Thursday, June 27, 2024

Politico: Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’

 This from CNN: Democrats are despairing over President Joe Biden’s debate performance Thursday night, a showing so halting some even privately raised questions about whether he should remain the party’s nominee.

Biden appeared onstage with a soft, halting voice and an open-mouthed, staring look. He struggled to finish thoughts at points, and ceded ground on issues like abortion where Democrats have an edge.

It took just minutes for Democrats to realize how bad it was becoming.

“Biden looks and sounds terrible. He’s incoherent,” one Democrat who spent time working in the Biden administration said. 
“Horrific,” said another Democratic operative.

And one Democrat who’s worked on campaigns up and down the ballot said simply: “We are.....

The looming question as the debate came to a close was almost existential: Should someone else top the Democratic ticket?

“It’s hard to argue that Biden should be our nominee,” said an operative who’s worked on campaigns at all levels for over a decade

-Polotico: President Joe Biden opened the debate with a raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers, reigniting Democratic concerns about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump.

Many of the president’s answers were hard to follow. At one point, seemingly losing his train of thought, Biden said “we finally beat Medicare,” misspeaking about his own policy on earned benefits.

In text messages with POLITICO, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event. One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it “terrible,” adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over “What did he just say? This is crazy.”

Another veteran Democratic operative texted, “Biden seems to have needed a few minutes to warm up. I wonder if the lack of an audience was the right decision. And poor guy needs a tea. Maybe a whiskey.”

Jay Surdukowski, an attorney and Democratic activist from New Hampshire who co-chaired Martin O’Malley’s 2016 presidential campaign in the state, said, “Biden is toast — calling it now.”

Biden flubs early lines at debate

Biden’s rambling answers provided Trump multiple opportunities to jump in with retorts. At one point, after an answer ostensibly on immigration, Trump said, “I don’t know what he said at the end there. I don’t think he knows what he said.”

The president’s performance was widely panned online and will likely reinforce the impression that he’s lost a step. The 81-year-old president’s age has long been a liability, with poll after poll showing even many Democrats concerned about his age.

Biden aides and allies had hoped the on-stage split screen between the two men would help to focus voters’ attention on the race. But during the debate, many Democrats have begun to doubt that strategy would actually work out in Biden’s favor.

A person familiar with Biden’s health claimed that his performance is due to a cold. But the president’s team hadn’t mentioned that to reporters until Biden began to answer questions in the debate.

One prominent operative texted, “Time for an open convention.”


  1. If the GOP would've rallied around literally anyone other than Trump it would be a landslide...yet here we are.

  2. Did we watch the same debate?
    I saw Biden answering the questions, with confidence, background, context, and intelligence.
    And then Trump began rambling and talking off topic, discussing his golf skills and other such nonsense. Besides the obvious lies he spewed, he was totally off his game.

    Perhaps some people confuse bluster for confidence and calm measuredness for tiredness. But why do those confused individuals get to vote?

    1. If that is what you saw, then you are confusing the two.

    2. I'll have what your smoking please.

    3. 3:07 is clearly jacked up on the same failed meds that biden was on. Biden was confident and intelligent?????

      After a week (!!!) of rest and preparation bidens performance was horrifically disastrous. He stuttered and stumbled, couldn't make a clear argument, constant lost his train of thought and his brain FROZE FOR A FULL NINE SECONDS!!!!


    4. He has a stutter. He always did. That doesn't change his intelligence.

      He answered back Trump's lies forcefully, calmly, and clearly, and showed what he had done for the country. Trump spoke about his golf skills, lied more than thirty times, and promised things he knew he couldn't deliver.

    5. @11:32.
      What lies did Trump say?
      Please try to be specific.

    6. Here's a partial list:
      Trump’s False and Misleading Comments

      1.Claimed Democrats allow the execution of babies after birth. (No state allows a post-birth abortion. That is just another word for murder)
      2.Said everybody supported overturning Roe v. Wade.
      3.Claimed every legal scholar wanted Roe overturned. (Most legal scholars disagreed)
      4.Said the U.S. currently has the biggest budget deficit (this happened under Trump in 2020).
      5.Claimed the U.S. has a record trade deficit with China (this happened under Trump in 2018).
      6.Alleged Biden gets a lot of money from China.
      7.Claimed no terror attacks occurred under his administration. (There was actually an attack in the US, something that didn't occur under Biden, that was done in support of ISIS, in 2017 in NYC)
      8.Said Iran didn’t fund terrorist organizations.
      9.Claimed Biden wants to quadruple taxes.
      10.Said the U.S. provided way more aid to Ukraine than Europe (opposite is true).
      11.Claimed the U.S. provided $200B in Ukraine aid (actual amount is $120B).
      12.Said 18 or 19 million people crossed the border (highest figure is 11m).
      13.Claimed many migrants are from prisons and mental institutions.
      14.Said Biden only created jobs for illegal immigrants.
      15.Claimed Nancy Pelosi turned down the National Guard and later acknowledged it.
      16.Said he deployed the National Guard to Minneapolis.
      17.Claimed there was fraud in the 2020 election.
      18.Asserted NATO was going out of business and the U.S. was paying 100% of its costs. (They were paying 40% at the time)
      19.Claimed he lowered insulin prices.
      20.Alleged Biden indicted him. (Biden has no power over the NY legal system)
      21.Said Europe has no U.S. cars.
      22.Claimed food prices quadrupled under Biden.
      23.Alleged Biden made up the claim that Trump called dead service members “suckers and losers” (corroborated by Trump’s chief of staff).
      24.Claimed Biden called Black people “super predators”.
      25.Said his tax cut was the largest in history. (It was not even in the top three)
      26.Claimed China and others stopped buying from Iran.
      27.Said he signed the Veterans Choice Program into law (Obama signed it in 2014; Trump signed an expansion in 2018).
      28.Claimed Biden got rid of the Veterans Choice Program.

  3. Wow 11:32, bidumb answered "clearly" ?????? He couldn't get one straight sentence out his mouth. 1000 trillionares? 15,000 jobs? Forcefully???? He looked and spoke like a dead zombie. How can you ignore how he totally froze up and completely lost his train of thought within the very first 10 minutes?? Even msnbc is slamming him
