Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday November 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Overcast. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 57F. 

-24 new covid cases in Lakewood +4 deaths totals 6591/214

- Sidney Powell statement to CBS news: “I understand today's press release.  I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic, and we will be filing suit soon..The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic. #KrakenOnSteroids

-Live 9:00 pm  watch The City Eruv – A Behind the Scenes Report,” with the Daf Yomi Commission of Illinois, Agudas Yisroel of West Rogers Park, and The Eruv Network Here

-General Michael Flynn: Sidney Powell has been suspended from Twitter for 12 hours. She understands the WH press release & agrees with it. She is staying the course to prove the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed #WeThePeople of our votes for President Trump & other Republican candidates.

-Howell Police chief on Fox: "I wasn’t going to have my police officers going knocking on doors and ruining somebody’s holiday just to check how many people are inside their house. It’s not happening.”

-Thus far, Murphy has stopped short of ordering another statewide lockdown like he did in the spring, but he has stressed that he is considering all options as cases soar. (

Trump campaign issues statement on Sidney Powell: '‘Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.’ Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump, and Jenna Ellis” campaign legal adviser.

-Trump Legal Team Files Appeal After Obama Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Its Results 

-Trump: Other than politics, how do you lose a case where large numbers of voters, far more than you need to flip Pennsylvania, are disenfranchised? Vote Observers thrown out of counting rooms. People going to vote finding out they have already voted through a fake ballot - go home!

- NY Governor Cuomo threatening Satmar community with legal action and called it a blatant disregard of the law  after the NY Post reported that a secret wedding took place in Williamsburg with thousands of people defying gathering restrictions. Reports are that only those with antibodies attended the wedding and no legal action was threatened to the large gatherings at the same time for BLM or Celebrating Biden elections in Times square.

-Chris Christie: "I have been a supporter of the President's. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn't happen." "Quite frankly, the conduct of the President's legal team has been a national embarrassment," 

-Lakewood Rabbi Yisroel Knopfler has taken his case against Gov. Murphy's executive orders to the U.S. Supreme Court. The  religious liberty lawsuit alleges the governor's orders impose stricter limits, as well as mask mandates, on religious gatherings than on other gatherings that are  permitted as "essential" such as schools, childcare centers, and homeless shelters with no limits. (LNN)

-  הנחת אבן הפינה Groundbreaking event for the Mishkan Aharon Hachnosas Orchim center in Lakewood 5657 Sanztown rd in Westgate. Mincha 1:40 pm program 2:00 pm. Divrei bracha Rav Malkile Kotler shlita

-Lakewood and Agudah officials join Gov Murphy on a zoom call with other religious and faith leaders to discuss the second wave of Covid19. They mentioned how lakewood brought the numbers down through testing and collaborating with the Murphy administration.

- Since last week Sunday there has been 165 cases of covid29 still no going around in some developments.

- Trump: It’s all about the signatures on the envelopes. Why are the Democrats fighting so hard to hide them. We will find massive numbers of fraudulent ballots. The signatures won’t match. Fight hard Republicans. Don’t let them destroy the evidence!

-RCCS drive through at Gournet Glatt  south 12:00- 3:00 pm free pop corn, Slush


  1. Amazing how we brought it down by everyone getting it lets tell the world to follow us in our great care of each individual

  2. Telling only negative people to test and those that may test positive or sick to stay home did nothing to stop covid. Lakewood was hit hard again with the second wave the only difference is that the town got hit earlier than the rest uf NJ. The numbers went down because that is what happens with a virus over a few weeks it naturally goes down not before infecting thousands of people.
    It is quite deceptive to keep bragging about the Lakewood model when nothing was done for public health safety. The committee did nothing yet they ho on zoom to perpetuate the lie again and again and take credit for controlling the virus

  3. If the Lakewood model worked do amazing why has it not been replicated anywhere else in the state. Murphy talks about it all the time but the numbers are surging all over new jersey. The answee is that jt did not work in Lakewood either. It is a data manipulation technique but does not cure or stop people from getting the virus.

  4. Ever notice that the Trump haters never provide any evidence in their comments to back up their conspiracy theories?

    I never see any affidavits or videos attached to their comments. I never see any actual testimony. Or real evidence. All they do is spew their conspiracy theories, without ANY evidence at all.

    Trump hatred has made them so delusional, they'll believe any conspiracy theory even without any evidence to back it up. It's called "Trump Derangement Syndrome", or TDS for short.

    1. Affidavits are not evidence. As the last two weeks have shown us.
      This site doesn't allow video attachments.

      We are still waiting for any evidence of fraud. So far all suits were thrown out. Google will tell you that.

    2. Another assertion from a Trump hater without any evidence. Just outlandish claims.

      Saying "Google will tell you that" is not evidence. And Google itself is not evidence.

      So where's the evidence, Trump haters?

    3. When they post with evidence, it doesn't get posted

  5. For 4 years we've heard the Trump haters talk about how the Trump stole the 2016 election, all without any evidence. It was a huge hoax.

    Did anyone worry about how democracy was being destroyed by the Trump-haters trash-talking US elections and the presidency? Did anyone worry that trust in the US elections was being undermined by outlandish claims that the Russians somehow helped Trump get elected? No! Trump haters had a free pass to claim whatever they wanted without any evidence.

    And now when Trump just wants to exercise his right to petition the courts, the Trump haters are back with outlandish claims without evidence that he is somehow ruining democracy by petitioning the court? Isn't that part of our democracy - the right to petition the court?

    But no, without evidence these Trump haters continue to spew unfounded and debunked claims against Trump.

    Read all their comments again - not one shred of evidence. I don't see any videos or testimony or affidavits in their comments. Only outlandish, impossible to believe, wacko conspiracy theories without any evidence to back it up.

    Don't you think that after 4 years these Trump haters would have learned to provide some evidence for all their kook conspiracy theories? But no - 4 years and still no evidence!

    1. For 4 years we've heard the Trump haters talk about how the Trump stole the 2016 election, all without any evidence. It was a huge hoax.

      - Where is your evidence for this? This statement of yours is a huge hoax.

      Did anyone worry about how democracy was being destroyed by the Trump-haters trash-talking US elections and the presidency? Did anyone worry that trust in the US elections was being undermined by outlandish claims that the Russians somehow helped Trump get elected? No! Trump haters had a free pass to claim whatever they wanted without any evidence.

      - Where is the evidence for this lack of worry? Of course they worried, prove that they didn't. No evidence at all. Just spewing anti-human hatred.

      And now when Trump just wants to exercise his right to petition the courts, the Trump haters are back with outlandish claims without evidence that he is somehow ruining democracy by petitioning the court? Isn't that part of our democracy - the right to petition the court?

      - Where is the proof of this right? And who complained about petitioning the court? Show affidavits, evidence, links.

      But no, without evidence these Trump haters continue to spew unfounded and debunked claims against Trump.

      - Again, not one link at all.

      Read all their comments again - not one shred of evidence. I don't see any videos or testimony or affidavits in their comments. Only outlandish, impossible to believe, wacko conspiracy theories without any evidence to back it up.

      - This comment is quite noticeable in its lack of links, videos or testimony.

      Don't you think that after 4 years these Trump haters would have learned to provide some evidence for all their kook conspiracy theories? But no - 4 years and still no evidence!

    2. Actually, nobody cares that he is petitioning the courts. If he was just doing that, it would be fine. It is the riling up of his base to not accept the results of the election that is troublesome. When a few students demonstrate "not my president", it is mostly harmless. When powerful leaders do so, it is potentially dangerous.

      Also, if he would be publicly commenting the same thing his lawyers are claiming in court, that would be better. But in public he is saying 'massive fraud', but in court his lawyers are saying 'we are not alleging fraud'. On twitter he is bleating about the evidence, but in court he admits to having nothing, no affidavits, videos, testimony or anything substantial. 30 lawsuits were not decided against him, they were tossed out. That should tell us all something. Except the party faithful, they will stay till the bitter end.

  6. Coming to the Oak and Vine neighborhood

    1. oak and vine was built through corruption. don't expect anyone to cry for them now that corruption is affecting them.

    2. You make a good point, but still it’s not right that the taxpayers are getting fleeced over and over again with these shady land swap deals.

  7. All this talk about trumps lawsuits getting "thrown out" is in his best interest

    Trump has a plan, and that is to get this to the Supreme court

    Remember what Joe Biden did to Clarence Thomas?

    Remember what Kamala Harris did to Brett Kavanaugh?

    Remember what Democrats did to try to stop Amy Coney Barrett?

    What goes around comes around

    1. See! No evidence at all. What did president-elect Biden to to Thomas? Show evidence instead of 'spewing'.
      What did vice-president elect Harris do to Kavanaugh? Show evidence instead of 'spewing'.

    2. You seem not to know how things work. You cannot introduce new evidence in appeals. If you did not show evidence in court, the Superior and Supreme Courts will not accept it.

    3. 12:12

      Your lack of knowledge of evidence is NOT an indication of a lack of evidence

      Learn some history, my friend. Today in 2020 its easier than ever. Heard of google?

  8. It is very concerning when unzer heimish askanim talk kefira as if they have a control over the virus in bringing down the numbers. The lesson of corona is that the eibishter runs the show but our askanim know better they boast how they got it under control all to chanfeh Murphy. Even more disgusting how some put Hashem and Murphy in the same sentence refering to the big G and the Little g for governor. Shame that that this is who represents the Torah town of Lakewood

    1. The asskanim talk? That is Kefira. The eibishter runs the show and he gets them to talk.

    2. That askanim have bechira to do what is right and make a kiddush hashem what comes out of their mouths is what they decided to say. it is kefira to think otherwise

    3. will agudah issue a statement condemning the Satmar wedding lets see how fast they put one out and throw the chasidim under the bus,
      Will there be an op ed calling them a beheima sheinenu tehora lets see if they have guts

    4. I thought that the gemarah says everything is from shmayim except tzinim and pachim, and that is the common cold which is a coronavirus. I might be mistaken.

  9. Christie misses his m&m fix that he got while being Trump's lap dog. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Chris!

    1. Christie was stabbed in the back by Trump at the transition.
      Revenge of the Kushners!
      Let's see how he ends up suffering for what he did to Lakewood. קל נקמות הוי"ה, he will pay for it, but not at the hands of a human, only through Hashem himself.

    2. Maybe a little fly can fly up his nose...

  10. Only those with antibodies.

    7 to 10,000 people is basically the whole Satmar Aronite Faction so I guess everyone had antibodies and all 10,000 took tests

  11. why are the Trump campaign distancing themselves from Sidney Powell what is going on.

    1. I wonder the same. After googling and searching for some time, its seems that theres a strategy behind this. Otherwise, surely Trump would have loudly tweeted her off, no?

  12. The trump haters are back spewing their debunked conspiracy theories, without evidence.


    Seventy million is a pretty big audience to start up a new network to cater to. Ela vas, there is no conspiracy. Networks are businesses. If a single network were to prove any of the so-called "liberal media" wrong, they would overnight get ratings off the Neilson scale as the Trump supporters would flock to that network. That would bring in big bucks from advertisers. Get real about this media nonsense.

    People don't you get it? We live in a capitalist country that prides itself on competition. Not only are conspiracies of this scale impossible, but the news organization that exposes them would be an instant millionaire. I am not talking aobut internet nonsense but real journalist who went to college for journalism. And if not the big three, then let someone invest in starting a new network. Seventy million viewers is too big a consumer base to alienate. The teritz is that there is no conspiracy and no lies on the part of the "media" because if there was, than one or the others would expose the fake news and reap the benefits of the market by cashing in.

    1. Good point! I didn't think of that.

      People live in their own bubbles, thinking that everyone is dealing with their own issues. The 'media' must be against them personally, because they don't like the news.

    2. It is a matter of religious faith that the 2020 elections were stolen. Anyone who ever learned mussar, must believe that, otherwise they are leftist scum, who want to abort all babies למפרע back to the year 1962.
      If you don't believe in the fraud story, as outlandish as it is, you will end up stopping to believe in the story with Reb Aaron Kotler and the cat, and who knows where that will lead?

    3. Turx has been debunking fake news on Twitter since 1953.

  14. Shoin the trump haters are back, spewing debunked conspiracy theories without any evidence

  15. Big things happened in Middle East. NY Times reports prime minister in Saudi Arabia for secret talks. Peace deal in the cards?
