Saturday, November 21, 2020

Motzei Shabbos Toldos November 21 News Lakewood

 Trump: Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!

-39 New covid cases in Lakewood totals 6567/210

- Yidden involved in a serious accident on New Hampshire and Cedarbridge in Lakewood Hatzolah is on scene, a total of 5 ambulances on location. (Belaaz)

-Seder Limud for Bochurim at Lutzk B"M lizchus refuah Shlaima for the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Refoel Eliyohu Meir ben Rochel. 8:00- 11:00 pm (מתן שכרה בצידה)

-Siyim Hashas Melava Malka for the Yartzeit of Rab Aharon Kotler zatzal and the Mashgiach zatzal at BMG Beren hall 9pm Drasha by Rav Uren Reich shlita

- Siyum Melava Malka on Maseches Eruvin of Daf Yomi live stream 8:00 pm HERE.

- NJ 4,679 new positive cases 34 new confirmed deaths 

-Lakewood child getting off a school bus was struck by a car Friday afternoon at the corner of Princeton Avenue and Tudor Court. APP

Trump: President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.”

Trump: The Fake News is not talking about the fact that “Covid” is running wild all over the World, not just in the U.S. I was at the Virtual G-20 meeting early this morning and the biggest subject was Covid. We will be healing fast, especially with our vaccines!


  1. I stayed glues to television (through internet) from Tuesday until Friday during election week. The scene went to the Philadelphia count often in a large room. The cameras were no nonstop. In Arizona you can see people standing behind the reporter. They were called up to because their mail-in signatures did not sufficiently match their registration on the books. Then the reported went to some place where Republicans said they could not observe close enough. Apparently the people counting, one Democrat and one republic be table (the would switch off who unfolds and who count) did not want observers very close due to Covid. They went to judge and were allowed to get six feet. Then there was this place were people were protesting armed with guns. Another place was packed with people and some people were complaining they wanted to observe could not get in. They closed the doors because there were already too many people from both parties observing. Then there was this other place that they covered the windows (you do not hear about it now) because people outside were banging on the windows and the counters were worried that they would be harrassed when they went home. Indeed the showed some counters been escorted to their cars by police.

    Now you might say I am a Democrat but I know what I saw. You might say that when I the reporters were making up the stories as it happened, but think for a minute. How can a reporter make up a false story when every network was covering the same? Or perhaps a single people made up the story? Then any good journalist would be able to uncover the truth. How can 500 people in a room all conspire to hide fraud? The whole thing does not make sense and is so damaging to our nation. I fear that one day, a president more popular than Trump, will intimidate members of every branch of his party, all 50 states and members of Congress and possibly succeed. Check and balances has pretty much protect us through this but if the people put the man above the nation's institutions, we will not endure.

    1. I forgot to mention, I was watching ABC News. They went into the back room full full with about 14 actuaries and interviewed them. Not for a second I would doubt that these people would put their jobs on the line to purposely make a mistake. Then they had this guy from 5-38 or whatever who looks like a yeshiva guy but isn't making projections. All this conspiracy stuff is so stupid. Do you think for A SECOND that should ABC News uncover fraud, the would not report it, and forgo a chance to become the most famous network with the most viewers? The networks are businesses not political hack. How incredulous to think they are part of a conspiracy. It is like those people who say we did not go to the moon. All those 10,000 people in Houston working for NASA and the 100,000 contractors either were fooled (how can that be) or they all kept quiet. Again how gullible can you be?

  2. He keeps on promising us that something is coming, but all we see is a great big nothing pie.
    He has not won a single substantive court case. Every single one is being thrown out, and not because of procedural reasons or ideological ones, only because they are total fabrications, there is just no evidence at all.

    1. The Obama appointed judges are refusing to allow Trump’s team to present their evidence and instead dismissing on wrong technical grounds. These democrat activist judges will be overruled. Your lack of patience and biases have no bearing on the truth from eventually being revealed. Let the process play itself out. Trump will make America great again!

    2. SCOTUS will win the day for Trump. You just wait. Joe will be watching the inauguration from his basement!

    3. Aren't many of the judges Trump appointees? Judges are independent. It does not matter who appointed them.

    4. Actually, they asked for evidence, and were told that it doesn't exist. They were permitted to bring their evidence, but it does not exist.

      They also stated quite clearly, "we are not alleging fraud".

      This whole fraud fraud is such an embarrassment, I would deny voting for this numbskull if I could. He really cannot hire anyone smarter than him, so he scrapes the bottom of the barrel and finds professional shirt tuckers to spew foolishness on national TV and then again in court.

    5. I says something about Lakewood when everyone in the magazine says they think there was fraud. In fact, one article in which the author tried to sound intelligent, but probably does not have a degree in political science, said there was some fraud. We do not know of ANY fraud. Why would someone risk going to jail just for an election. When everything is said and done, we are a stable country and election do not affect our everyday lives. Fraud can only be perpetrated by those who have much to gain and with the stakes in this election, so many people involved, so much television coverage, how could the one or two people with stakes in the outcome pull something like that off?

      Conspiracy and secrets, maybe with one or two people, but with thousands, it shows your intelligence to believe such.

    6. Um they aren't Obama judges.

  3. One of Trump's biggest campaign statements was that I appointed more judges than anyone else so now all of a sudden the judges don't allow him to do anything I don't get it


  5. Lines by urgent care were out the door tonight... Hope numbers aren't rising.

  6. There's this one guy that keeps posting anti Trump diatribes without any evidence.

    He claims there was no fraud, yet he provides no evidence at all to his outlandish claims.

    He claims Trump already lost the election, yet provides no evidence at all to support this outlandish claim.

    He claims Trump is somehow ruining democracy by exercising his rights to petition a court, yet provides no evidence at all that democracy was ruined.

    This is probably the same guy that thought for 2 years that Trump was colluding with Russia, yet there was never any evidence at all.

    You hate Trump so much, you're willing to believe anything without any evidence.

    1. The burden of proof is on those who claim fraud. At any rate, if a state does a recount and Bidden still wins, isn't that proof? I do not understand, if when the network actuaries make a project and it does not change like Florida in 2000, otherwise I do not remember them being wrong, then when the actual count is done, then when there is a recount, isn't that proof?

      As for ruining the country, this is a nation of law, of institutions, not of men. Trump has no right to ruin the Republican party intimidating members that should they disagree with him so that it becomes a party of top-down authoritarianism. Historically the parties are STATE parties under little influence from national party. Once they become unified under a strong leader we will lose the checks and balances for federalism.

      Trump is undermining the confidence of the American people. American decide to do something great, like going to the moon, conquering disease, and as best a humanly possible, persist. That is what happened with this election. There were doubts it can be done with so many mail-in votes, and state official went out of the way to do a job to make Americans proud.

      And what about the firings at the Pentagon and election official. Presidents should not be firing as lame ducks. Espy for opposing withdrawing from Iraq and the election person for saying it was the most fair election. And them he had to be talked out of bombing Iran???? You start war, you finish it. Presidents simply do not do this as lame ducks.

    2. Continued:
      There are so many traditions that he broke. Don't think for a minute this is not important. Washington made so many traditions particularly to the two term limit. Another was diversity in this cabinet. Sending in federal troop to the states not to enforce an order of the Supreme Court like Eisenhauer is unprecedented since Lincoln invaded Virginia. Washington send soldiers to Kentucky for the federal liquor tax. But I do not recall troops going in against the will of the state not to collect a tax. Jackson said he would hang any man who killed a federal tariff collector during the Nullification crisis.

      I do not know if you are talking about me, but I saw the press conference with Putin where he explicitly said he believed Putin when the CIA and other said Russia meddled in the election. There is no doubt about this. I never said that Trump colluded but that he was too friendly with our enemies. My gosh, they put a bounty on American soldiers in Afghanistan and he did not even bring it up with the Soviets?

      Going to Court is one thing, it is another to go to court with no evidence. You cannot say that someone said something unless you give the name and a certification of that person. It is called abusing the system and if this was not so high-profiled, the lawyers would be sanctioned under Rule 11. Yes, filing frivolous complaints harms the system.

      Americans need to trust in their institutions. The goals of this man has been to undermine traditions and our government from day one. Did I mention that he abolished (Congress) a mainstay of the tax code (he abolished centuries old personal exemptions)? Not to mention limiting my deductions for local taxes to $10,000. It was the first time my taxes went up substantially, about five thousand, since none of my kids are under 17. I lost $16,000 in exemptions and $10,000 in deductions for property and state income tax. Trying to make everyone fall into the standardized deduction this ruined itemizers. But the country is greater than me so this is only said for all those who think taxes were lowered, sure, if you are young.

      Yes, I know, almost all our wars have been started by Democrats besides the Spanish American. And Bidden will certainly be tougher against our enemies coming from a military family.

      About hating him, yes I do. He was in your face whenever I was on line in Shop-Rite with the tabloids in the eighties and nineties with his Ivana, Marla Maples, is was sickening. Then his arrogant cable show Apprentice was sickening. And his buying up Atlantic City disqualifying all NJ firms by faking like he would hire them so that his adversaries could not. Constantly in your face in the news. Then starting the stupidity that someone picked by a major party, who became president, was not eligible. The man has done so much to break our faith in our institutions.

      My brother was at a diner with George W. Bush, who already congratulated Bidden, sat at the table with him for an hour. He asked Buch about Trump and he turned all red, being presidential, not commenting. No president acted like this man. I do not think he will be followed but fifty years from now, or some time in the future, when our democracy would be a little weaker, someone like him who cares more about himself than the nation, would be the tipping point.

      Presidents are supposed to be humbled, in awe of the office.

    3. There's this one guy that keeps posting anti Trump diatribes without any evidence.

      - It's not one guy, it looks like quite a few. From different writing styles and different angles.

      He claims there was no fraud, yet he provides no evidence at all to his outlandish claims.

      - How do you prove a negative? The onus of proof is on the one who is alleging fraud. And they have brought zero evidence. They claimed they had evidence, but every time they produced 'evidence' it was debunked immediately. And in court, they produced a nothing burger.

      He claims Trump already lost the election, yet provides no evidence at all to support this outlandish claim.

      He claims Trump is somehow ruining democracy by exercising his rights to petition a court, yet provides no evidence at all that democracy was ruined.

      -No, he is ruining democracy by persuading the public that the election was rigged, with zero evidence. He is riling up the masses to distrust the institutions that work for them, with no evidence and no benefit to the country.

      This is probably the same guy that thought for 2 years that Trump was colluding with Russia, yet there was never any evidence at all.

      - Actually, there was evidence. Just insufficient to prove a case in court. But the investigation did not require evidence. You investigate to see if there is evidence. The way the system works.

      You hate Trump so much, you're willing to believe anything without any evidence.

      - I have nothing with Trump, never met the guy. Only because of these things that he did, do we hate him.

    4. You do not need proof to show there was no fraud. Throughout the history of the law, you need very strong evidence to show fraud. The reason is, like with us, there is a presumption (chazakah) of no fraud. That is not to say there never was fraud. In the case of LBJ winning his Senate seat, Coke Stevenson knew where the fraud was, in ballot box 13 in Alice, Texas. He would have won if he did not have the smartest lawyer in America (in Johnson's words) Abe Fortas. They kept on stalling until the Texas Democratic Convention (it is was primary but whoever won the Democrats won Texas) met and the issue became moot. Historians and others eventually opened the ballot box and the names were in alphabetic order, something that never happens (it was fraud). Now, as it turns out, in Bush-Gore in 2000, even though the Supreme Court (wrongly, there was no real federal jurisdiction) stopped the court, we now know that Bush won after all. Elections today are so much more legitimate, I would think, because of the cameras, the requirement of observers from both parties, the television attention, none of this was present when the Big Boss of Duval County, George Parr, with his pistelleros, stuffed box 13. I love the scene when Stevenson walked into town, he was the governor, with the Texas Ranger, and all those gun-wielding pistelleros, just jumped out of the way. Like they say, one riot, one ranger. He happened to be Frank Hammer, the one who shot Bonnie and Clyde (along with 80 others) dead.

      At any rate, the proof is there. I have been watching elections since 1968 and saw every time when the networks projected winners. Any changes were changed within hours. They never were wrong by the next morning. Even in yeshiva, I would figure out how to get a TV and watch through the night if it took that long. It was like the seventh game of the World Series, nothing is more exciting.

      But that is it. You have to realize that we live in a VERY STABLE country. It does not make a world of difference with domestic affairs (perhaps until now with the bumbling handling of the pandemic) who is president. Sure we might pay a little more or a little less in taxes, but life goes on with very little change. This is something for which to be thankful. We have enough institutional balances that will not be shaken by the incompetency of one or another. And moreover, we have a tendency to elect good men for the most part, but even the not so competent ones (Buchanon, Andrew Johnson-that one was like Trump with his name calling etc. but he, at least, served in the Senate beforehand, Harding) did not wreck havoc.

    5. And there you go, ladies and gentlemen, the Trump hater is back again, spewing hatred and outlandish claims, again without any evidence.

      I read every single comment, and I still see no evidence to back up any of their claims.

      For 4 years we've heard the Trump haters talk about how the Trump stole the 2016 election, all without any evidence. It was a huge hoax.

      Did anyone worry about how democracy was being destroyed by the Trump-haters trash-talking US elections and the presidency? Did anyone worry that trust in the US elections was being undermined by outlandish claims that the Russians somehow helped Trump get elected? No! Trump haters had a free pass to claim whatever they wanted without any evidence.

      And now when Trump just wants to exercise his right to petition the courts, the Trump haters are back with outlandish claims without evidence that he is somehow ruining democracy by petitioning the court? Isn't that part of our democracy - the right to petition the court?

      But no, without evidence these Trump haters continue to spew unfounded and debunked claims against Trump.

      Read all their comments again - not one shred of evidence. I don't see any videos or testimony or affidavits in their comments. Only outlandish, impossible to believe, wacko conspiracy theories without any evidence to back it up.

      Don't you think that after 4 years these Trump haters would have learned to provide some evidence for all their kook conspiracy theories? But no - 4 years and still no evidence!
