Saturday, June 8, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Bamidbar News Updates Lakewood

...ברוך אתה
היום שבעה  וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות  וחמשה ימים  בעומר/לעומר
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה

 שלשת ימי הגבלה

Open tonight Gourmet Glatt both locations until 1:00am South 1:30am
Evergreen until 1:00am
Aisle 9 open

- Limited tickets still available for Dirshu siyum tomorrow 

- Huge crowd in support of Donald Trump in Florida today


  1. I davened Friday morning by Mordy Shtieble and was shocked that they had hallel with musical instruments. How could they allow this in Lakewood Ir HaTorah to conduct like a reform synagogue???

    1. Been going on for a while. Calm down.

    2. thats false. I was there, actually there were absolutely no instruments, the musical hallel did not happen. at the 10 o'clock minyan they had alot of singing.

    3. As a commenter on this site I presume you have looked at the comments in the past. How could you be shocked as this is; if not daily, at least weekly topic of discussion?

  2. This is crazy and sick

    1. So disgusting - I don’t get the nu nu response - this whole thing boils my blood

    2. What is the issue of having another ambulance company? Let people call who they want. They have the certification as Hatzala so what is the issue?

    3. Silly people. The only ones who don't see you for who you are, are yourselves. That may be why barely anyone one on this prestigious blog even bothers to answer your self righteous (but completely blind) angry comments.

  3. The disco lights at these party's are really s bizayon
