Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Reaction To Bagatz Giyus Ruling

See below Front pages if the daily frum newspapers inEretz Yisroel

-Rabbi Moshe Maya senior member of the Shas party Moetzes chachamim said he will not take the responsibility to send any bochur to the army which is shmad and even threatened to leave the motzes, in a recording published he said  " Even Those bochurim who do not study in Yeshiva, we will tell them in a clear way that you are not allowed to enlist even if you do not have a framework, you will be secular there, a , it is Shmad גדול המחטיאו יותר מן ההרגו that's it. It's a clear thing. I tell you one thing, I am not changed quickly, especially something I have told you so many times, I say no! I don't care to say "gentlemen, I'm leaving the council"... who can take responsibility for sending a guy to the army?! There is no permission to agree to goals! No compromises! Who allows you to send a Jew to the army?!"


  1. "Da Ma Sh'tushiv..."

  2. Every six months,same stuff.

  3. I think the lesson we need to learn is that we have our own issues to deal with and when we get distracted with the issues the people in EY need to deal with we neglect the issues were meant to deal with here at home. A 5% temporary budget cut is not a crisis it's a problem. We are facing bigger problems here at home.

    1. no one is dealing with the issues here at home anyway and no one will so we might as well do what we can to help with the issues in EY.

  4. we must bring down this shmad government


    1. It is forbidden to take tzedaka from secular people (Yorah Deah, 254). Forcing secular Israelis to fund our Kollelim, while we spend tens of thousands on unnecessary kiddushim, sheva brachos, and seminaries, is a Chillul Hashem.

    2. huh? the israelis do not fund our kollelim in America.
      are you saying that the israeli charedim spend tens of thousands on kiddeishin and seminaries? I don't think so.

    3. Some are nowadays

    4. @anon 11:29: Secular Israelis fund Israeli kollelim. If we Americans aren't willing to cut down on our luxuries and fund these kollelim, why should we expect secular Israelis to do so.

      It is a disgusting chilul hashem.

    5. again, our kollelim are not funded by any secular israeli sources. when we donate to overseas kollelim, we are doing it for the mitzvah of supporting torah study. and even before this, funding from generous americans was much more money than the amount given by the zionists. we definitely are not making a chilul hashem by also spending money on other things and certainly no one can demand that americans who already are holding up the israeli economy should cut back in their own lives to give more and more. yes, we should cut back on luxuries but definitely not for the reason you are suggesting - so that we can send more and more to israel.

    6. @anon 2:59

      Let me present to you the following hypothetical.

      A Lakewood Balabos takes his entire extended family to the Waldorf for Pesach, spending 250K for the week.

      His waiter, a secular Jew earning 50 shekel an hour (15 dollars) expresses frustration at having his tax money going to support Yeshiva boys.

      The Balabos says, "You are trying to shmad us, you hate Torah!"

      That statement is a microcosm of America Jewry. It is a chilul hashem at it is against halacha.

    7. the american in the waldorf is supporting israel by vacationing there and promoting it's tourism industry. he just put 250k into their economy. israel is almost completely funded by america and american jews. it is not israeli tax dollars paying for everything. the entire israel is a society of taking since the days of the keren komeyet pushkas. that's what he should answer the waiter.

    8. This government is the LEAST shmad government.
      You can have the Raam Arab government like before (Lapid and Gantz) or a purely leftist government like those demonstrating against PM Netanyahu.

    9. @anon 9:29

      If you believe in Torah, you would give the 250K to kollel yungerleit rather than spend it in the Waldorf (yes, it is very nice to help the economy, but you missed my point entirely). Ultimately, you can't ask a poor Israeli to support kollelim, when we are making lavish simchas etc.

  5. Soldiers making a siyum on Baba Metziah in rafiach.
