Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday June 30 News Updates Lakewood

Weather 87° Cloudy skies this morning followed by thunderstorms during the afternoon. Potential for severe thunderstorms. High 87F.

 There is a possible risk of severe weather today

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect today until 7pm Prepare to take shelter if necessary. Today's outlook: There is a likely risk of severe weather

- Latest poll shows Trump leading Biden 41% to 40% in New Jersey

- BDE: sudden Petira of R' Yosef Basker Z"L of the Raintree neighborhood in Lakewood after suffering a heart attack. He was 41, was  a english teacher at several local yeshivos and ran Miahmayos programs in Raintree. He leaves behind a Almana Mrs.Shulamis Basker with 9 Yesomim. The Levaya is scheduled for 10:15pm tonight at the Lakewood chapel off 7th st. With kevura in Lakewood. Matzav  reports Beyond his contributions in the classroom, Rabbi Basker was also a tireless advocate for cholim, providing essential support and care to those in hospitals.

- Joe Bidens family encourages him to stay in the race according to a new report from the New York Times.The “strongest voice” in the family for him to remain in the race was Hunter Biden, who Joe calls the “smartest” man he knows.

- BDE: Petira of the Ziditchover Rebbe of Chicago, HaRav Yehoshua Heschel Z"tl at the age of 81 after an illness. The Levaya is planned for this evening 6 or 7pm the Aron will be flown to EY with kevurah on Har Hazeisim. The rebbe was a masmid and always helped meahulachim who would visit Chicago. His sons live in Chicago, Baltimore, Marine Park. He's a mechutan with the Boyan, Bobov 45, Skvere, Satmar, Vizhnitz Monsey & Yerushalaim, Toldos Ahron, Kalov, Vien, Skulen Monsey, Vieliopol, etc..

He was also a brother in law of the Novominsker Rebbe z"l, & the Vizhnitzer Rebbe Reb Mendele

- Bill O'Reilly  news headquarters. The decision has been made that the President will quit the campaign.  Two reasons: Democrat internal polling says he cannot recover from the debate, and fundraising is drying up. So, it's over forqa0 Joe.  But the White House doesn't yet know how or when to make the announcement. Stay close. 

- Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita at the rally in Yerushalayim: There's no difference of a bochur is learning in yeshiva or not, either way they are not allowed to join the army al pi halacha it is a place of impurity and kefira. We have no right to compromise on anyone. Dear bochurim stay strong we are fighting for you and will even sit in jail in your place.

- France: Far right National Rally dominates the first round of parliamentary elections in France, a fataI blow to Macron. Leftist begin to riot in the streets and burn stores

- Hurricane Beryl has just become the first June Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in history.  

- Tens of thousands gather in Yerushalayim at the Badatz  atzeres against the Gezeiras Giyus at kikar Shabbos. Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita  addressed the crowd.

- Ruby label shoe sale today in Lakewood at Esther Gerber hall  5th st & Madison from 12pm - 7pm only $20 a pair for boys and girls shoes

- CBS News poll finds that 72% of registered voters do not believe he has the mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president.

- The Lakewood Catskill bus begins today service today  $50 one way leaving to the Catskills Sundays at 5pm and Thursday at 7:O5pm from Westgate plaza 82 Hillside with additional stops at Forest Ave and 9th, Squankum and E. Kennedy

- Hakomas Matzeiva for Rav Moshe Wolfson ZTL a week following the petirah see photo of kever below.

-Following many recent tragedies and petirah of manhigei Yisrael, the gedolei yisroel are forming a letter calling for a yom tefilah this Thursday erev Rosh chodesh Tamuz Yom Kippur katan mukdam

- Full episode: Rav Tzvi and Rebbetzin Kushelevsky discuss their journey of emunah and Bitachon following the birth of their baby boy at his age of 88. Watch Here

- Chavivim of Ocean county vehichle inspection event  today in Toms River at 2084 Lakewood Rd, Toms River,NJ From 5pm-11pm refreshments will be served

- Ted Cruz: I believe the odds are north of 80 percent that the Democrat Party will remove Joe Biden from the ticket and replace him," "And I believe they are likely to replace Joe Biden with Michelle Obama.

- Bais Chinuch Lebanos girls school in Lakewood was founded and guided by the Kosssover rebbe ZTL. The mosad took out ads announcing the loss of their leader.

- A El Al flight from Warsaw had to make an emergency landing in Antalya Turkey for a medical emergency. Turkish authorities are not allowing the plane to take off again. 

-Yeshiva and Mesivta of Long Beach will locate to a hotel in NJ for the remainder of the zman as the beach season opens near the current location the yeshiva is building a new campus near Monsey, NY.

- President Joe Biden was set up in a 'soft coup' to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed last night. Daily mail reports. A former aide to Hillary Clinton said: 'There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August. 'Biden's inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a 'soft coup' because they know he isn't fit to govern and have known for some time.

-BDE: 41-year-old Adina Zahavi A"H, a mother of 9, was niftar last night after rescuing her children from a fire in their Kochav Yaakov home in Samaria. 19 others were injured in the the fire that was triggered by an e-bike battery.(Kol Haolam)

- Lakewood zoning board will hear application tomorrow July 1st to construct a cell communications tower on the Georgian Court property behind 14th street. Faanews reports the new site will be mostly visible from Cedarview Avenue and Case Road, with some visibility from Lakewood Avenue.

- NJ budget: Many school districts remain unhappy, including some that have cut jobs and services. Of the 593 school districts in New Jersey, 140 will see their aid decline. Republican law makers spoke out against Murphy and dems budget as some towns “are being forced to raise property taxes,” some more than 9%. ”Where is all that money going? 

Ziditchoiv Rebbe of  Chicago ZTL

Tens of thousands demonstrate in Yerushalayim against gezeiras giyus or any compromise

Matzeivah of Rav Moshe Wolfson ztl

Rav Avrohom Schorr on the Petirah of the Kossover rebbe


  1. I am not sure how the Democrats can replace Biden since most states by law require delegates to vote their pledges on the first ballot and Biden already enough votes to win on the first ballot. As for Michelle Obama, my brother had dinner with George W. (nicest guy in world), met with Bill Clinton (he slapped him on the back when he apologized for not having a tie on when he met the president.) and others, but said Michelle Obama was the most fantastic speaker he ever heard. Still, I am weary of another president who never served in public office before. Trump was the first. Wendell Wilkie in 1940 went straight from business to running for president but he lost. Biden is going to have to decide on his own.

    1. Michelle O. is a wonderful speaker???? There's 9ne thing she's proud of the USA about. Just one thing - that she was given power. Listen to her say it.

    2. Do we need a fantastic speaker?
      Or a leader who understands what's at stake, appreciates the gravity of the position, and the ramifications of their decisions?

      I don't know Michelle either way, but that's the question to ask.

    3. Agreed. Here is the real story about President Bush. He and my brother and someone who went to Yale with Bush were at a dinner at the same table. The president points to the guy from Yale and says, "This is the dude I cheated off." He was kidding. Bush asked the waiter his name and made friends with him. My brother asked George W. two things. "Did father ever disagree with anything you did as president. You would expect something about the Iraq that everyone says but he says one word, "Rumsfeld." Nobody liked Rumsfeld probably to the present day. Then he asked him about Trump who was president at the time. Bush turned red and said nothing. I don't know about the red part but you knew he didn't like him. About Mrs. Obama, the point was that everyone likes her. She is no Rumsfeld. But until someone is tested in either administrative (including war winning generals) or legislative office, in my opinion, my opinion, they should not be running for president.

    4. Rumsfeld was of the best members of that below avg. cabinet [though better still than either of the successors], but was foolishly turned into the administration's media goat.

    5. OK. Just repeating what I was told in the name of the president. I really admire Geroge W. following his super achieving Houstonian father and being a spoiled privileged dumb%&* for so many years (like the rest of us back then) and then getting his act together, straightening out his life, taking over the Dallas baseball team, and becoming governor and then president. Governor Ann Richards said that he was born with a silver foot in his mouth, but that is all the more reason why he could have just drank beer all day and hung out on a Texas Gulf coast beach house, or his ranch, or wherever. So yes, he had a leg up, but no, he did not have it all handed to him. He had to take control of his life. I hated his Iraq war, I think he was led on by Rumsfeld and Chaney (Chaney was with Brown and Root (Houston company) that merged with Hallitburton), but I identify with him in being the underachieving oldest kid of an overachieving oil executive. (His father was a wildcatter doing Zapata Oil before entering politics). Anonymous.

    6. I want to add that my mother loved Barbara Bush. All the moms in Houston started wearing fake jewelry like her because she was such a real person. You would think being coming from upper class Connecticut Yankees they were stuck up but they were exactly the opposite. Everyone in Texas, you did not have to be rich or white, liked be around George W. I hear now, that the whole state hates him because the Bushes represent what they call the old Republican party, that of Reagan, but really it was the Bush party because George senior is the one who built Reagan's party. He was like the only Republican in the state in the 1970s.

    7. Rumsfeld may have gotten too big for his britches, which if so
      is the fault of the prez & State dept who are supposed to balance him out. He was a superb Defense Sec'y.
      iirc He was goaded on by the Israel Lobby


  2. One trick pony, yawn

    1. You're getting boring. Can you come up with a new line.

  3. Why no coverage of anti giyus hafgana on frum news sites

  4. Because no one cares about Edah.
    Agudah and Gimel made a deal (much shekalim). Shas can't make a deal they're not reliable.

  5. According to Rav Moshe Sternbuch how was it EVER mutter to join ANY army in the past? The other armies that drafted Yidden for hundreds of years made a LOT less accommodations for frum people than the current Israeli does. And based on what the Chofetz Chaim wrote in Machne Yisroel in perokim like “Arayos” they were horrible places of kefira and taaruvos with plenty of korbonos r'l. Answers of substance only, please. If you are going to froth emotionally about “Zionists” and “shmad” please don’t answer.

    1. 1. They didn't have a choice, they were drafted. The frummer ones tried all they can to get themselves out of the army and were successful to a point
      2. These armies were not "melting pots" OTOH they were extremely anti Semitic. There wasn't a danger of mingling with non Jews like there exists in the IDF
      3. Women in the army practically didn't exist prior to recent decades. Whatever the CC is referring to by "arayos" can be multiplied by 100 to try to reflect the current situation

    2. this isn't your site. you don't get to choose what kind of answers you get.

    3. : דברי פי חכם חן ושפתות כסיל תבלענו.

    4. JB, Anyone who thinks it can be remotely argued that the armies in prior times were better than what you can work out with the Israeli army clearly never learned through Machne Yisroel. And probably isn't very familiar with the Israeli army eithet Why didn't any of the Gedolim then saying it is OSSUR to join the army ? The other two answers were what I expected .Enough said....

    5. They were bad in kashrus and shmiras shabbos, these aren't things that cause people to go off the derech, quite the opposite they strengthen a person's frumkeit when he tries his best to avoid them
      The arayos, kalus rosh and co mingling that is prevalent in today's IDF is much נפשו של אדם מחמדתן

    6. Dina d'malchusa applied however unfortunately re:drafting in other foreign countries.Like taxes. Many authorities hold it doesn't carry the same weight re: modern Israel

    7. Shabbos was not the biggest problem in the Russian army. AZ was

    8. Mr. Cohen - you are seriously confused. Nobody believed DIna demalchusa applied to the draft. People resorted to all kinds of chicanery to get out of it.

      How little people know about their own history is really scary.

    9. Machne Yisroel has an entire perek on kalus rosh. There is no co mingling in the battalions that are meant for frum people. They are completely separated by gender.

    10. we get it! You read Machane Yisroel. Hurray for you, you read a sefer! let's all give you a round of applause!

    11. 6:19 AM
      QED "how little" ..indeed
      For your ilk everything is remarkably treated as a binary "If people resorted to all kinds of chicanery," then..

    12. The former Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel (Rav Kulefsky) was in the US army during WWII even though he could have used chicanery to get out of it. The draft board asked him if he is 100% committed to enter divinity service He answered "no" He could have said "yes" and avoided the draft.

  6. Humorous doozy how the largest party in France can be dubbed, parroted, or re-pasted in the jewish media as far-right.Huh?
    & Macron's supposed "Centrist" is led by a #^@<~
