Monday, May 24, 2021

Mishkan Aharon Hachnosas Orchim House in Lakewood

The Mishkan Aharon Hachnosas Orchim, Lakewood’s first and only full-service Hachnosas Orchim house, is now in its final phase of completion. Help us rayze the final million dollars to make this long-awaited dream a reality! Donate HERE


  1. The original Hachnosas Orchim of Lakewood, for people desperate for somewhere to stay, is under the auspices of Reb Mordechai Schwartz and Reb Levi Yitzchok Gross.
    Hungry people, people who don't have a roof on their heads, not even in Toronto or Chicago, find food and a place to sleep in their institution.
    Go Mordche Go!

  2. What’s their sales pitch?

    1. Simple, people need somewhere to stay, otherwise they will be homeless. That is the true Hachnosas Orchim. Not a way for your cousin from Toronto to come to your child's chassuna.
      These are first world problems, when we have plenty of people in Lakewood who actually need real help.

  3. You’re building a hotel and raising money for it. It’s a great idea to build it but why should I pay for it?

    1. You have the wrong concept of what hachnosas orchim is. It is not just for the poor but if someone needs a place to stay than we are obligated as a city to provide a place that is clean and comfortable.
      Learn from Avrohom Avinu
