Sunday, June 23, 2024

Kabolas Panim In Lakewood For Gedolei Eretz Yisroel

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9:10 event concludes. (Band announces minyan maariv)

9:00 pm Music going strong and thousands dancing to the tunes giving kavod Hatorah

8:50 pm   תנו כבוד  לתורה  Isshouted as Music plays Sisu vesimcha and leibidig music. Crowds form large circles in the parking lots screens display the dancing all over the area  Clifton Ave like Simchas Torah with thousands dancing together 

Updated: Reports of a serious injury to a kid

8:46 Rachmastrivka rebbe shlita leads the crowd with Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim 

Rebbe welcomed with chasidishe niggun Kol Rena veyeshuah

Adirei Hatorah logo displayed on sign above dais

845 pm people leaving due to rain

8:40 music plays Ra7v Don Segals niggun Tattaleh kum shoin aheim dais dances crowds dance again in the streets as rain starts to pour

8:31 Rav Don Segal  shlita speaks in Yiddish Hashem should have rachmamus on us 

- Perimeter of event surrounded by DPW trucks for security with swat teams on location 

8:18 Harav Yaakov Hille welcomed with music and dancing. Speaks in English about the sinas Hatorah of the Israeli government as the Brisker Rav Said 60 years ago. He said the Torah dosent need us to support ut ut supports us and when we are mechabed we have the zchus as ארון נושא את נושאיו. Today in EY and US you have 5 Kollelim in every street with thousands upon thousands of bnei Torah in this day and age. The funding cut is a serious blow but we need not worry the Torah will support us. The bracha that the Israeli govt had all these years for hachzokas Hatorah will now go-to the American Balei batim supporting Torah. We have to be mischazek how lucky we are to raisevour children as the olam Hatorah keeps on growing.

Organizers keep yelling at crowd to move back as it is sakanas  nefashos pikuach nefesh

8:12 Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita speaks in Yidddish about the mesiras nefesh in America on behalf of the yeshivos in EY will be a zechus for the Torahbin EY through that kavod shamayim

8:08 Rav Dov Landau speaks  welcomed with music he started speaking in Hebrew and was asked to speak in Yiddish thanking everyone for contributing 

8:00pm Rav Malkiel Kotler speaks and welcomes the Gedolei Torah from EY .He said the Gezeiras Giyus and redifas hadas is the core of what the Israeli government wants to attack the yeshivos and we here in America will do whatever it takes to help the bnei yeshiva in EY

7:55 Crowd urged to move back before program begins rain coming down hard with thunder.

7:40 : Music playsbCrowd dances in the streets as the gedolim enter the dais while rain trickles down

7:30 pm thousands on hand men women and children all dressed in white shirts awaiting the program to begin. Lakewood roshei yeshiva enter on dais

7:25 Music plays  and choir begin singing Rav Dovid Scustal shlita sitting on Dais that is partially covered by a tent

7:20 Rain slows down crowds making their way outside to thr parking lots 

7:15pm Motorcade arrived with gedolim as event is postponed due ti rain. Thousands waiting under overhangs and inside hallways of yeshiv. Botei medrash are full while the olam waits. The temperature has cooled down .

 7pm severe thunderstorms watch crowds gathering in BMG buildings as thunderstorms hit the area.

85% Rain at 7pm

6:00pm Thosudands of chairs set up, scrwwns ans sound systems  as crowds begin to trickle in. The bnei hayeshiva  will walk over feom all locations after 2nd seder at 7pm. Thousands of water bottles on hand 

5:00pm Private event in Lakewood ateres Malka hall with gedolei Eretz Yisrael and Lakewood Roshei yeshiva with the attendance of gwvirim at 50,000 a plate. RAV uri Deutsch shlita spoke.

4:30pm Clifton Ave shut bet 11th st -9th st Ocean county sherif on scene 

70% chance of thunderstorms at 7:00pm

-Torah Tteasures will close today at 7pm in honor of the maamad

Map of area and instructions released by Adireinu as the yeshiva will be hosting the kabolas panim.

Historic Ma'amad Kabolas Ponim for the Gedolei Yisroel מעמד קבלת פנים היסטורי  

Date: Sunday, June 23, 2024  
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Parking: Please Park in downtown parking lots and walk to the area. 
Women & Girls please enter from 10th and Lexington08
There will be parking at the Clifton Ave school and parking at the Lakewood middle school with shuttle buses available 

Important Note: The weather is expected to be very hot. Please bring water bottles.Parking: Please Park in downtown parking lots and walk to the area.

Photo credits to the photographers


  1. Avreichim building will have VIP boxes

  2. Is that why they were rushing the landscaping and cleaning the glass front today? Makes sense

  3. It's supposed to be raining. So either will be raining or 100 degrees so either way an outdoor even doesn't make sense

  4. It's supposed to be raining. So either will be raining or 100 degrees so either way an outdoor even doesn't make sense

  5. Why don't they do the Aderey Avent here next year instead of shlepping to phil?

    1. than they cant sell tickets for $150

  6. Why is Rachmastifc Rebbe pushed to the side of the picture???

  7. How many of the same type Rebbe do we need already?? Who needs so many Rachmastrifke Rebbes?

    1. Anon 410 sounds like sinas am haaratzim. Btw where do you check your IQ at your local optician! No wonder.....

    2. False.The public shouldn't be coerced to carry so many such burdens !

  8. That question Sound like kefira. Mai ahany lon rabonon

    1. רבנן לחוד ורביס לחוד

  9. Some people can't get enough of one flavor. That is The only way it can't be explained to the unbright

  10. Who takes acrayus bringing everyone out in heat? There is a heat advisery, how come only by fake COVID, health messages go out. Why no messages that eldery, very young, & unwell should not attend?
    Won't there be some who think choiv kodosh to attend above all? Are there indoor hookups? Even so walking to get there also not safe for everybody. Water bottles isn't enough warning. Proper advice needed. Where are all you COVID doctors with warnings? This is pikuach nefesh, not a laughing matter.

    1. The heat advisory is fake. People are injured WITH heat stroke, not FROM heat stroke.

    2. No one was making money on it by announcing a heat advisory. It always about money.

  11. Box seats available with window at 3rd floor in the IRV and coffee room food

  12. Why put people at risk by saying it's safe to attend the event? If its really safe why is Hatzalah on high alert for the event?

  13. Is there a link to watch it live?

  14. How much did they raise at bmg?

  15. both events were truly a kidush shem shomayim. very well organized.

  16. I must say, the Olam Hatorah has become very busy Sunday nights. It's THE place to be! Dirshu Event, Adirei Event, Gedolei E"Y Event. Wow, how do busy Adirei Torah have so much time for so many EVENTS?!? Wonder what's in store for next Sunday night!

  17. Too much pushing and shoving there has to be a fix for this.
    This problem happens with every big event the VIP Section should be abolished it creates friction and bochurim push to get in law enforcement also yell and push people randomly this can't go on

    1. ALL of the pushing was started by askanim and police and aino yehudi security people. the same by adirei hatorah. they are the problem. if a kid got hurt, it is their fault. they should not be there in the first place as it would be a lot safer without them.

  18. Niturei karta was there

  19. Any link to donate?


  20. Clkckbate alert
    Clickbate alert
    The Lakewood scpoop trying to be relevant after ignoring Adirei and tonight gedolim event with click bate trigger articles
    Reporting on LBA and goyish useless news is more important than Torah.

    1. I agree it's pure gaava to have a lakewood website and ignore the oilam hatorah. They should be boycotted. Without BMG they would not have business. Disgusting what they do. O ly report on accidents and township news

    2. It's a security issue homeland security wants to keep things quiet the scoop is major news outlet so they are contributing to the safety of the community

  21. What was all the noise while R Hillel was speaking. Sounded like people were being killed!! How could he continue talking with such shouts for help going on?? Was not normal

  22. Yungerlite should have sechel not to let very young bochurim or kids attend these type of events unattended, they Need supervision to not run around wild, but rather act with kovod & derech eretz

  23. What happened to Srul Vishnitz?

  24. The pushing and shoving was completely unacceptable. What bizayon! What have we come to that a city of yungeleit and bnei Torah are treated with such lack of respect and reverence

    1. When you empower people to rule over the crowd this is the result
      Sad what lights and a radio can do

  25. Since when is dancing on a random night a form of kavod HaTorah
    Why the need for music and singing miron lag bomer songs?
    Why can't we do it without the music?

    1. Lets not complain about everything. It makes us into complainers. Nobody likes complainers.

    2. You are right no one likes complainers. The complainers don't either like that they are complainers. Complaining breaks the complainers self esteem.

    3. This blog sounds like a bunch of grouchy hungry shnorers.
      Guys get busy and you won't have time to complain.
      הבטלה מביא לידי שעמום!

    4. Shmos 5:9
      Same aim as Para'oh

  26. The only ones who don't like complainers are the thin skinned askanim who can't take any criticism and think mo one is allowed to call them out for their failures or actions that are damaging and hurtful to others. They have no interest in improving anything and think they are the smartest and ways right.
    The complainers are not bored ppl who like to kvetch or complain, they are looking to fix things and improve so to all the the complainers keep up your good work and call out the baalei gaavah who try to put you down by calling you complainers

    1. I'm no askan but I still don't like the whiners and haven't seen that type accomplish anything in real life

    2. How does complaining on hefkervelt fix anything? It just makes us into complainers. Nobody likes complainers who just complain and don't actually fix anything.

  27. Safecell is offering a kosher phone for $50 (below cost) for anyone who's phone got ruined at the event.
    Located in CHEMED north upstairs.

  28. Keep the complaints coming. Hopefully it immunizes & prepares our communities' youth in advance rather than suffer from dramatic OTD rate when the cold windy present reality of our 'beautiful situation' hits in a half a decade from now. Complaints are good.

    1. Only in a half decade !?& only youth!?

  29. Who were the white chairs for? Rabbonim? That was supposed to be closed off but bochurim broke in?
