Friday, June 21, 2024

Israel At War Friday June 21

Israel at war day 259

-Multiple reports that Canada is preparing a massive evacuation of 45,000 citizens from Lebanon. Canadian FM: “We are getting ready for an emergency evacuation operation of our citizens from Lebanon.”

- Two more soldiers killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 314
Omer Smadga, 25, from Ganot Hadar
Saadia Yaakov Dery, 27, from Tel Aviv

Qatar’s foreign minister says some progress has been made in negotiations over a Gaza ceasefire deal but gaps remain between Israel and Hamas.

Armenia recognizes Palestinian statehood; Israel summons ambassador for reproach

Israel unprepared for full-blown war with Hezbollah — senior electricity official
Head of company responsible for planning country’s electrical systems says Israel would be uninhabitable after 72 hours without power; after furor, claims he misspoke

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