Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday June 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, June 21, 2024 / ט״ו סיון תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך
candle lighting 8:11 pm
Shkiah/sunset  8:29 pm 
Weather: 95° Sunny. Hot. High near 95F
Shabbos day 95° Sunny some scattered thunderstorms later in the day. Near record high temperatures.Chance of rain 40%.

- 6:30pm update power back on Black outs and power outages in Lakewood Central New Central area. 

Canada plans to evacuate 40,000 citizens from Lebenan as fear of war breaking out

- Speaker Mike Johnson will be in New Square this Sunday to attend a rally on behalf of Mike Lawler the hanhalas Hakehillabis calling on the community to come out and welcome him 

- Sadigura rebbe shlita of Bnei Brak will be spending this shabbos in Lakewood at the B"M 53 Holy Street  Friday night kiddush will be right after davening There will be Havdala followed by zemiros on Motzei shabbos.

- The Supreme Court has upheld a federal gun control law that’s intended to protect domestic violence victims. The justices ruled 8-1 Friday in favor of a 1994 ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners.

-NJ state senator Declan O'Scanlon  totally unacceptable delays and cancellations of NJ Transit trains. Things have gone from bad to worse under the Murphy administration. Withhold payments to Amtrack. Light a fire under the Biden administration..  FIX THIS MESS!!

- NJ Transit says rail service is suspended into and out of Penn Station New York this morning due to Amtrak overhead wire issues

- Yated Neeman has Adirei Hatorah event on front page yet Lakewood local weekly publications did not feature it as a front page story

- Junteenth celebrated today in New Jersey State govt offices closed federal offices and mail open

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that U.S. citizens do not have a constitutional right to have their non-citizen spouses granted entry into the country. The three liberal justices dissented from the majority opinion.

-A group of nine bochurim from Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland miraculously escaped serious injury yesterday after their van overturned in an accident on I-80 in  Pennsylvania en route to Monsey, when it overturned around 4:30 am. The father of one of the bochurim  attributed the bochurim’s safety to their decision to guard their eyes by taking the long journey home from Cleveland instead of flying  which they could have potentially been exposed to inappropriate sights and scenes.“Shmiras Einayim, that’s what saved these bochurim today, news reports 

- Assemblyman Avi Schnall says school choice is not dead despite setbacks of having to withdraw the legislation in an interview with Tvol Schnall says that recent developments have contributed to having it pulled such as the change of the county line  on the democrat ballot means not everyone will get Unnion support and severe budget issues making things more complicated. 

- Toms River school board agreed to raise taxes 9.9%, but only if the state provides about $12.4 million in additional aid to balance the budget.
- Lakewood planning board Faa reports In quite some shocking developments a  Lakewood Planning Board member, was called out by an attorney for allegedly colluding with developers to attempt to nudge the Board to withdraw from appealing the Superior Court’s ruling in the Besadar Holdings application, FAA News has learned. More

-Former President Trump says he will be releasing the JFK files early on in his second term as president and hints at the CIA being behind those who influenced him not to release the files during his first term.

- A previously censored study from The Lancet in 2023 has passed peer review and is set to be published, revealing that 74% of sudden deaths were due to COVID-19 vaccines.
The study, based on 325 autopsies of vaccinated individuals, indicates a significant correlation between the vaccine and sudden deaths (Pateick Webb)

- Trump says he will bring up and question Biden about all the recent illegal immigrant killings during next week's debate.

- Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for his debate with Trump on June 27 in Atlanta

-Trump holds slight edge over Biden in key swing states post his conviction per Emerson College poll. He leads Biden by 4 points in Arizona and Georgia, by 3 points in Wisconsin and Nevada, 2 points in Pennsylvania and 1 point in Michigan. They're tied in Minnesota.


  1. there is a letter in the Voice by someone who claims to be part of Adirei Hatorah planning team with a completely made up story about the 76ers. Anyone who knows anything about basketball - even if you didn't follow this year's playoffs - could easily see the story is false. Even the name of the player he talks about is not a real person. But this guy claims to have personally been part of it. Why would someone lie so blatantly when it can so easily be Googled and seen that he is lying? is he so used to lying that it comes naturally to him?

    1. Someone donates the arena, and this guy is davening that the donor's team should lose?

      And by the way, I never heard of a six point shot!

    2. I read the letter and immediately picked on the fact that it was satirical. It appears that you lack either brains or a sense of humor, or possibly both. No need to google that, it's obvious.

  2. omg, lakewood pubs are sooo anti!!!

  3. Lakewood media and publications are Trash Filth
    The scoop ignored the event just babyish and immature but also irrelevant these days do no one cares

    The voice Is pure trash and should be thrown into the garbage instead of left outside turning into a heap of moldy paper

    The shopper is surprising that there was no front page

    1. VOice and Shopper are the same thing. Neither have any literary, honesty, or Torah standards.

  4. Hv why no mention of SCOTUS ruling re gun control?

    1. Why is this a hefkervelt issue

    2. Its not but as he posted about the SCOTUS ruling about immigration, I was curious as to the rationale of not posting about the bigger, news making decision of the day. Apparently there was none and just delayed.

  5. Oh the Lakewood media that follows daas teireh and pushed the avi schnall propaganda on everyone

  6. The Lakewood magazines are not news magazines, they are feature magazines. The Yated is a newspaper. There's a big difference.

  7. 1. Avi Schnall -- county line ballot issue only applies to primaries, which teacher's unions always win.
    Severe budget issues have been going on for decades. Closing OPRA is no problem to pass. But a few measly bucks for yeshivot are opposed, cause truth is, if Lakewood gets it, other districts want money too. Well, give them money instead of Abbott Districts.

    2. Did BMG put a few ads for their Adirei and other events? If not, of course they won't promote it. Anyway, why advertise, they sold out anyway.

    3. Instead of evacuating Canadians, why not tell Hezbollah stop firing missiles? That they won't do, let some Jews die.
