anyone and everyone to look and stare at any woman especially married woman so what diff does it make if its this shaitel or that shaitel let them wear what ever and vayter gegangin their are more important issues as shiduchim for our daughters,otd kids,chinuch issues, not enough schools
    why do we choose to make a big deal when it comes to woman issues??? when their are so many at least just as important issues that no one is coming out with signs and kol koras
    am i missing something here?


  13. For anyone who needs a link to r moshes teshuva

  14. לשיטת השלטי גיבורים הוי פאה נכרית כגופה אבל מותר מפני שרק מחוברת לבשרה "ונראית השער עם הבשר" אסור. ולפ"ז יש מקום לומר שכשיש משהו שדומה לבשר גם לפי שיטת השלטי גיבורים אסור כיון שגם שער הוי כגופה עיי"ש היטב ודו"ק.

    1. השייטעל הזה איננו מחובר לראשה, אלא להמטפחת שמתחתה. גם היא נכללת בהיתר הש"ג, ופשוט מאד.
      נראית השער עם הבשר פירושו נראית שערה עם בשרה, לא בשר משהו אחר.

    2. משמעות הדברים היא שההיתר אינו משום שאין השער מחובר דלמאי נ"מ כיון דהוי כגופה עיי"ש רק משום דלא הוי ערוה אלא כשנראית עם הבשר. וממילא יש מקום לומר שכשיש משהו שנראית כבשר הוא אסור כיון דכל האיסור הוא משום פריצות ומאי נ"מ אם הוא בשרה או שנראית כבשרה וגם י"ל דהוי כגופה כמו פאה נכרית.

    3. אני מבין דהשלטי גיבורים אינו מדבר על לייס טאפ שייטלעך רק כתבתי שלשיטתו אולי אין נ"מ בזה

  15. I wonder if part of the reason to put out a Kol Koreh is based on the understanding that a lack of Tznius brings tzoros and therefore the more machmir the better. I don't think there are any proofs from shas or shulchan aruch that tznius is number 1 issue ...

    1. yeah, only from the passuk of ושב מאחריך

    2. The possuk does not say it is the Number 1 issue. Stop believing propaganda

  16. Look in Ramban sefer hamitzvos shikchas lavin 11 from Sifri ושב מאחריך is going on 3 Aveiros not tznius . Are there any rishonim that argue ? Also its only in WAR . If someone could ask a poisek and quote his answer would be helpful .
