Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Erev Shavuos Lakewood 5784 Updates

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / ה׳ סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבועות
-Candle lighting 8:08
-Shkiah 8:26
-Weather:73° Partly to mostly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. 
First night cloudy 57
Both days of Shavuos no rain 1st day hi of 81 2nd day YT high of 86 

 - מתן תורה on Har Sinai was 3,336 years ago in the year 2448

- Remember to buy Yizkor Lecht if needed.

- Tuition relief bill pulled in Trenton by State senator Vin Gopal who sponsored the bill. Assemblyman Avi Schnal campaigned on bringing tuition relief via tax credits, the bill that didn't go anywhere has now been pulled.

- 6pm update 
Tehillim: A yeshiva bochur was hit by a car in Raintree area and is in critical condition name is Chaim Moshe ben Leah Rivka

- PSA: Star K alert those with thankless  water heaters that have an electronic ignition can not be turned on during Yom Tov. It is like turning on a car. Some systems come with a reserve just for YT

-Ami magazine shavuos issue $12 Mishpacha $12, Yated printed before shabbos

- Adirei Hatorah tickets selling for 150 no cheaper option yet. People holding out for last minute sale.

- Russian warships clash with US, Canadian ships near Florida Keys: In an unexpected and tense development, Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida.

- Packed crowds at Trader Joe's buying flowers
-Watermelon at Aldi $4.65

- Jury finds Hunter Biden guilty in gun trial and is convicted of all 3 felony charges could face 10 yeqrs Joe Bidwn said will not pardon him.

-Donald Trump's Liquor Licenses At NJ Golf Clubs In Jeopardy The NJ Attorney General's Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control is reviewing Trump's liquor licenses following his 34-count conviction. Pper NJ law "no license of any class shall be issued to any person under the age of 18 years or to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude."

-Royal Grove kehilla in Jackson will move into the new beautiful bais medrash on Shavuos

- Ocean county completes the construction installing pedestrian islands  on Cedarbridge Ave with repaving the road and removing the construction cones.

- Shavuos at BMG Bais Medrash Ateres Bracha will be open all night for children in Memory of Rav Kolman Krohn ZTL Program will begin 12:00 am until 15 minutes before shachris Vasikin there will be 3 breaks throughout the evening.
The Lakewood roshei yeshiva will deliver 6 shiurim over Shavuos at various botei medrashim of BMG.

Flowers for Shavuos
Pearl Blau flowers will be available at NPGS Flowers at Gourmet Glatt
- Floral Shop at Shop Rite Howell, Brick 
- 10th street and Madison parking lot across Aisle 9
- Aisle 9 in Jackson 
Trader Joe's, Aldi, Global flowers Ave of the states

- There is a segula for one that wants to have a son to separate 91 perutahs on Erev Shavuos and then add more till he gets to 104, the gematria of 2 times בן , and then give it to a humble, worthy talmid chacham. (R’ Yaakov Falagi, Father of R’ Chaim Falagi) Shevuos is a good time to daven for barren woman. It is brought down from mekubolim that when the Mishna in Roshana says that we are judged on fruits of the RoseaBarrens it refers to children, because man is called a 2h and the fruits are the children.

- 1st night Yom Tov Maariv Minhag Hayeshiva to wait 72 minutes 9:39 pm for Temimos

- Water and drinks on their front lawns for the Tzibbur to enjoy. Dark areas near walking paths will be lit up  up for those going to learn shavuos night. There will also be extra security over the days of  yom Tov. Lakewood Chaveirim and put up lighting at the Eastern pedestrian bridge over Lake Carasaljo between  N. Lake and S. Lake drives.

 סגולה לרפואה – בעת קריאת התורה של עשרת הדיברות מושפע על העולם שפע עצום, כשם שהושפע על העולם לפני כ-3,335 שנה, בעת מתן תורה בהר סיני. כשם שבעת מתן תורה, נרפאו כל החולים, כך בכל שנה ושנה ניתן לזכות לישועות ורפואות, גם למחלות שבדרך 


  1. Can anyone explain to me the logic of having small children stay up all night to hear mostly stories with 3 large brakes in between and then they can act up the next 2 days??

    1. Which mechanic installs the 3 large brakes? Anyway, I know people who felt inspired for life from listening to R' Kalman Krohn z'l all of Shavous night. when they were children.

    2. you clearly don't want anyone to explain it to you so why should anyone bother. also, you don't know how to spell.

  2. Despicable click bate on the Lakewood poop today mocking those who stay up shavuos night
    What a shame to Lakewood that a trashy media outlet is supported by the powers ro be and politicians simply disgusting

  3. Adirei is not affordable why are they pushing the event it all over the place when average families can't afford the tickets it's not right
