Sunday, June 16, 2024

Adirei Hatorah 3.0 Event Updates


Replay audio of event on Chayeinu hotline see below 732-301-4043 option 1-2-1

-Livestream video of the event on YouTube HERE starting at 4:30pm

11:30 pm several food establishments open late to accommodate those returning home to Lakewood. Youngeleit and bochurim  seen going to night seder

10:20 pm Caravan of minivans and buses stretching along the 195 from Trenton to Lakewood 

Food situation much more organized and plentiful this year 

9:58 Event concludes  crowds head for the exits

9:34 pm Maariv let  by Rav Dovid Schustal shlita followed by a kapital of Tehillim  for אחינו כל בית ישראל

9:25 Kabolas Ol Malchus shamayim led by Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita followed by music 

9:10 Music resumes

8:35 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita speaking in English. Gave a special mention to the nshei Adirei Hatorah  to the youngeleit the tomchei Torah and the many yeahiva Bochurim who are there.

Event running on schedule 

- 8:15 pm Siyum hashas spirited dancing stadium erupts in simchas haTorah with yeshivish Simchas Torah song selection and the famed chabad vesamachta thrown in to the mix 

8:10 Hadran on Shas by Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita Kaddiah recited by Rav Moshe Solomon shlita

7:55 Video of Rav Mattisyahu Solomon ZTL Azkara as siyum has has will be liluy  nishmaso

7:50 Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita enters the arena to singing of ki orech yamim

- 7:30 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch delivering remarks in English mentioning the antisemitism going on a  all over the world and the redifas hadas in E"Y as a result of a lack in kavod malchus shamayim but on the other hand the ameilus  and learning by adirei hatorah in Lakewood is producing malchus shamayim that will bring the geulah
7:25 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita is introduced and is greeted by song of uvchein tzadikim
7:25 Crowd dances to music

7:20 Video speech by Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita
RAV Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita on the way

Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita arrived

6:55pm Video presentation 

- 6:28 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita speaking
He announced another raise in the kollel check
He spoke about the romemus of youngeleit and the supporters who called adirei  machzikei hatorah He said over a chazon Ish and the choir followed by singing the words to niggun 

6:05pm Roshei Yeahiva introduced with grand entrance as crowd stands up and dances to the music welcoming them

5:50pm Tehillim led by Tav Chaim Ginsburg shlita senior Rosh Chabura at BMG

5:45pm Pre recorded video speech by Reb Yossel Mermelstein shlita R"Y Novominsk

5:30pm Mincha

- 5:00pm Band and choir playing slow kumzitz songs

-Lakewood roshei yeshiva have arrived at the arena meeting with donors at VIP lounge and posing for pictures 

- Heavy traffic backup ready along the 195 westbound towards Philly 

Washing Cups for netilas yadayim placed at Wells Fargo sinks

3:00pm Buses have departed from locations in Lakewood and Jackson making their way to Philadelphia 

- Youngeleit with floor seats will get a blue band upon entrance to the arena to get access to the seats

Speakers: Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita
Rav Ephraim Wachsman shlita 
There will be a Azkara for the mashgiach Rav Mattisyohu Solomon ZTL with the attendance of his son Rav Moshe from Gatshead who will recite the kaddish to the Hadran

To listen to Adirei Hatorah tonight live. Call into one of the numbers below:
USA: 605-417-0300 or backup number 712-432-2910
UK: +44-3333-661039
Israel: 077-272-3200

Crews prepared over 30,000 deli wraps that will be given out to all attendees.

Neginah will be provided again by R' Meir Adler of Bnei Brak with singer Bentzy Stein from E"Y, Yanky Daskal, Meilech Braunstein, Issac Honog

Dirshu has anounced the test site for the choshen mishpat bechina  taking place tonight will be open tomorrow night to accommodate those going to adirei hatorah event.

-Huge demand for tickets as many are hoping for last minute discounts. Others are selling obstructed view tickets for 250 and more.

There most probably will be a live stream hook up as in the last 2 events

3rd annual Event today at Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia.Doors open at 4:00pm there will be light refreshments 4:30- 5:30 including deli sandwiches  cake and Fruit under KCL
Mincha 5:30pm program begins at 6:00pm expected to conclude with Maariv at 9:30pm

In order to keep the crowds organized there will be extra security teams with bouncers making sure everyone stays in their designated seating areas. They will not allow access to other areas.

Parking at Wells Fargo is leased out to a 3rd party company. Pre-paid for parking for the June 16th event is $25. Here

Buses will be leaving at 2:30pm and the last bus out is 3:30pm

-Organizers say stadium staff will not allow anyone in without a ticket.

- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita has departed from EY and is enroute to the US where he will look to raise over 100 Million dollars for yeshivos in E"Y as the government looks to withhold funding. He will attend the adirei hatorah event

Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita may attend the Maamad at Adirei Hatorah. Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky shlita is also in the US.


  1. The olam was priced out of this event simply not affordable

  2. Do u have to wash for such deli wraps?

    1. Does it look like bread to you? Is it a seuda? People call having lunch a tray of 8 pieces of sushi! No wonder people eat snack all day. It’s not a chumra to make Brachah l’vatalos

    2. As r dovid feinstien said it Definitely looks like bread. There are those who say not to wash but because of the way its made not the looks of it.

  3. Nebach on all the fathers whose kids are begging them for tickets they can't afford while out of town schools got tickets for older boys

  4. Many fathers are giving up their tickets to their sons this will be a massive camp reunion

  5. No reason to be upset this is a FUNDRAISER plain and simple this is not an event to provide you with free cheap entertainment it's a yeshiva dinner in a different venue to raise money for youngeleit plain and simple. They can call it chizuk but ut means money.

  6. Why are the spending thousands for deli wraps when the can use the money to drop the prices???

    1. A wrap cost under 1.00 to make especially in bulk just because your local restaurant charges you 10.00.. ain’t gonna save much $

  7. Live hookup details?

  8. This fundraiser is coming out of my ears.

    Bmg is king of using ancient Hebrew words and yeshivshising it - mimunah, mamad, etc

  9. Do u need to wash for a deli wrap??

  10. Does anyone know where to park besides where they suggest?

    1. Yes.
      At home.
      Take public transportation.
      Better yet. Hitch a ride k’minhag Lakewood Bnei Toirah.

  11. I plan on learning my regular night seder, hope I'm not the only one there.
    Still not sure what this event is about.

    1. It is a fundraising event. It really is fairly simple to understand.

    2. Spending 10s of millions to fund raise a few million? From ppl I've spoken to it seemed more like a personal pet project of a few of the wealthy ppl that spearheaded the initial program. Happy for them, I guess they deserve the kavod for giving millions.

    3. Sorry but you are off your rockers. Not 10s of millions being spent. If they are wealthy businessmen they understand the $ being spent in contrast to the return investment. Don't go or give if you're so bitter

    4. Don't worry. You're not the only one to be slow on the uptake.

      As many of the other kvetchers here have explained, it's a fundraiser for BMG and a very nice one too. It's the centerpiece of a multi-million dollar campaign that helps cover the astronomical budget for the yungerleit in BMG who greatly appreciate the fact that they have such a wonderful yeshivah that provides the makom Torah.

      For those who think that this only raises a few million, it's time to switch mikvas and go to one where the hock is more reliable. You have precious little understanding of how life, fundraising, and probably anything else, works. This is an incredibly successful platform which is why it's being run for the third year in a row. Such a pity that your bitterness does not allow you to see it for what it is.

      But don't worry - stay bitter and let your kids know it too. That way, they'll be lucky if one day they run a fast-food joint in Lakewood. And that would be the best they'll ever manage. Silly people.

    5. Why are you so bitter and condescending please talk with respect to a fellow yid

    6. Wow - to anon at 2:35 - so many black and white assumptions there.

      Because someone called out a party that you like, you label them and their children forever off the cuff?

      I guess there’s always hope - if they make money then there not real bal habatim and then they can fly private with the Roshey Yeshiva.

    7. The fact that they did an event three years in a row proves absolutely nothing - not sure why a bunch of random comments here triggered you so much.
      A successful campaign doesn’t harass small Donors multiple times a month - sounds like you work for the establishment.

    8. Nope. I don't work for the establishment and only learned in BMG for one year more than 30 years ago. I am not a gvir and I'm not on their shortlist for honor.
      Why am I so condescending?
      It's not so hard to understand if you have a שמץ of understanding why the previous comments are so wrong.
      On the one hand, you have the individuals who do their best to operate the largest and most prolific yeshivah in the entire world and who do so with great mesiras nefesh. Our children and everyone else's children have the ability to learn Torah in beautiful בתי מדרש and even receive very considerable kollel checks along with outstanding ראשי חבורה as well as food and so much more.
      They're killing themselves to raise money to support these efforts and part of that is running large fundraising events.
      On the other side, we have a bunch of cowardly commenters who've done nothing to support this effort, and all they can do is snipe anonymously at the organizers and the ראשי ישיבה and everyone else.
      Yes, it pains me to say it, but an attitude like that will get you losers for kids. Winners don't speak this way and don't put down others constantly.
      It's truly מאוס to read the comments here which find so much fault with everything and everyone and I will call it like it is. Sorry if my honest and true words offended you. You offend me as well.

    9. You literally are sitting and commenting anonymously and putting other people down.

      Not sure why you think your kids will be better off with your negative and bitter rhetoric than others.

      Hatred and negativity come in all forms, including the establishment hating on outsiders, like what you’re doing.

    10. You put words in others mouth that no one said just to paint those who disagree with you in a bad light.
      Even worse you can't take any criticism and use the Torah as. קרדום לחפור בו
      Chazal in many places spoke very strongly against leaders who enriched themselves and took advantage of the poor and weak.
      Go read the sefer עמוס in Tanach

    11. 4:26
      Alot of us would have been much bigger,& were bigger than they were ,but we gave it up for them & the olam .& Not for this mass stuffed chassidus they have now spun it into.
      Some major sacrifice?

    12. "You literally are sitting and commenting anonymously and putting other people down."

      Since you're struggling, I'll help you out. Unlike the commenters who remain anonymous while criticizing people whose names are well-known, I'm criticizing anonymous people. It's an important distinction. Ponder on it and see if you can grasp it too now that it's been handed to you.

      "Not sure why you think your kids will be better off with your negative and bitter rhetoric than others."

      B"H, I'm well past that point. My kids are shteiging and giving us tremendous nachas. All due to זכות אבות, but the fact that we never put other people down and especially didn't knock the "establishment" has something to do with it. It wasn't always easy. I'm opinionated and have strong feelings about things, but I worked hard never to be negative and to always speak positively about their yeshivos, Roshei Yeshivos, and the establishment in general. I abstained from the bitter track that you and your friends adopted. Simple stuff really, but apparently well beyond your comprehension. I feel sorry for you.

      "Hatred and negativity come in all forms, including the establishment hating on outsiders, like what you’re doing."

      I am a יחיד, not the establishment. I hate on no one. I'm simply pointing out to those who are hating on the establishment that their actions are unjustifiable. Seems like I've hit a nerve. Funny - those who are so quick to criticize can't handle a taste of their own medicine. C'mon boys, toughen up. Pretend you're real men and take a knock or two. It won't kill you, it'll make you stronger.

    13. "Alot of us would have been much bigger,& were bigger than they were ,but we gave it up for them & the olam .& Not for this mass stuffed chassidus they have now spun it into.
      Some major sacrifice?"

      Thanks for the laugh.
      Who in the heck stopped you? You're exactly as you made yourself and no one in the world has or had any power to make you greater or smaller.
      Go make your own yeshivah and if you're all you believe yourself to be, they'll come flocking. Plenty of other yeshivos out there that are doing fine. Blaming others for your inadequacies is not terribly convincing.

    14. The Lomdis is nice and cute, and the straight up Gabay is even cuter.

      Doesn’t change the fact that you are doing exactly what you accuse everyone else here of doing.

    15. Glad you enjoyed it.
      But tachlis, you have nothing substantial to respond to my points, do you?
      You accept that you and your ilk are a bunch of sorry kvetchers and reserve the right to dump on all your targets.
      Not cute. Not in the least. Pathetic is more like it.

    16. FYI the negative comments here in regard to BMG etc. come from the same 2-3 people. Not something to get yourself worked up.

    17. Anon 2:35
      Thank you for phrasing so eloquently what the majority of people reading the comments are thinking. Please ignore Anon 3:15 et al. Most people just don't like reading their hatred and ugliness spelled out for what it is.

    18. I'm perfectly fine and not worked up in the least.

      The reason I respond to these sorry kvetches is so that the casual reader here doesn't get mislead into thinking that their negative view is representative of the masses. It's not and it's important to highlight that.

      I also have הכרת הטוב to the BMG system where I myself learned and where so many of my children and sons-in-law learned and learn. I feel it's my duty to defend them in the face of gratuitous slander.

    19. Your not worked up lol… so this you calm?!

      I am glad you’re proud of your children - success is a very confusing word.

      You are measuring success off the fact that your children have the right externals….

      Your biggest insult is one’s kids will open a fast food store.

      I think the world is more nuanced than you would like to make it out.

      Glad you were in BMG 30 years ago - clearly you have a very old time nostalgia of what BMG is.

      As someone there within the last 5 years, I have a grasp on reality.

      Keep your head in the clouds and keep giving “hakras hatov” to a mass institution, maybe you will get a deli roll before you get crunched up.

    20. Yes, this is me calm.

      B"H the right externals and internals. We're very grateful for all that.

      I apologize if you thought that running a fast-food store was an insult. It was actually an optimistic projection. People who act and talk the way you do, generally don't merit even that. I was trying to be positive and hopeful.

      I have four children in BMG currently and have a very strong sense of what goes on there. I'm also well aware of some of their flaws. The difference between you and me is that you're still waiting for them to give you more. I'm not. I'm exceedingly grateful for everything that's been given to me. I have no expectations from others, only appreciation for what they've given me.

      I know that this is an old-time approach, but you might want to adopt. It makes for a much more pleasant life and your kids turn out better as well. Since they haven't learned to be bitter and have endless expectations, they're not only grateful to their yeshivos, but they're grateful to their parents as well. With your approach, you'll be lucky if they stick you in a nursing home when you're old and crochety.

    21. You clearly have issues - writing off a whole negative life trajectory on me and my alleged kids, because I don’t drink your kool aid.

      Bottom line you believe if one subscribes to BMG there kids “turn out good”.

      If not then their kids will dump them in a nursing home.

      That’s so ridiculous and funny at the same time.

      1 - parents don’t control their kids outcome

      2 - success in life isn’t judged on what you do for parnasah or lack there of

      3 - success is actually a treif word, the only who can judge is the one who knows all the circumstances

      4 - where does hashem come into the picture, is he allowed in BMG?

      5 - I don’t know what you religion you practice but it sounds like the point is how many ppl can you put down in order to promote yourself.

      Focus on yourself and you won’t need to worry about all the people who you throw out of your camp.

      6 - if nursing homes are so bad (as they are) your children in BMG are all living off Blood money - how many people sat in soiled garments for them to be able to go to Colorado in the summer

    22. Of course I have issues. Many, in fact. For example, I take issue with much of what you write.
      Thankfully, among my issues is not the fact that some anonymous commenter on a blog makes assumptions about me. I'm kinda secure that way.
      Since you seem to be rather sensitive however, I'll reassure that I don't know you or your kids. For all I know, you're my neighbor and your children are all wonderful (not hopeful, but anything's possible.)
      I also can't be promoting myself here because I'm also anonymous. There's not much kovod to be had when posting anonymously.
      I'm writing to help people who are not bitter like yourself understand that your path is an unwise one. Bitterness is bad for everyone involved and it's a foolish path to take in life.
      It's especially foolish when one alleges evil at the largest and arguably most prominent מקום תורה in the world. You don't really need me to explain this to you, do you?
      I don't recall discussing how to measure success or whether I'm a success or not.
      I'm not in the nursing home business so I'm not sure what you're referring to about soiled garments and I've never been in Colorado so you need to go back to the drawing board.

      L'maaseh, do you have anything substantial to say for yourself other than to lob silly allegations? Can you argue for why it's okay to be bitter and negative? I'd be interested to hear that from someone but so far, crickets. If you have something other than hurt feelings to bring to the table, zog shoin!!! The oilam is waiting. If not, go back to your therapist and tell him that an anonymous commenter on a blog insulted your alleged kids. Seriously.

    23. You’re amazing at deflecting and pink washing.

      You made an assumption : BMG is the biggest “makom Torah” in the world.

      I don’t know what that terminology even means - but

      1 - that doesn’t mean we can’t critique things they do, the Torah criticizes mistakes much greater ppl made

      2 - your not answering any of the questions

      3 - your bitter - but that is ok because your defending “Torah”

      4 - you not being in the nursing home business doesn’t help patur up the fact that this fundraiser is using blood money

      5 - Colorado was a example of different where the heligeh yungerleit go to

      6 - you just act straight up nasty and attacking because I hit a nerve - it’s called cognitive dissonance- you can’t face the fact - so you spin tales , daas torah, makom Torah, throw in a few curses at my (alleged kids)

      Questions are ok in Yiddishkeit- creating a place that automatically equals greatness is counter Torah

    24. OK I see it's late for you. Time to go sleep and we can pick this up again tomorrow. You're tired, I get it.
      Maybe tomorrow you'll be able to go higher than six also. And maybe you'll actually make a point after all.
      Good night. It's been wonderful.

    25. The way you argue is so classic BMG - never answering questions - always deflating - always attacking character or just making a mockery - never once did you say a substantial rebuttal - you ain’t no grandfather with sons in BMG - your a 27 year old die hard

    26. OK my friend, at this point this conversation has ceased to be informative or even entertaining. Stay bitter and reap the wonderful rewards.
      Zai gezunt!

  12. What was the robo call about the Israeli draft about?

    1. No one who didn't hear it is missing anything.

    2. About Rav Moshe Hillel speaking claiming he is supporting the draft law up to 50 percent of bochurim to go to the army

  13. Extra security with bouncers -- shomrim is no good?
    Directing traffic -- chaverim is no good?
    All those government grants, and we can't use them for our private party?

    2. Mezonot rolls were preferred by the Satmar Rebbe Rav Yoel.
    Why are we forcing our chumrot on others?

    1. The Mishna Berura is quite firm against Mezonos/mezonot rolls.

      Why are you forcing your kulos/kulot on others?

    2. Actually MB admits Its mezonot.
      He might not like the idea of it.
      Besides one wrap is barely a meal.
      If you would wrap two slices salam i in a thin babka , what bracha would you make?
      Kulah -- questionable bracha. Do you wash for babka? It's bread dough with some chocolate and holes / air.

    3. I think you are confusing wraps with mezonos rolls, like you confuse your taf and your saf.

      That which we call Mezonos rolls are not sweet enough for the MB. Babka is. The MB paskens that it must be sweet like cake, not just made with juice.

      And even then, when eating פת הבאה בכיסנין with something else, like turkey, as people eat bread, the MB calls that קביעות סעודה.

    4. Doesn't have to be sweet, just flavor. SA discusses onion "kosses" in the pas (actually pat). (SA didn't have chocolate, which came from the New World.). SA Harav also discusses flavor, as cited by the CC.
      And wraps are just a thick dough, cause they're not adding much water, which makes the juice more pronounced in taste.

    5. So we have a machlokes between anonymous 9:20 and the MB whether it has to be sweet like cake or 'just flavor'. No wraps taste sweet like cake, that would defeat the purpose. But we are talking about mezonos/mezonot rolls/rollt.

      Excuse us if we follow the MB, as we usually do.

    6. Not everyone follows MB.
      In Europe, they followed AH.
      By the way, there are flavored wraps.
      Q: what bracha do you make on egg flavored bagels, or cinnamon -raisin flavored?
      Whole-wheat probably too, but that's another story.

  14. How much of a raise did they get?

  15. Sound was bad in some sections

  16. Sound was bad in some sections

    1. Sound was awful gotta figure it out this is a problem every year

    2. If sound is bad -- bring your own iPhone.

    3. ? bad goreres worse

  17. The Yom Tov for youngeleit theme was a bit odd and the choice music was also weird

    1. I agree I couldn't figure out what the genŕe was supposed to be

    2. Vesamachta bechagecha is for Shavuos didn't you see the flowers on the dais

    3. Well its still the yemei tashlumin of Shavuos so V'somachta makes some kind of sense, but then you have the lag ba'omer music and things sound really confused.

  18. Very dumb the sandwiches were not labeled so most were opened to see what they were then thrown back. Of coarse then nobody will take a sandwich that was opened. How dumb. What a waste. They should have either labeled them or posted some were that they are all the same a piece of turkey& turkey pastrami

  19. The way the 30000 sandwiches were served is beyond stupid

  20. Why did everyone speak in English? What is this Baltimore??

  21. Could not hear a word anyone said, very unclear!!

  22. The smoke & dicco lights are a bizayon for the Yungerlite!!

  23. It is such a bizayon that the crowd claps, is it a political rally??

    1. The clapping is immature how many times did they clap for Reb Moshe Hillel and Teb Malkiel it was embarrassing this crowd should know better

    2. The clapping is immature how many times did they clap for Reb Moshe Hillel and Teb Malkiel it was embarrassing this crowd should know better

  24. I hope the VIP's enjoyed their grilled rack of lamb & fine wine, while me munched on touched up 2 pieces of coldcuts per roll sandwiches with bottled water

    1. You get what you pay for.

    2. huh, But supposedly this is about how they were supposed to be giving back what they got from us to us.

  25. Lots of mustard & ketchup, yum!

  26. Energy was better the first year its got to be changed up

  27. People left big mess from the sandwiches all over the place

    1. There was no where to eat it but in the designated table area and the cleaning crew were not there all the time

  28. What language was R Warman speaking? Chinese? Couldn't understand a word. How dumb

    1. I understood it. He was great!

  29. What happened to Butch Epstein & Unger machering around R Malkiel instead of the shachor??

  30. Does anyone have the words of the Chazon Ish that Rav Malkiel said to sing

  31. I think this event became old hat

  32. The shlepp does not justify it

  33. Should be next year in Rutgers or Princeton football stadium outside

  34. The sound system was off and you could not hear anything clear in multiple sections

    When you invite thousands of bochurim unsupervised expect them to be exactly what they are, bochurim, so that is what it is no complaining.

    The music sound were off be a few seconds due to the stadium echo it was hard dancing to the beat
    The band stopped too many times to allow the crowd to sing killing the momentum

    When Rav Shmuel came in it looked like alot of pushing a d shoving on the screen there should have been more organized

    The suits and clubs situation gives off a us v them vibe which is anathema to the achdus and takes away the chashivus of the youngeleit

    The speeches were ok but a new dynamic speaker would make it memorable, there's so much you can do to hear same people over and over

    The clapping is tacky when gedolim speak the olam should be told before to cut down on the clapping

    Food and snacks were enough for people not to go home hungry, stadium needs to put more garbage cans to dispose of the wrappers the place looked like a chazer shtahl

    Rav Mattisyahu should have gotten better coverage than a few video clips of only him talking

    Timing was nice by ending earlier but for youngeleit it was a 9 hour ordeal

    Overall the 200 million raised in 3 years to
    Support youngeleit is what counts and a big Yasher koach to the man who is the driving force behind all of it and the tomchei Torah who are supporting the lomdei Torah

    1. You are an old timer
      Today's generation likes to sing dance and clap
      The olam had ADHD and can't sit through any speech
      Suits and lounges is what today's balei batim need
      We need the younger generation to attend these events so they grow up with Torah and hachzokas hatorah in their bones

    2. But the purpose of the event is to train the generation,so train them

  35. It's also disgusting to have the VIP crowds nashim milling about between the crowds of Yungerlite

  36. Agree. rude, degrading

  37. Time for BMG to stick to what it should be , a great Makom Torah, and givirim should be honored to support it without all the fan fair

    1. Brilliant. So no fundraising and just wait for the gvirim to shower money on them. Can you provide any examples of yeshivas that successfully employed this approach?

    2. ST in Queens Ner in Toronto

    3. I don't know about ST in Queens, but I've been solicited by Ner in Toronto.
