Tuesday, June 25, 2024

GIYUS Bnei Hayeshivos: High Court Rules All Charedi men Eligible must be Drafted

The High Court in Israel the Bagatz put out the ruling unanimously that all ultra-Orthodox men eligible for service must be drafted to the IDF. All 60,000 of them at the current state absent a draft law.

The nine-judge panel of the High Court of Justice on Tuesday ordered a full draft of charedim into the IDF and the freezing of all funds for institutions that do not comply starting April 1. Meaning funding to yeshivos and kollelim will stop this August 8 at the end of the current school year.

Practically speaking the Bagatz left it up to the govt and IDF to work out a Giyus law. For this year, the army said it can only absorb the conscription of up to 3000 charedim. Therefore even if there's no giyus law voted on, the government can survive by pushing it off for another year and the funding will continue for another year for the tens of thousands of young men that the army says it cannot accept.

 Despite tough talk of the frum knesset members, none of them threatened to bolt from the coalition and bring down the government.

The blockbuster ruling could lead to new elections or, if not, a change in the political landscape on the issue of haredim in the IDF.

Nine Supreme Court judges unanimously ruled that there is no legal framework that makes it possible for the State to avoid drafting bnei yeshivos and therefore must act in accordance with the provisions of the Security Service Law. in the absence of a legal framework for exempting bnei yeshivos, funds to yeshivos and kollelim for students eligible for the draft cannot be transferred.

Charedi pundits explain, In the situation created after the ruling, it is better for the ultra-Orthodox to pass a conscription law, so they can determine the number of yeshiva members who will be conscripted, according to the IDF's ability to absorb them.

The interesting question is about the funding. After all, if the IDF is prepared to recruit only 3,000 ultra-Orthodox, apparently it will be possible to continue budgeting for the tens of thousands of young men that the army says it cannot accept.

It should be noted that even if the conscription law is not approved in the end, the ultra-Orthodox will be able to live in the coming year with the conscription of 3,000 yeshiva students, and the meaning is that from a political point of view, the crisis regarding conscription seems to have been postponed.

Another potential financial blow is the subsidies to Avreichin for childcare at 1500 shekel per child which would be terminated. Moreover, the Attorney-General has stated that several other budgets for charedim could be stopped as well, including municipal subsidies for poorer families and child care subsidies for families where the male is studying Torah. (Though they could be prevented if the Shas ministers in charge of the Interior Ministry and Labor and Social Affairs Ministry change the criteria for receiving subsidies to refer only to families where the wife works irrespective of the husband’s other activities.)

The ועד הישיבות responds to the ruling:

הישיבות הקדושות שמימיהם של אבותינו לא פרשו מהם ותלמידיהם השוקדים על תלמודם - זהו סוד קיום אומתנו לדורות והינם למגן וצינה לעם היושב בציון. בהיותנו אמונים על דברי חכמינו ז"ל שבשעה שהקול קול יעקב אין הידים ידי עשו, הרי שדוקא בשעה שעת צרה היא ליעקב ראוי היה לחזק את מבצרי התורה - הישיבות הקדושות ולסייעם להשמיע ביתר שאת ועוז את קולו של יעקב. 

מובטחנו בסייעתא דשמיא שקול התורה הנשמע בהיכלות התורה ימשיך בכל עוז כי היא חיינו ונשמת אפינו.

Another point, the court carefully worded the ruling that only yeshiva students who received a deferment in the past will be cut funding,this was to spare all Arabs leftists and other draft dodgers from the ruling. Ironically political commentators point out that yeshiva students associated with peleg yerushalayim who followed the rulings of the leaders not to go and get a deferment, will technically still be eligible for funding.

Rav Dov Landau spoke harshly against the Bagatz yesterday at a fundraising dinner in Manhattan 

"We came from Eretz Yisrael, the situation of the Torah students is terrible and terrible! The reshaim there and the authorities took the budgets that the yeshiva and kollel had, and the yeshiva are in a situation where they have no possibility to continue, some kollels have already closed The yeshiva leaders say they can't continue any longer, and it's all because of the convictions of the authorities there."

This was reported today in the Washington Post lauding the ruling and attacking the charedim.

Israeli Supreme Court rules ultra-Orthodox must serve in the military The decision could result in ultra-Orthodox lawmakers pulling out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition and collapsing it. "The ultra-Orthodox, also known as Haredim, are Israel’s fastest-growing minority. They receive government subsidies for privately run schools and religious and social organizations. For years, there has been a movement of lawmakers to cut them off, condemning the systems that allow their quasi-autonomous societies to exist within Israel, all while eschewing taxes (because few work) or military service (because few enlist)."


  1. Same old.yawn.Nothing will change.

  2. Pushing charedim up against the wall?(Fun for the anti-charedim, but)Both sides like it this way.Useful for propaganda & fundraising.
    All of it would have been nipped in the bud last year had charedim helped their partners knock off the bagatz ,when it was on the verge of happening.Instead they as usual preferred to sit on the sidelines-all of a sudden ironically concerned about shalom.
    Let them whine now -all of this was predicted here on hefkervelt

    1. Why do you think the Charedim's help would have helped? There is no reason to believe so, the forces against reform were too powerful.
      So they would have joined a fight, developed enemies, for no purpose.

      Seems Gedolei Yisroel know a little more than you.

    2. Baloney. Whenever we have been active in some klal affair the GY thank us afterwards (when/if others haven't finagled already the credit)invariably.

      To quote R Yitzchok Zilber zt"l:Responsibility is on all of us if something wasn't done, GY will discuss the effect afterwards.
      Lay'degai'ers have been in charge & are the gatekeepers, though we all must pretend differently.
      iirc GY run media have wailing,whining for a couple decades ! for just what was finally happening a year ago.But then..
      Every generation GY admit they wasted for some major opportunity or another the previous generation.
      The yerushalmim admit they botched opportunities in the early 20th century that would have changed the face of EY

    3. They're staying away sure has helped them now! Has it ever?

    4. Big talker Cohen.

      What would have happened if they had joined the fight last year? What would the outcome be then? Would they have had the power to change anything? How stupid can people be?

    5. Answer is straightforward: They would've broken the back of the bagatz.
      & the Jewish media would be now pretending the Frum leadership had all planned it out.

  3. this op ed isnt true. Funding is at risk. It is up to the community is Eretz Yisrael to decide if they want to give the army the right to decide on the future of their bochurim. If they want to dig in now, that would make sense also.

  4. apparently its ok for 3000 boys to go off the derech?

    1. There are plenty of people who go into the army frum and leave frum anyone who does otherwise is their own doing

    2. Lies! even leading Mizrachi rabbonim said the 60% who went to the. army were nichshal in frumkeit including Giluy arayos and shemiras shabbos. Some do stay frum but it is a shmad factory for most


    3. Which leading Mizrachi rabbonim said that and where?

    4. Moreover Rabbi Cohen defined the IDF as a “melting pot for secularity and leaving religion.” He brought a study that from the Religious Zionist community, between 210 and 510 of each 1000 leave the values they have been educated with and part of this is due to the atmosphere of their army service.


    5. Where are these 3,000 now? What is their frumkeit level?

  5. The funding which is at risk is 5 -10 percent of the yeshiva budget And not all students are affected only those which don't have A petur. And even that The government has committed to find other ways to fund the yeshivos. So at this point it is possibly temporary. Most Of the funding, Free tuition till age 18 ,Free health care free child care, arnuna discounts Monthly stipends for each child and much more is not threatened. Since it's given directly to the students and they are eligible based off their income level.(roughly 3400 shekel).

  6. we must bring down this atheist government

    1. Uh... The Israeli Supreme Court is an unelected group not accountable to the government or any law it passes. For all practical purposes they are a dictatorship. The Chariedei world made a major mistake by not joining forces with Mizrachi and other opponents of it's dictator powers when they were being fought last summer.

    2. Will the next government be any better? This is the country right now. Be mekarev more people to Torah, and there will be less atheists.

  7. see vayakhel.com for the reason chareidim will never serve in the idf.

    1. Could you post a link. Unable to search for it.

    2. http://vayakhel.com

    3. In the interest of Kavod Hatorah:

      1. The Rav in this video doesn’t even hold of the Peleg Rabbonim, let alone the recognized gedolim who are currently fundraising in America. I don’t see why it is even Mutar to listen to him.

      2. He says that it is better to eat chazer than to be (long term - I assume) in the same place as non-frum people.

      3. This makes me comfortable pointing out that he showed no compassion for the yidden in the army who have been killed. I can’t believe any Gadol would react that way. The Satmar Rebbe would cry when soldiers were killed.

      4. All of us understand the idea of Yehareig V’al Yaavor, but it is a Halacha - not a strategy. His Gabbai presents it - supposedly in the name of gedolim - as a strategy.

  8. You might not like what I'm about to say, but it's the hard truth.

    Everybody and their brother ran out to see Rav Dov Landau on his recent visit to Lakewood. They clamored to get near him, snapped pictures, and tried to soak in his holy presence.

    And sure, that’s beautiful. Being inspired by a holy man is important.

    But was it really about inspiration, or was it just another bragging right, another selfie to show off that you stood next to the gadol hador?

    Because look what happened right after the event ended.

    Everybody got back into their Acuras and Teslas, drove back to their McMansions with pools and jacuzzis, and feasted on aged Wagyu steak for supper at the newest local restaurants.

    Their wives rushed in the latest range rovers to elegant stores to buy the latest Italian Shabbos clothing, handmade ostrich leather yarmulkes for the boys, $300 crushed velvet shoes for the girls, and hired interior decorators to choose new artisan wallpaper for their living rooms.

    You see where I'm going with this.

    We admire the gedolim. We talk about the gedolim. We hang hand-painted portraits of the gedolim with 24k gold leaf borders in our dining rooms, right next to our Restoration Hardware-style vintage crystal chandeliers.

    But we sure don't want to live like the gedolim.

    And maybe that's where our problem begins.

    1. You are making a very extreme unrealistic scenario and painting everyone with a broad brush. Most people at the event couldn't afford the gas for the way home.
      Gevirim getting connection with gedolim started long before Bnei Brak. It has nothing to do with Lakewood .
      Stop with these fake extreme dramatic lies

    2. Let me ask you a silly question whose spirituality are you more concerned with the gedolim the gevirim or your own?
      These people have been blessed with these resources why would you want them spending it on more naarishkeit?
      Or is your gripe more personal ?
      Please advise

  9. This is a 25 year old story. Politicians and RYs had 25 years from when the case was first filed to work it out, but RYs have always had a short term outlook on any controversial issue, refusing to work out a real deal.

    And by the way, why should anyone pay talmidim to not do their required work in Tzahal?

    1. You sound like someone who doesn't like Roshei Yeshiva. I would suggest you watch http://vayakhel.com to understand the real reason why Yeshiva Bochurim will never serve in the IDF.

    2. And they saved an entire generation from the army by acting this way.

      Forcing the fight out into the open 25 years ago would have caused this outcome much earlier.

    3. Doubt it.&so should you.
      BTW You always rush to defend for those who are reactive instead of proactive?What about among your coworkers?More likely alot of big issues that are still messing us up would have already been on route to resolution

  10. Who makes it required ?
