Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Reflections and Appreciation of the Adirei Hatorah Event

 By Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita 


  1. Got on watsapp

    Hi sorry to bother i heard your somewhat involved, please pass on to those who arranged the Adirei HaTorah. Im a regular ballabos, learned in Yeshiva a couple years and went out to work. Over the years ive tried to keep up my ruchniyus but being exposed to and working with the outside world comes along with constant nisyonos and challenges. To the point where i feel like even the ruchniyusdige times in my life theres always a mechitza/filter and its not belev shalem, there always diferent struggles going on inside me. When i came to the Ma'amad and watched the thousands of Bnei Torah dancing and singing and listening and internalizing the speeches it hit me so strongly, they are so pure, so real, no filter no mechitzas no questions no struggles, they know and see and most importantly live the truth. The energy in the room can never be duplicated or copied, Their simcha was so real and pure and hit me so hard, i am missing out on so much. Its a painful reality but unfortunately true. Yesterday when i davened Shachris when i came to the words ותן שכר טוב לכל הבוטחים באמת and said the words ושים חלקינו עמהם I couldn't hold back my emotions i cried for 5 minutes straight, repeating the words again and again begging Hashem, after seeing the truth and emes so beautifully displayed in front of my eyes, begging to have a part in that emes. I dont know what concrete steps i wil, take, but at least i recieved a reality check and change in attitude. This was obviously not the official intention of the Ma'amad but you never know the far reaching effects of your actions. Thank you for arranging, it was a beautiful and unparalleled event. May it be a zechus for all of you and may you be zoche to arrange the next Ma'amad, in honor of the coming of Moshiach.

    1. @anonymous 8:12PM. Last year and this year I kept saying that I don't know what the Adirei Hatorah event is really all about. I kept wondering why so much money and time was being spent to show people how important lomdei Torah are. It didn't seem logical. But when I read your post I realized that the whole even was worth it, just for your reaction! May you take this chizuk with you and go higher and higher.

  2. Not all balabatim are this depressed

  3. Since you so eloquently directed such an inspiring speech, , I was wondering why you picked on the fact that he didn't praise the hanhalas hayeshiva(aren't they your relatives) as much as the yungerleit who don't receive salaries compared to the hanhalas hayeshiva. I thought you said it is similar to sheva brochos where the brother of the chasan shouldn't feel bad not being g praised since it wasn't his party. Maybe we should make a maamdid honoring the rosh hayeshivos,but not at adirei hatorah.I would love to here an explanation of your words,which honestly didn't inspire me as much as the beautiful words of the speaker

  4. he knows the answers to all of his questions. all of the answers are obvious. he is deliberately playing dumb.

  5. This Ry has a hard time understanding the value of kvias itim ltorah for bnei Torah who also work to support their families. Those are the real heroes. Surprised if any balabatim support his kollel or whatever he has.

  6. Mr. Got on watsapp. Isn't that what we were brought down to this world? Isn't life one big nisayon? Which part of Yaakov Avinu's life does the torah expand on his 14 years in shem veever or raising his shevatim??? Lets not forget what the shulchan aruch tells us what our lives should look like. On a side note, I'm not sure why Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov, Klusenberger Rebbe, etc. Zecher Tzadikim Livrocho all frierdige gedolim didn't have Rav Uren Reich's dilema before speaking at a siyum hashas. (Or maybe I do know the answer but don't want to get thrown out of Lakewood)

    1. Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov, Klusenberger Rebbe, etc. Zecher Tzadikim Livrocho all frierdige gedolim didn't have Rav Uren Reich's dilemma because they were not associated only with the Yeshiva world with little influence in the Baal HaBatim world . Had the situation here been in reverse and Aderei HaTorah would have asked a Rav whose primary association is with Baal HaBatim to speak, he also would have been hard been pressed and uncomfortable not mentioning the sacrifice of some Baal Habatim for learning at Aderei HaTorah. The Siyum Hashas asked Rav Uren Reich to speak because they also want those is Kollel to learn Daf Yomi. Aderie HaTorah is not looking to convince Baal HaBatim to start learning in Kollel so they had no reason to ask a Rav primarily associated with Baal Habatim to speak. Who is there today like Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov that is associated with both for them to have asked to speak?

    2. funny! please have you listened to any tapes of reb moshe or reb yakov zatzl event type ( conventions asifos dinners) speeches , the length , the simple tone, and the content... im not sure if we were alive then we would be saying wow....

    3. They asked R' Uren to speak because he's a talmid chacham and a good speaker, not to influence kollel. Baloney. Additionally, R' Uren actually is also very well associated with baalei batim as are many other roshei yeshiva.

      People also tend to to forget that all these 'despised' baalei batim learned in the yeshivas of these very roshei yeshiva and the majority were even former ADIREI HATORAH. People also tend to forget that many of todays so called ADIEREI HATORAH are tomorrow's 'despised' baalei batim.

  7. Gut Gezogt! The gedolim that you mention were not part of the yeshivish "elitist" society so they knew that we live to do "rotzon hashem" in every way possible and wherever life leads us. They saw the value in every yid and in every second of doing rotzon hashem. They knew that an ehrlicher baal habos is something to be praised and admired.

  8. Those gedolim would be hated in Lakewood if they were around today.

  9. Even Rav Belsky was hated simply because he had the koach of heter.

  10. something tells me that the guy who keeps saying that everyone was "hated" or "would be hated" has a lot more hate in his or heart than the people he or she claims hate everyone else.

  11. People had taynos on R Belsky because he put on the fake YU murex techeles

    1. who had tainos? who are these "people"? i never met anyone who cared enough about that to have tainos.

    2. Do these same people have taynos on R Moshe Mordechai Karp for wearing techeiles? I've never heard such complaints.
