Monday, November 2, 2020

Somech- Corona Support and Safety Update

 Somech Corona support and safety (see treatment chart below)

A high risk patient or someone who may not get the best care at home ,yet may consider going to a hospital only if he can get to one with top notch care. Also bear in mind there is no one size fits all in choosing the care you need, as every individual's needs must be taken into account. Anyone considering hospitalization should at first opportunity call one of the major referral agencies such as:
Refua Helpline 845-782-2000 
Chaim Medical resource 718-492-8700 (ask for covid task force)
Refua resources (Rabbi Shuki Berman) 718-437-7474
Echo 718-859-9800
see below for sampling of treatments available at various hospitals (for more info call Somech 732-401-9100)


  1. Yes, but who is Somech

  2. Rabbi W is no longer with us. He was transferred.והמבין יבין

    1. Not the place to discuss but a lot went on before the transfer. People should do research before it is too late and they are already in a ambulance at the mercy of a rotating list depending on which hospital is next on the list.

    2. Oh suddenly there are things you don't want to discuss. The people who are yelling that others can't say ידינו לא שפכו suddenly say "it's complicated" when the Sugya is their bloody hands.

    3. Anon 5:40

      It would appear that you were never involved in the transfer of any covered patients to the hospital. It is discussed with the patient the options, and they often reach out to the patient's doctors or whoever they choose to discuss the options.

      Not sure what you think happened prior to the transfer, but it was inappropriate, and I can tell you what during and after.

  3. Do not trust any of those charts, there are a lot of inaccuracies with regard to every aspect, the treatments available, staffing and ICU staffing.

    Whoever created this obviously has an agenda and it is not to save people's lives if they are posting lies.

  4. I think the idea is to choose a hospital that can meet all needs, at the outset, rather than relying on the possibility of a transfer if the situation deteriorates beyond what the hospital can handle, since transferring a critical patient is much more risky than choosing a good hospital to begin with.

  5. I would trust organizations who did research before corona than a self appointed liason ems member with no research knowledge sending patients on a whim to any hospital or even to a place that gains financially from filling up beds.
    Veteran Hatzolah members have spoken out about what is going on they are very upset at the process

    1. Well, the issue is they did not do their research.

      I can tell you from personal experience, University of Pennsylvania delays plasma therapy at times till later than recommended and I have a relative who they transferred out from there to a small nearby hick hospital because they didn't have room in their own facility, which delayed treatment unfortunately quite a bit.

      Yale has been sending a large number of the people home after that long drive there and also seems to give plasma late.

      Kimball does have a intensive care specialist 24 hours on site due to covid-19, I've heard from people who are working within the hospital.

      The concept of calling ahead to see if they have the medication is a joke, they have it in the hospital, but there are specific criteria which are strikingly similar throughout all the hospitals for each of these treatments.

      Actemra is stopping to be used in most hospitals because it has proven to be worthless, if they read the latest data and protocols they would know that.

      The bottom line is you cannot walk into any hospital and demand a specific treatment, there are protocols in place with criteria for each one of them period either you fit in it, or you don't.

      Not going to debate The general quality of care in the ocean-monmouth county hospitals, but for COVID there does not seem to be so much of a benefit from dragging yourself out.
