Monday, May 24, 2021

Great American Jewish Cities : Monsey Part II

Jsoundbites Great American Jewish Cities #21: Monsey Part II From the early days of Bais Medrash Elyon and its prominent alumni, Monsey continued to develop both up and down "the hill". Rav Yaakov Lipschutz, Rav Chaim Flohr and others were prominent rabbis, as Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky still had a large impact on the town overall. Diverse schools opened up from ASHAR to Bais Dovid for boys and Bais Yaakov to Bais Rochel for girls. Soon Satmar arrived on the scene and first joining the Chareidim Shul, they then opened up an entire empire of their own institutions. Even Neturei Karta US headquarters were in Monsey led by Moshe Ber Beck and Yisroel Dovid Weiss. With its diversity and all kinds, Monsey developed into a unique suburban Jewish community. 

1 comment:

  1. R Gedalia Schorr Was invited by his friends who were the early developers to a Monsey Zoning Board.
    As the discussion of opening more land for development was coming to a vote,
    he spoke up against his erstwhile friends, the Developers, to the surprise of all stating that the region was intended to be a quiet community and the Builders were being therefore unfair .

    It shut down the the zoning board discussion pretty fast[likely the builders claimed later that it was anti-Semitism ]
