Friday, June 14, 2024

Lakewood Zmanim עש"ק פר' נשא תשפ"ד אסרו חג שבועות

Friday, June 14, 2024 / ח' סיון תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת נשא

candle lighting: 8:09 pm
Shkiah/sunset 8:27 pm 

Pirkei Avos 'פרק א

Weather shabbos day 83° sunny

כה תברכו את בני ישראל אמור להם: יברכך ה' וישמרך, יאר ה' פניו אליך ויחנך, ישא ה' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום ושמו את שמי על בני ישראל ואני אברכם

Parshas Naso is the longest parsha in the Torah with 176 pesukim,  The longest chapter in Tehillim (chapter 119) has 176 Pesukim.The biggest Masechta in the Talmud, Bava Basra, has 176 Blatt. What is the connection between all these?
First. the Gematria of the word נשא with the kollel  is 352 that is 176 x 2 to tell you that every Passuk has a deeper meaning either Perush Remez Derush or Sod.

 Another reason - Chapter 119 of  Tehillim has 176 verses because it follows a pattern whereby the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used to begin 8 pesukim each. That is, 22-times-8 equals 176.22 is a number of completeness, because it is the full representation of the 22 letters of the Alef-Beis - i.e. everything from Alef to Tav.

As for the number 8: We know that 7 represents the "natural realm" - i.e. 7 days of the week, 7 notes in the musical scale, etc. But 8 represents completeness beyond nature - a completeness in the spiritual realm. That is why Bris Milah is held on the 8th day of a boy's life. This also explains why God first commanded Avraham to perform circumcision with the words, "Walk before Me and be complete" (Genesis 17:1).The product of two "complete" numbers, "22-times-8," is therefore the ultimate completeness. That's why 176 is used to demonstrate the supernal perfection of our holy Torah.

Firdt yartzeit of Rav Gershon Eidelstein ztl he would like candles erev shabbos after the passing of his wife ah.

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