Thursday, June 20, 2024

Israel At War Thursday June 20

 Israel at war day 258

- Mark Levin tweets: Biden and his regime are lying anti-Semitic... after reports that 
Biden Quietly Stopped Fast Tracking US Arms to Israel After Pressure from Anti-Israel Democrats, SenTom Cotton Reveals -- New probe will expose how Admin 'engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel'

- Leaked findings from the Israeli military's investigation into the October 7 conflict with Hamas reveal friendly fire incidents, hesitation to engage the enemy, and questionable command decisions, Channel 12 reports

-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Response to the White House: "I am willing to absorb personal attacks if that is what it takes for Israel to get the arms and ammunition it needs in its war for survival."

- Marco Rubio: As I have been warning about for months because of Hezbollah & the regime in Iran the threat of a very dangerous war is brewing in the Middle East

- US officials have serious concerns that in the event of a full-blown war between Israel and Hezbollah, the Iran-backed militant group could overwhelm Israel’s air defenses in the north — including the much-vaunted Iron Dome air defense system, three US officials told CNN.

- US officials said to estimate number of living hostages could be as low as 50. Wall Street Journal says estimation based on US, Israeli intelligence 

- A barrage of some 25 rockets was launched from Lebanon at the Western Galilee an hour ago, the military says. There were no injuries in the attack.

- The US military floating pier in Gaza was expected to resume operations today, the pier had been re-attached to the shore on Wednesday after being temporarily removed last Friday due to poor sea conditions.

-Hezbollah plans to attack Haifa if Israel expands the fighting and, in the next stage, additional cities, including Tel Aviv.

- Palestinian sources are reporting heavy fighting in southern Gaza in Rafah as well as in Tulkarem east of Netanya in Samaria.

- Israel Channel 14 is reporting: In Lebanon, the voices fearing a broad confrontation with Israel are increasing • Lebanese Member of Parliament: "Israel is capable of returning Lebanon to the Stone Age." 

- Ynet is reporting that the Biden admin ICE department is giving Israelis a hard time in the process of applying for a Visa or Green Card. The requests of Israelis to receive a "green card" are delayed due to an in-depth investigation regarding their military service: "The interviewer was inquisitive about my skills with weapons and wanted to know details about the reserves in Gaza; I travel so much to the USA, I have never experienced such bullying, The feeling is as if questions were copied from the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in The Hague."

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