Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday June 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 93° Sunny to partly cloudy.
Heat advisory remains in effect untillb6am Shabbos morning  For the Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 98. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 107 possible.

- The atzeres in Lakewood for Keren Olam Hatorah will take place Sunday June 23 @7pm in the municipal lot 9th st and Clifton  Ave.

-  Jackson Board of Education say they have no choice butvwill have to make drastic budget cuts includung eliminating  courtesy busing  district wide and curring 18 million aftervthe state cut funding and they are under the state monitor conteol. They released a letter saying that they will be proposing a budget that cuts $18 million in expenses  cutting 70 jobs no more after school programs and will have to sell the Rosenauer Elementary School building.

-Keren Olam Hatorah Update: Sefardi Rosh Yeshiva Rav Avrohom Salim Shlita will be joining the Delegation of gedolim leaving to the US on Motzei shabbos.
Rav Dovid Cohen shlita R"Y Chevron spoke at a meeting  with Rav Div Landau wishing much Hatzlocha in the campaign to raise funds and that he should continue to guide the yeshiva world. 

- Gedolei yisroel continue to be Menachem avel at the Shiva for Rebbetzin Tzipora Faiga Alter A'H almana of the Pnei Menachem of Ger. Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch sent a condolence letter to her son Rav Shaul Alter shlita.

- The 2024 polling average for New York has Biden up by just 7.5%. 

- Supreme Court rules in support of Trump Era tax that taxpayers who own shares in foreign corporations can be constitutionally required to pay a one-time tax on their share of the corporation’s earnings...

- Bde:Petirah of Hagaon Harav Avraham Noach Garbuz Zatzal, Machaber of Sefer Minchas Avraham at the age of 91 his son is Rav Itamar Garbuz, Rosh Yeshivah of Orchos Torah son in law of Rav Gershon Eidelstein ztl. Levaya tonight in Yerushalayim, Kevura on Har Hamenuchos.

-No respect for Lakewood residents as Planning board keeps them waiting up to an hour before meeting. FAA News reports "Following exposure here on FAA News that the Lakewood Planning Board was planning to change their earlier vote which denied a controversial application, numerous neighbors rushed down to urge the Board to not change their vote. The Board adjourned the matter due to lack of a quorum - but only after keeping the neighbors waiting for over an hour! Full story at Faanews

- Huge recall on Chug Chass Sofer Bnei Brak. Numerous imported items from Europe erroneously were without supervision and may not be kosher at all. The hechsher is advising consumers to discard the items. Submitted 

- Recordings of the Nshei Adirei Hatorah event on Chayeinu hotline
Press 2-2 for Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky 408 Rav Simcha Scheinberg 407 Rebbetzin Kushelevsky 406

- Dirshu apologizes to the Skulener rebbe of Boro Park for not holding up an  agreement they had to stop the  livestreaming of the siyum event when the rebbe came, unfortunately the entire event was livestreamed without interruption and they publicly placed ads apologizing for it and to prevent it from happening in the future. 

- No confirmation yet on israel media report of Kabolas panim in Lakewood for gedolei Eretz Yisroel

- Lakewood township committee meeting today virtual only watch livestream Here see agenda Here 5:30 pm
Public comment available by email during meeting Please include your name and address for
the record. On the agenda more street vacations,
Bikes and boating coming to Lake Carasaljo
 -Lakewood township will be paying more to purchase the property at 220 3rd Street, for parking up from the original agreed price of $1.7 million to $1,85 million
- Tax increase Lakewood will be increasing up to 3.5% over the previous year’s final appropriations, of 2.5% going from $2,386,409.22 to $3,340,972.91,
- Lakewood township will be applying a $74,000 grant The Local Recreation Improvement Grant (LRIG) to carry out a project to enhance the public community garden located in the John Patrick Sports Complex 

- The New Jersey state Senate State Government committee will hold part two of its marathon hearing on a bill today that would adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism within the state of New Jersey. The hearing will be held on Zoom. (Sschorr)

- Chaveirim of central jersey gets  new mobile EV charging unit  to refill enough battery to give 15 miles in approximately 15 minutes for cars stuck on the road.

- In  an article published today in the Hebrew mishpacha  magazine the medical consultant Rabbi Shimon Ragubi, chairman of Mazur, comes out strongly against those involved with getting appointments by doctors.'Not everyone that can cut the line for an MRI has the experience or know how to make a recommendation for a patient with a complex head tumor, which type of treatment is recommended and which doctor is more suitable.``

- Trump advisor Stephen Miller predicts that Biden will be heavily medicated for next week’s presidential debate. “He is refusing to take a drug test. This is a fundamental matter of National Security — to have the current occupant of the Oval Office on drugs.”

- Since Biden took office, gas prices have skyrocketed by over 50%, as have groceries and rent by over 20%


  1. Gas HAVE NOT doubled under Biden!

    1. It does NOT say gas prices "doubled" said it went up 50%.
      For the mathematically challenged that means it went up HALF of the price it was then. The price under Trump was $2.20 add 50% (which is $1.10) and you get $3.30....

    2. Here in Lakewood gas IS $4.20, which is DOUBLE.

      Second question -- why is gas $4.20 when all over RT 9, it's $3.20-$3.50?
      Is the hechsher better in Lakewood than on RT 9??

  2. Stop with the street vacations already. Enough is enough.

  3. Very surprised that no one on Hefkervelt knows any details about the asifa on Sunday.

  4. Oiy Gevalt I saw the BP Skulener Rebbe on the Dirshue live stream. I better run to the mikve

    1. Thanks for making fun of an earlier yid. You already brainwashed by the Internet

  5. Huge recall on Chug Chass Sofer Bnei Brak. Numerous imported items from Europe erroneously were without supervision and may not be kosher at all. The hechsher is advising consumers to discard the items.

    1. Which products?

      You can't just come here with lashon hara without any backing.

    2. This is well publicized with letter from numerous agencies, and far from loshan hara.

    3. Chug Chassam Sofer themselves put out a letter to stop using the products.

  6. Cliften 9th is where they should make the next Adirim

  7. He is just enforcing the ideas which were presented years ago at the citi field asifa, It is just that the rest of us have quietly moved away from those ideas since we realized like others have even realized then, That it is completely unrealistic. It's very nice and theory to prohibit internet in most circumstances, Till you realize that your appliance diagnostic and DMV documents ,doctors appointments etc all need the internet.
    It wasn't too bright then for those who saw the future ,and it looks pretty dim now.

    1. Ok but why do children have access to the Internet in the house and out?

    2. It's because of people like the Skulener Rebbe that thousands of yungerleit and many balabatim use flip phones. It's because of people like him that the Torah world only uses filtered computers and that TAG is busy day and night advising, coaching and installing filters. Not because of the chachomim who understood that one day everyone will need it.

    3. You just built a strawman and made your argument nobody is saying the internet is kosher or we don't need safeguards The question at the time was how to proceed .to refresh your memory initially the war was about texting..... For example..Many gedolim did not agree. Their foresight shows today. Tag would have been arguably much more effective if they would have approached the subject a bit more pragmatically. Affect that their message kept on changing as time went on did not help the Cause You can argue with this premise but at least let's argue fairly

  8. Rabbi Shimon Ragubi is 100% right about the organizations that have access to doctors, not necessarily having access to the best advice on what medical approach is best.

    Many of the organizations that are linked to doctors are limited that they cannot let you know about other doctor or alternative ideas because it would be disloyal to those very doctors that they have close access to!

    This could end up causing the organization to give bad advice to someone who truly needs the best advice even more than getting that "early appointment to the MRI".

    People should do their own research and not blindly trust yiddishe organizations.

    1. The reason they are managing to cut the lines, is because they are providing revenue to the Dr's and in turn are receiving "donations" from the Dr. It is not always based on medical qualifications. There is a reason that a "top" Dr in a "top" hospital that has a waiting list for a year suddenly agrees to see a patient because the "askan" called. It's not out of admiration or respect.

    2. Ahhh, I get it. So they're corrupt and only pose as decent and caring people. Of course.
      You're the tzaddik and they're corrupt reshaim...

    3. Is there nothing in between tzaddik and corrupt reshayim? Yes, they're trying to help, and in many cases they do. But they are also affected by other factors. Doesn't make them reshayim, just means the public should not trust blindly and should verify.
      It's idiots like you that prevent people from trying to help others, and why this town has blindly elected politicians who have helped few. When people spoke out about how Schnall can't deliver on his promises, they too were called reshayim. Yet they were correct.

    4. Sorry, Schnall has no place in this conversation. You alleged that they have ulterior motives in guiding people and anyone who guides people in matters of health and isn't 100% truthful is a rasha. So you called them reshaim. It's not difficult to understand.
      And you are a big tzaddik obviously.

    5. Not sure why you are so triggered by this. My guess is I hit a raw nerve. I never called anyone a rasha or claimed I'm a tzaddik. I'm telling you of first hand experience. Do with it what you want.

    6. I agree with you fully, had similar experiences. These organizations are wonderful, but you still must be your own best advocate and think for yourself. There are lots of other things that are at play when they recommend a doctor, thank them and do your own research too.

    7. Triggered? Hardly.
      It's called expressing an opinion and just because it doesn't align with yours, it's still okay. Only a narcissist would view it otherwise.
      Your firsthand experience does not wash away an entire industry. You make very strong allegations against many people based on "your firsthand experience." Your allegations are slanderous. Effectively you're claiming that they don't always act in the best interests of the patient. That's a MAJOR claim to lodge against many sincere and tremendous baalei chessed.
      That's the only point I made. Please don't act like you didn't say anything too major.

  9. If the Skulener Rebbe doesn't hold of live streaming, then he should NOT have attended period as it was a live stream event even if they were going to stop the live stream while he was there!!?

    1. Does he ever fly how does he book a ticket? Does he ever go to a doctor how does he receive his medical records? Does he file taxes how does he file? Just the fact that he's lucky enough to have someone else do it for him does not mean it's not necessary so for him to ban any sort of use is hypocritical. He is obviously banning every sort of use because live streaming can be filtered and that's not good enough for him

    2. "so for him to ban any sort of use is hypocritical'"

      I strongly suggest you relax and reconsider how you speak about a person of his character. He is a kadosh and a Tzaddik. You may or may not personally agree with him, but that does not give you license to call a person like him a disparaging name (or anyone else for that matter, but this is even worse.).

      This is not difficult folks. You can disagree and even wonder, but you can't disrespect. It's הלכה מפורשת.

  10. Can we make a rayze it campaign so the surrounding community can make a shul/community center on the property.
