Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday June 4 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 79° Sunshine and a few clouds

- BlackRock and Citadel Securities fund plans to start a new national stock exchange in Texas to "take on" the New York Stock Exchange — WSJ

- NJ primary Andy Kim wins democratic senate primary Bashaw wins republican primary, Chris Smith wins Trump and Biden win
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-Paterson) has won renomination in the 9th congressional district, the New Jersey Globe projects, beating back a Palestine-focused Democratic primary challenge from Prospect Park Mayor Mohamed Khairullah.

- AT&T reports that a nationwide outage is currently preventing its customers from making calls to users on other networks, while the company works to resolve the issue.

- Mark Levin: Biden is now pretending to secure the border after he destroyed our immigration system and sovereignty. He’s a liar, again.

- Trump: Large scale mounting evidence that all of the unprecedented number of lawsuits brought against me, the Witch Hunt, are conceived of, and coordinated by, the White House and the DOJ. Such a disgrace. All done to illegally help Crooked Joe Biden fight his Political Opponent, ME! 

- In an open letter to the greater Lakewood community R' Yaakov Wenger says he's officially dropping out from running for a seat on the Lakewood township committee.He pointed several instances where the current leadership is not in touch with the l residents and there's no system of involvement or direct communication especially the township committee meetings held on zoom denying a large part of lakewood residents from interacting with the elected officials especially in Lakewood where many don't have online access. he concludes "Having said all this, I have decided against running for Lakewood Township Committee in this year’s election. While I seriously considered this option, I concluded that I am not looking to be involved in a lashon hara spree. I am not interested in taking part in an acrimonious battle, and I definitely do not want to get dragged into months of incivility. While I am very passionate about our hometown and strongly desire to do all I can to rectify the problems and flaws that exist, running against candidates who have held their positions for many years would inevitably have led to an abundance of negativity and hostility, which is why I ultimately chose to stand down".

- Tehillim : Updated: Two 14 year old girls in Critical Condition After Bus Crashes Near Monsey  names are Sarah bat Rita
 and Simcha bat Neima
- A Monsey trails bus with girls from Sharei Torah girls school in Flatbush has been involved in an accident in West Milford, New Jersey after a tree reportedly fell on the bus and it lost control. Reports of  2 air lifted to Hackensack medical center and several minor injuries, Hatzolah of Monsey and KJ are on scene

- Bde: Petirah of  Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, OBM, of Crown Heights Chairman of the International Kinus Hashluchim of Chabad institutions, he was 74.

- New Jersey Tax Court Judge has just rejected Yeshiva Kol Torah's claims that they deserve a property tax exemption on wooded property they own adjacent to the school because they operate a "wilderness survival, wild and edible plants, wildlife tracking, outdoor leadership and sustainable living skills" program for their students on the land, FAA News reports more

- Baltimore community announce Tuition relief The Parent Tuition Rebate Program Baltimore parents  will receive a rebate corresponding to 3.5% of their total tuition payments (not including dormitory, food program, special education or other fees). For this initial year, our community’s 10 largest schools have been included in the rebate program.  he foundation of the program is the creation of a central funding source benefitting all of our community’s schools (and thereby all of our community’s families), donations to which do not impact these donors’ other direct support to individual schools. BJL

- Tuesday Primary election day in New Jersey Polls close at 8pm only registered republicans or democrat voters can vote for the respective nominations. Polling places  in Lakewood are empty. Over 337k  have cast ballots in early voting
Demmocrat voters  have an option to vote  “Uncommitted,”  for president  by a pro-Palestinian attempt to rebuke Joe Biden’s general support for Israel.
Local askanim endorse Albert Harshaw for senate for registered republicans 

- Voters now will be given a paper ballot to insert in the nmachine and it will print out your selections prior to casting the vote. a message appears on the screen after the vote is cast stating I voted  with an image of an American flag.  

- Adirei Hatorah updates: The program will beging at 6 pm and conclude with Maariv at 9:15 pm Due to limitations imposed by the stadium, light fleishig food and cold drinks will be served.
ads say 85% of tickets have been sold and there will be a gift inserted in this weeks issue of the BP weekly for all of Lakewood

-Traffic signal at Vine st and cedarbridge to go live today Vine street may open today to connecting Cedarbridge to PIne street

- Kabolas panim for vizhnitz rebbe of Kiamisha, Ny today 10:oo pm at 1002 W Kennedy the rebbe will spend the day in Lakewood tomorrow

Tax dollars: LDC meeting today giving $90,000 to LCSC for advertising and business directory 

- Application for day care center at Spruce and Vine st back on the agenda for the planing board meeting June 18. By 118 Ocean Ave LLC.

- Shavuos cheesecake advertised  for $395 
Gilded Butterfly Gift Set with Keepsake Floral Arrangement (pre-order) Regular price$395.00 USD


  1. Polls are open till 8. They’ve been using these machines since last year.

  2. Just voted for Trump Harshaw Raitzik

  3. Baltimore announced a rebate of 3.5% tuition to every parent! Parent tuition rebate program

  4. Cheeses cake for Shavous, where there is “chatzee lachem” is definitely a mitzvah that’s cheaper than a esrog or matzahs.
    I would take advantage of this mitzvah.
    It’s probably a segulah that your body will subject itself to the neshama and keep
    Learning and learning and learning…..

  5. The price of Adirei Hatorah went up (for yungeleit), and the food went down.

    But remember that this is for the kavod of the yungeleit.

  6. I guess Schnall worked for Baltimore.

  7. Tuition in Baltimore schools is more than double tuition in most Lakewood schools
    .. I personally know several people from Baltimore that moved here and are paying less than half what they were paying in Baltimore .

    1. I thought all Baltimore schools had a sliding scale tuition based on income.

  8. In all fairness, the cheesecake is a complete gift set, with napkin rings and a floral arrangement. It also includes refrigerated shipping. This is not an outrageous price for the complete package.

  9. Dirshu is cheaper than Adirei and better music

    1. Adirie is a fundraiser, dirshu is not.

  10. How much of the chesecake will actually be eaten, how much trashed, & how much regret that it was eaten?

  11. Be in line by 8 to vote!

  12. Kotlarsky was a big shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbeh MH"M shliteh. He was the MC of the Chabad kinnus PR banquet for years.

  13. Why is there even an event for adirei? What is the point of the whole thing?

    1. So you can ask. כדי שישאלו התינוקות

    2. It's for money. It's a huge fundraiser. Ad kan.
      [There is nothing wrong with that and I don't mean it negatively. Many of the comments here daily seem to miss the goal of the event. It is not an event whose point is to give kavod to yungerlite and lomdie torah. It is an event where they are giving kavod in order to raise money.]

  14. Wenger qhat is the real story? You really did not explain why your are pulling out? If you run a positive campaign and focus on what you will bring to the table why not run? Youi need to reconsider...

  15. Wenger never ran in the first place his name was never on the ballot this letter is a joke and only treating lakewooders as fools and sheep for selling them this nonsense

  16. So why do they say it’s about kavod hatorah and giving kavod for the yungeleit? Call it what it is

  17. Um maybe you didn’t learn what marketing means in bmg.
