Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday November 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Occasional rain tapering to a few showers late. Morning high of 66F with temps falling to near 50 Chance of rain 90%.

HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a Shiur on Parshas Hashavua tonight at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#

Food distribution:

- Belz 388 Chestnut 5:45 pm
-Yagdil Torah 100 James 5:30 pm
-Bnos Yaakov 3:30 at Pine park   (yogurt, granola, crusters babka, kind bars, sliced munster cheese, cocoa pebbles. juice, tomatoes, bananas, milk (sliced challah in larger box).
-Gelbsteins box 3:30 pm at Public school location Clifton Ave &7th street  Middle school on Somerset 
- Sanz Klausenburg distribution will NOT  take place today due to weather.

-31 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 6314/214

-Lakewood township committee observes a moment of silence in memory of PG wachsman
-Township grants a tax abatement to residential apt building on site of former hotel. Officials said the former capitol hotel had 350 calls a year to the police dept that cost taxpayers  57,000k a year and was a blight to the area & township. There is a future gain of a 19 million assessment in 5 years time so it is a gain to the town as well as 88k land tax.  Committee also granted an abatement to Chateau grand plaza on rt 9 adding it will bring 100 new jobs.
Residents asked how can the town have the chutzpa to go ahead with this when everyone's tax bills went up and why should the township lose these taxes.

-Pennsylvania court Rules In Favor Of Trump; Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day
- Israel will sign a contract with Pfizer in which they will purchase 8 million doses of the Coronavirus vaccine, enough for 4 million citizens Starting in january

-A stay-at-home "advisory" will go into effect in Chicago on Monday morning the Mayor will impose a 10-person limit on weddings, birthday parties, funerals and some social events starting Monday

- Satmar UTA Lakewood raises 1.5 million in charidy campaign 

- Murphy: I will sign an Exec Order giving municipalities and counties the option to regulate the operating hours of non-essential businesses after 8:00 PM. Our surgical approach empowers local officials to take actions to prevent localized hotspots from becoming COVID wildfires.
 -Reporter Shlomo Schorr on Twitter: Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles "does not intend" to act under this order and "close down the economy" but urges all residents so take precautionary steps now so that such actions do not have to be taken in the future.

-Thursday night cholent will be outdoors as restrictions in NJ take effect tonight. No indoor dining between 10PM and 5AM at restaurants, bars, clubs, lounges
-Trump now has 73,000,000 million votes

-Gov. Phil Murphy said school closures are 'something that could happen, but at the moment, back to school two months in, has worked quite well.' no plans to shut as of now.
-Positivity rate  in  Newark reached 19% but media and politicians blamed  Lakewood and called out the orthodox communities a month ago
-Trump: From 200,000 votes to less than 10,000 votes. If we can audit the total votes cast, we will easily win Arizona also!
-Trump: It took long enough! What is taking North Carolina so long? Are they looking for more ballots to fix that one also? Now with a recount, we will win Georgia also. Pennsylvania & Michigan wouldn’t let our Poll Watchers & Observers into counting rooms. Illegal!
-Today marks the 6th yartzeit of Kedoshei  Har Nof HY"D who were massacered while davening in shul Thursday morning 25 cheshvan 5775 R' Moshe Twersky, R' Kalman Levine, R' Aryeh Kopinsky. R'Avraham Shmuel Goldberg H"YD.


  1. Why are we eating Chulent on Thursday night? We should keep Shabbos food for Shabbos. Eat hot dogs, or peanut butter sandwiches, pretzels or baked ziti during the week.

    Keep the Shabbos in the Shabbos food!

    1. So your store will advertise 'leil shishi baked ziti and beer'. Just please don't give up your day job

    2. Which Simon in Shulchan Aruch are you quoting. I am not familiar with this issue. Let’s discuss tonight over some kishke. Where is your favorite place?

    3. In yourshabbos clothes??

    4. Thursday night Chulent is not shabbos Chulent.
      Everything may seem to be the same except the Taam.
      Come out tonight and discover What a Shabbos Chulent is, so different. Finally you'll start tasting a taam shabbos in all your foods you eat on shabbos koidesh.

    5. Have you never heard of the expression 'ess nisht kein kugel far shabbos'? Look it up

  2. These distributions are for those whose children are not receiving lunch in school, right?
    Who are those people? All children are in school, are they not? Are some schools closed?

    1. Nothing to be puzzled about
      There are tens of thousands of children under the age of 5 who are not in school. There are children who are learning at home or in quarantine.
      The distributions ae also for weekend boxes for all children that are in school are eligible for the days not in school from Friday- Monday

  3. It's not just Thursday night Chulent anymore ..many places allready started serving Wednesday night Cholent ..than of course there is Friday afternoon Erev Shabbos Cholent and Friday night Shabbos Cholent and than Kiddush Cholent and than Finally Shabbos day meal Cholent which now became.meaningless because you allready had six chulent with Kishka Yapchik and overnight Kugel for the past 3 days at 5 different places....however when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s Cholent was once a week ...Shabbos day at the Seuda and we looked forward to it and it made Shabbos and Cholent special and Unique

    1. Country Yosi once asked, What's the difference between a yeshiva bochur and a married man?
      Answer: A yeshiva bochur has chulent Thursday nite, Leil Shabbat, and Shabbat day.
      A married man has chulent Shabbat day, Sunday and Monday.

  4. Also since when did Thursday night become a whole Yom Tov of Going to Food places and Making a Whole Matzav and Hang out I thought Thursday night was for Extra Learning

  5. As long as a Baby is 1 day old you are qualified for food Distribution

  6. There are at least twenty elementary school kids that are not in school here in Lakewood. There are an additional group of kids forced into Treif-feeding schools due to nonacceptance by schools in Lakewood.

    1. There are no treif-feeding schools. Unless they give chulent on Fridays.

      The public school in Lakewood gives Kosher food to religious Jewish students, as well as halal to religious moslems.

  7. Please, Republican Township Committee members, someone other than Raymond G. Coles must be Lakewood's mayor for 2021. Thank you all.

  8. Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles "intends" to do whatever the askonim who voted him in tell him

  9. trump is tweeting crazy stuff without any proof baking it up. It justs takes away from any credibilty.

    1. The proof is in the several hundred affidavits signed under penalty of perjury. Are you incapable of reading legal briefs?

    2. Here's one sworn affidavit

    3. I read some affidavits, and they don't pass any credibility test. They may be sworn affidavits, but they are still nonsense, and they do not stand any chance of overturning anything. As every judge who saw a case has concluded. They have laughed these cases out of court.

  10. I don't understand. The apartment building on 7th and Madison is up and running. If they would not receive this tax abatement, the capitol is still down. Why should they get the abatement? How does that make any sense? What was their leverage?
    If someone offered to knock down a building and build something better, conditioned on a tax abatement, that would make sense. But here it doesn't.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! So angry!

  11. The mayors reasoning does not pass the smell test with that logic the whole town should have an abatement there's got to be other reasons.

    1. The Shopper gave Ray a front cover endorsement for reelection. Now we know why.

    2. uh huh, as soon as our community moved in crime went down. You can go block by block & say how much each house saved as opposed to the house that was there before.

      Waiting for my tax abatement!

  12. The board of ed does not supply kosher meals for special ed kids sent at baord of ed recommendatiom to other private schools. So, yes, there are frum kids being fed treifus at outside schools

  13. Once again- the township does favors for the developers on the back of the people!! These developers did not take a loss on building prime apartments or chateau. They are full with renters. This means that the homeowners who are struggling to make due- will end up paying for millionaires. Shame on the township! Shame on the people who put them into power!
