Thursday, May 27, 2021

Circulars in My Weekend Periodicals - Nisht Oif Shabbos Geredt

This past weekend many locals noticed they were not on the same page as some reading material that was inserted into the regular weeklies.

Following the shabbos halachic directive of "borer", they selected אוכל, i.e. what they desire to peruse, and overlooked the rest - "לכתחילה אריבער".

The mindset of yeshivaleit is מי שטרח בערב שבת יאכל בשבת those who worked not so many weeks ago to see to it that Friday erev shabbos in Lakewood remained pristine consecrated to getting ready to the day of menucha we so much look forward to, appreciate keeping the shabbos table itself replete with Torah delights that adorn the seuda and zemiros true to our mesorah for us and our children 
.לעשות את השבת לדורותם

 Yirmiyohu Chadkov


  1. Sounds like a Biden speech!

  2. Missionary material

  3. I actually read those circulars being referred to and found some of the stories to be very insightful and inspiring

    1. so you're saying that the missionizing works?

  4. Parents expect a certain standard and rely on the editors for the content in the papers that enter their home. This was something that was done against the will of many who buy or get these papers delivered to their doors. To insert propaganda that the readership have no interest or want their children to see.
    Rav Shach ztvkl started papers to counter their influence and now it knowingly or unknowingly made it into homes of Bnei Torah who do not want this was this done deliberately was it a oversight or mistake could be a clarification or apology should be made

    1. Registration now open

  5. you dont have to read it if you dont want to.

    Hefkervelt was created as an alternative to other websites with an agenda, you seem to have your own hateful agenda and blaming it on Rav Shach ZTVKL.
    I'm not affiliated with Chabad but I dont hate them or think I'm being missionized or my mesorah is endangered by reading their torah.

  6. It is a chutzpah to come and target lakewood with hashkafos that are foreign to the mesorah we received from our yeshivos and rebbeim.
    Why the need to put and sneak inserts in the publications that come into lakewood homes.
    Why are they pushing their stuff on those who want nothing to do with this.

  7. The Yated was started when the Hamodia began printing sichos in the paper. Though in todays times it is not the same front burner issue that it used to be, it is still a chutzpah to include it. I personally will not let it into my house anymore.

  8. Back in the day,there was a Tanya Shiur in R Blechs Basement on Thursday nites,Packed to the rafters and stairwells,with young BMG men thirsting for some Warm Chasidus,

    1. Warm Chasidus? How about cold Chasidus?

      Where did all the alleged attendees disappear to?

  9. Gee don't you remember,the powers that be,Banned any student from attending the very Popular Weekly Tanya Shiur in Lakewood
