Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday November 9 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: A mainly sunny sky. High near 75F

-12 new covid cases in Lakewood 6240/213

 -The lawsuit on behalf of Donald Trump  challenging the election result in Pennsylvania has just been filed 8:00pm

- Real Clear Politics - just rescinded their call  for Biden winning Pennsylvania it is now undecided.

-Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue substantial allegations of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.

-Agudath Israel of America sent a Congratulatory letter addressed  to "President-elect JoeBiden and and Vice Preident-elect Kamala Harris" on their election. The letter says that agudah has always had a close relationship with the whitehouse irrespective of which political party is its occupant. They look forward to working with the administration. "May the al-mighty bless you in all that you do as you lead our great nation forward in these challenging times. Our heartfelt prayers are with you"  view full letter HERE 

-Mishpachas Feinstein Shiva at 477 FDR drive apt 201 shachris 8 mincha 3 maariv 8 no visitors after 10:00 pm. Harav Reuven Feistein shlita will be sitting shiva at yeshiva of  Staten Island shachris 7am, Mincha 1:15, Maariv 5:30 pm so visitors after 9:30 pm  getting up Friday

 -Tehillim for the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas  Harav Yosef Savitsky, shlita, who is suffering a health related issue please daven for Yosef ben Basya b’soch shear cholei Yisrael.(Hamodia)

- Mitch McConnell: Trump ‘100 Percent Within His Rights’ to Weigh Legal Options on Election

-Trump: The threshold identification of Ballots is turning out to be even bigger than originally anticipated. A very large number of Ballots are impacted. Stay tuned!
-Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes... are finding things that, when released, will be absolutely shocking!
-Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!
-Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon!
-Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.

-Mark Levin: Ah, the lying media frauds are at it again.  Now, they pretend that the progress on a vaccine just happened, Trump has nothing to do with it.  Also, funny how Pfizer waited until after the election to make their latest announcement.

-Murphy: Effective Thursday, November 12th: No indoor dining between 10:00 PM – 5:00 AM at restaurants, bars, clubs, and lounges, Outdoor dining, takeout, and delivery services may continue past 10:00 PM Restaurants may place tables closer than 6 feet ONLY if separated by barriers

Individual fully-enclosed dining bubbles may be set-up for outside use The last thing I want to do is shut our economy back down. Thankfully, we’re not at that point.

-Murphy: "I look forward to working with President-Elect Joe Biden Sen Booker..on important New Jersey matters – including getting federal funding for the Gateway Project and restoring the full State and Local Tax deduction for our taxpayers"

-NJ new covid-19 restrictions bars, restaurants must close indoor service by 10 p.m Gov. Murphy to announce today at 1;00 pm. He will also ban all interstate indoor youth sports up to the high school level

HaRav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita Meshulam Dovid ben Alteh  Hendel for a refuah shleima 
Harav Eliyohu Sorotzkin shlita, Eliyohu Meir ben Rochel

-Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine is looking 90% effective stock market soars
-Fauci said the results suggesting 90% effectiveness are “just extraordinary, “Not very many people expected it would be as high as that.”
-Cuomo says in interview it’s bad news a covid vaccine arrived during the Trump administration and he will seek to limit its distribution not trusting the administration how it will distribute the vaccine..
BDE: petirah of Mrs. Libby Weiss, (formerly the nurse at Beis Faiga). The levaya will take place at the 7th Street Chapel Monday at 1:00pm. (LNN)


  1. Cuomo is such a piece of trash.

  2. Replies
    1. the Dems are getting us ready for bread lines with these food distributions

  3. I think the hashgocho elyona is showing itself clearly. If this vaccine is actually the one we were waiting for, it will show us how the purpose was to get rid of this fungal bacteria called Trump. As soon as it had done its job, poof it goes.

    Now every stupid thing Trump did will be reversed, except freeing Rubashkin and killing Al-Soleimani. Perfect!

    1. can you specify which stupid thing you want reversed?


  4. Agudah hates Trump and they dont even hide it. Surprised they waited this long to congratulate Biden. Not a smart move to start up with Trump but they already did so and put the klal in sakana of nekama.

  5. Trump will soon be given the victory via the Supreme Court.

  6. Agudah has no buissness to make political decisions on behalf of klal yisrael they speak for themselves.

    1. I thought they used Agudah stationary didn’t know they used the Lakewood Vaad Stationary that represent All Of Lakewood and the whole wide world.

  7. Agudah has no buissness to make political decisions on behalf of klal yisrael they speak for themselves.

    1. There's no business like show business.

  8. Aguda is a privately owned organization. They represent themselves only.
    They are surely Not Lakewood !
    We have our own issues ....

  9. Aguda is giving a wink wink the nursing home covid death policymakers Cuomo and Murphy to send some gelt because they hate Trump
