Monday, November 16, 2020

Lakewood Voters say NO to Legalize Marijuana but Township Did Not Ban the Sale Yet

Out of 26,364 Lakewood residents  who voted on question #1 Do you approve amending the Constitution to legalize a controlled form of marijuana called “cannabis” , 18,237 or 70%  voted  NO  while 8,127 or 30% voted yes. The state will formally legalize it on January 1. Many towns near Lakewood have passed ordnances banning the sale of Marijuana or running businesses that sell it. 

However in an interview last year with the Lakewood shopper newspaper the Lakewood mayor Ray Coles said  Marijuana should be legalized in the long term in Lakewood but a lot of things have to fall into place. There were some proposals to have a area of medical Marijuana but no licenses were issued. Other committeemen an interview with The Voice of Lakewood  said they would ban the sale of THC and weed in Lakewood but have not acted on it yet.

As the state of NJ prepares to legalize weed and Marijuana 60 towns in NJ have passed  ordinances banning the sale of Marijuana. If legalization does happen, these towns would not be able to prevent residents who are at least 21 year old from possessing small amounts of weed and using it in a private residence. But they can prevent marijuana businesses from growing and selling in their limits. 


  1. Our Askonim who are busy overbuilding and ruining Lakewood .
    Should take off a few minutes of their time to ban Marijuana from Lakewood .
    Have pity on Your Own Kids

    1. Kids that want it, get it. Legal or illegal. Adults too.

  2. My parents are no longer with us and you might not need to lie if it is legal. At any rate, too many young people in Lakewood so we would be better without it being sold here. Not risking arrest though is reason to celebrate.

  3. We can have a machine in BMG selling it?

  4. Maybe we can have a gemach set up in BMG?

  5. Follow the gelt.. a well connected somebody is probably invested in weed and it will be legally sold in lakewood.
    Get High chevreh

  6. Its shocking that lakewood did not ban the sale. Money is worth more than lives Rachmana Litzlan. That is the message when the danger of weed is ignored because of financial interests

    1. Sorry, but marijuana doesn't kill, it isn't dangerous at all. It isn't addictive and is less problematic than alcohol

    2. Research has been pushed down showing much negative impact on teenagers and young adults
      so False

      That is besides being a gateway drug & a cultural changer for all ages

    3. Its a gateway drug because its illegal. Duh.

  7. A regular Harry Anslinger.
