Monday, June 10, 2024

Israel At War Monday June 10

Israel at war day 248

- In 14-0 vote, UN  Security Council adopts US motion backing Israeli hostage-truce deal

- Lebanese media are reporting Israeli airstrikes in the Hermel District of northeastern Lebanon, in what appears to be a response to numerous Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel over the past day, and the terror group downing an IDF drone. It also potentially marks the deepest IDF strike in Lebanon amid the war, as Hermel is some 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the Israeli border.

- Report: Israel’s full proposal includes ‘permanent’ truce before all hostages return

- US in unilateral talks with Hamas on release of  5 American hostages from Gaza, the negotiations would be held via Qatari mediators and would not include Israel.

- Incident in Gaza: Building collapses on soldiers in Rafa after hit by RPG  several casualties reported by media, IDF yet to acknowledge 

-Blinken urges regional leaders to ‘press Hamas to say yes’ to Gaza deal

- NYT: Hamas has orders to kill hostages if they fear that the IDF nears

-Anti-tank guided missiles launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon at the northern border community of Yir'on caused damage to a home, authorities say. Hezbollah has increased rocket attacks going deeper into Israel with interceptions today over Tzfas. 

- Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich excoriates National Unity party leader Benny Gantz over his party’s exit from the coalition last night, calling it “the least statesmanlike act” possible and accusing him and his allies Gadi Eisenkot and Chili Tropper of placing “personal and political considerations over the national consideration.”


  1. Ywn website down!

    1. BH
      So much filth and apikorsus on that site

    2. BH
      So much filth and apikorsus on that site

    3. You may not agree hashkafically with everything on the site but that is not an excuse to call it apikorsus.


  2. A Shavuos Special Feature Shiur was given   by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin on the topic of:
    "Kabolas Ha'Torah by Boaz"- The alternate route of Mesiras Ha'Torah mi'Dor- le'Dor
