Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday November 19 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High around 50F  tonight low of 41

-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a Shiur on Parshas Hashavua tonight at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#

Food distribution
-Mosdos Sanz Klausenburg Shabbos Box 5:45-7:15 Entrance Corner Wadsworth & Argyle. Behind Evergreen
-Bnos Melech 8:00 pm weekday/end Boxes
 Belz 388 Chestnut 5:45 pm
-Bnos Yaakov weekend  box 3:00 pm in Pine Park. Boxes will contain- bilkelach, kokosh cake, pixie yogurt, salami, (5 box), turkey (3 box), chicken nuggets, kishke, canteloupe, colored peppers, corn chips, box drinks, garlic dip, milk.  4 day box available for children not receiving meals in school.
-Gelbsteins box 3:30 pm at Public school location Clifton Ave &7th street  Middle school on Somerset 

- 21 New Covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 6479/211. Deaths revised down by 3
 - N.J 4,320 new cases, 34 more deaths, Murphy says The second wave is here. We MUST flatten this curve together. Wear a mask. Social distance. Wash your hands.

-New Jersey awards Lakewood Township $502,303.00 for the Vine Street Extension, which will pave Vine Street between Pine Street to Cedar Bridge Avenue. This award is part of a total of $161.25 million in Municipal Aid grants awarded to 543 cities and towns across the state.(LNN)

- Trump: Evidence of voter fraud continues to grow, including 20,000 dead people on the Pennsylvania voters roll and many thousands all over the Country. Now, there has been an artificial number of votes in favor of Joe Biden.

-Lakewood cheder elementary  notifies parents about testing. The state has informed them that the current rate of testing is insufficient and are not meeting the required quota. Therefore the testing must increase immediately in order for the yeshivos to remain open.

- Lakewood district had decided not to collect 1,987 Chromebooks the district had distributed since March 17 in case Gov. Phil Murphy ordered another shutdown.
-Trump: Important News Conference today by lawyers on a very clear and viable path to victory. Pieces are very nicely falling into place. RNC at 12:00 P.M.

-New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy urges people to “stay with their immediate family and don't go outside [their] bubble” this Thanksgiving.
- The Lakewood school district stopped updating its weekly COVID-19 report because of staff members complaints.
"Because when a class was being closed down, people were guessing who may have covid(APP)



  1. So many conspiracy theorists here who think Lakewood elected officials are corrupt. Come on man, there is no corruption in Lakewood. You sound crazy. You never have any evidence. If there really was corruption in Lakewood the FBI would have already investigated it. Even the mainstream media isn't talking about the corruption in Lakewoodso its obvious there isn't any corruption. Come on man get over it, your candidates lost, and unzere won, you people have to concede gracefully and just accept that this is what the town wants - more building and development and traffic. You think you see corruption like a bunch of lunatic conspiracy theorists because you can't admit that you lost the election.

    Stop with the debunked discredited claims of corruption in Lakewood without any evidence. Even Trump's debunked discredited claims of election fraud has more bunk and credit that your debunked discredited claims of Lakewood corruption. And of course you guys never show any evidence of the corruption in Lakewood. Twitter should label you guys as conspiracy nuts.

    1. I agree. People do want more corruption, greed, higher taxes, poor infrastructure and high tuition. I designed a program for free English in 2012. I wrote a multitude of papers of how we can convert the school district into an infrastructure of opportunity and an engine of growth for all of Lakewood and its posterity. We would have free adult separate gender professional and trades classes (the rooms were not used at night), build new state of the art facilities using regulations within the existing code essentially for free, create work-study for our students to integrate their work with school to make our high school into one of the finest in the state and to bring in billions of dollars by litigating to change to funding formula thereby lowering taxes and expanding knowledge to all our children. Just as Robert Moses found provisions in the parks laws to fund the building of all of New York great highways, I was going to use the school laws to make Lakewood great.

      Alas, the people of Lakewood, as you said, rather wanted corruption and status quo. WHen I proposed litigating the funding formula, I was shouted down in front of BOE members, Town Committeemen and Igud HaMosdos. The BOE closed down the industrial arts to close the door on vocational education. When the state exposed tens of millions of dollars of waste during my litigation, nobody care.

      As it stands, the people of Lakewood will owe $140 million dollars should the state loan the district the funds it needs to operate this year. I do not see why the legislature should not require the taxpayers to pay back that money by removing the caps on tax increases for towns that owe $50 million.

      What is at stake if we lose? Paying back $140 million and growing. What can be gained by winning? Adequate funding that can be used to give the all the children of Lakewood the best state of art education, new facilities. And won't budgetary stability promote the general prosperity of all the taxpayers and residents of Lakewood?

      But rather than encourage, help,what do the people of Lakewood do? Not only they oppose me, but tell the judge that she should recuse herself for insinuating that the funding formula is a "Ponzi Scheme." And what happened the day after the APP suggest naming the high school after me (LOL but they really did), I get transferred to another school to teach elementary grades (this on top of being informed right before the last phase of the trial that for the first time in many years that I would not be rehired to teach summer school ). So Mr. Anonymous, you are right. The people of Lakewood want inefficiency, high taxes, corruption. They certainly do not want vision or progress.

    2. But the AsKKKanim!

  2. The state has informed them that the current rate of testing is insufficient and are not meeting the required quota.

    What is the required quota? Is there an executive order to that effect? How is this legal?

    1. It sounds like some sort of informal request

    2. The new and updated request was corrected to only allow testing for Covid and nothing else.

    3. Read the sentence till the end. It is the quota to prevent a shutdown. We don't need to test. But those morons who are trying to shut down Yeshivos in Lakewood, all the while yelling and whining about the others who are working with the governor, are liable to convince enough people to make serious problems for us.

      Those people have no dog in the race, they don't face the consequences of their irresponsibility. The Menahalim do, and they see that testing is the only option.

    4. What about all of you without a "dog in the race" who made a fool out of me for not wanting the public schools to open. From your armchairs, without any stake one way or another, our district became the only k-12 in NJ to open full time and it was already among the most crowded in the state with 28 kids in a single classroom. Everyone ran to the support of the district opposing the teachers whose lives were at stake when none of you had anything at all at stake.

      How many, so far, 50 already are positive? All this support to open without a dog in the race. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm done.

    5. What memahalim? There are lots of menahalim who dont approve of the testing and not doing any of this in their schools.

    6. There's no evidence that any of the cases among the public schools originated at school. As a public school employee in a different district, I think Lakewood showed great courage and did the right thing by their students.

    7. Pick up the phone and ask your daas torah whether you should sign the form. I was advised to.

    8. But do we not have a dog in the race to have the public schools open.
      Would there still be bussing for the yeshivas if they closed the public schools?
      Also, a lot of our employees send their children to public school, if they have to stay home, it will foul up a lot of local businesses

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rabbosei dont be sheep by blindly signing the consent form to have your kids tested in school without you being there. It is not mandated and they are bullying parents into submission.
    Most schools are not testing.
    If you want to test do so on your own.

    1. ALL medical testing should be done at a Dr's office with the parent at the child's side. This is abuse of the children! Do not consent!


  5. How dare that School talk down to the parents .
    Read their whole letter , the underlying tone is shameful.

  6. I really don't get this anti consent sentiment on this site.

    You send your child to school on trust. You have no idea what happens there, what kind of stuff they are teaching them. They might tell them that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Moshiach, or that there was Yiddishkeit in America without Reb Aaron Kotler. They might teach limudei chol, they might not. There may be a teacher who is (horror of horrors) a Democrat, an Obama supporter.
    But you trust the school on all of this, you are not seriously worried. You know that they want to do the best job possible, and they have no interest in ruining your child's life.
    Yet for something as inconsequential as a simple saliva test, people kick up such a fuss. What do you really think the school is trying to do? Do you think the children will be hurt by this test? Do you honestly believe that there is a nefarious plots to do with children's saliva, their nasal passages, or anything else? Why do people make such a fuss about irrelevant issues?
    If you are worried about your school, get hold of the text books and see if they are up to your standards. That is important, not this stuff.

    1. When I chose my children's school, I chose one which has chinuch standards I trust. However, I feel that they are overstepping their boundaries by forcing a medical procedure upon my healthy children (as trivial as it might be) for political gain. My children are not pawns & neither should yours be. (& btw-its not the mechanchim that are asking for it -its the askanim that are. Big difference!)

  7. Asskanim are working overtime to take credit of keeping schools open they fell into murphys trap and cant get kut. This testing can put a entire mishpacha in quarantine on a false positive and if they only test healthy kids that is sheker and it is all about the gelt.

  8. Tell me this Trump supporters.
    If Trump is so smart, why does he hire the dumbest lawyers possible? How does a lawyer not know what the word 'opacity' means? How does a lawyer not know the meaning of 'strict scrutiny'? He is seriously mentally deficient, and he is the one on whom you guys are relying?
    As a non-Trump supporter, I am pleased that they didn't get a smart lawyer to argue their phony fraud claims. Or is it that anyone with a multiplicity of brain cells refused the case?

    1. Here goes another Biden supporter making outlandish claims without any evidence.

    2. Nothing outlandish here. Read the court transcripts. Giuliani spoke like a third grader, confusing basic legal terms. He didn't know what the word 'opacity' means. The evidence is out there.

  9. Lately a bunch of Anti trumpers find their way to Hefkervelt. Seems to be a coordinated effort- a typical liberal mobjob.

    1. I guess you can't imagine that there is diversity of opinion in our community. You can't fathom the concept that there are people out there who express their opinions without coordination.

    2. It doesn't make sense that there are so many Biden supporters who believe the anti-Trump conspiracy theories without any evidence to back them up.

      I think all the anti trumpers in the website are the same person.

    3. The issue here is the Trump conspiracy, they are the ones peddling fraud claims on the internet, then backtracking in court - "we are not alleging fraud".

      There are plenty of Biden supporters, 80 million of them in the country. Why do you think ten of them don't make it to Hefkervelt?
