Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday November 6 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. High 72F. 

Candle lighting 4:30 PM shkia 4:48 PM

-Tehillim name added for Rav Dovid Feinstein Dovid Chizkiyahu ben Shima 

-NY gov Cuomo reduces red zone restrictions by 50% in Brooklyn cluster. Boro Park is out of the redzone. Far rockaway is free and clear. Kew gardens yellow. 

- Philly Mayor: Trump ‘needs to… put his big boy pants on and… acknowledge the fact that he lost’

-NYT: With Biden increasing lead in Nevada a win there could prompt news outlets ti call the race for hom.

Trump statement: "We believe the American people deserve to have full transparency into all vote counting and election certification, and that this is no longer about any single election. This is about the integrity of our entire election process. From the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted, yet we have met resistance to this basic principle by Democrats at every turn. We will pursue this process through every aspect of the law to guarantee that the American people have confidence in our government. I will never give up fighting for you and our nation.”

-Michigan GOP Chair: Dozens of Michigan counties used the same software that caused 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden. "These counties that used this software need to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies

-Trump tweets: Where are the missing military ballots in Georgia? What happened to them?

-Rush Limbaugh: “Still some options open for Trump”. It's not even close to being over

-Kevin McCarthy GOP Leader "Far from over. Republicans will not back down from this battle

-Biden will speak to the nation this evening at prime time at 8:00 pm

-Ocean county drops to #11 with 77 covid cases. NJ reported 2,199 new positive cases.

-Trump: "With the attack by the Radical Left Dems on the Republican Senate, the Presidency becomes even more important!"

-USPS Whistleblower: Postmaster in Erie, PA is ordering mail supervisors to back-date ballots to Election Day so that they are counted. Project Veritas

-Decision Desk calls PA for Biden giving him presidency with 273 to 214 for Trump

-Murphy made no mention of covid restrictions. On Trump speech last night "worst set of remarks ever said by an American president and BTW he can still win this  let is play itself out lets count every single vote. If Biden is victorious we have to accept that outcome 

-With a narrow margin between candidates, “there will be a recount in Georgia,” the state’s top elections official said

-Biden’s campaign  has warned that Donald Trump could be escorted from the White House, amid reports he has no plans to concede.  “As we said on July 19th, the American people will decide this election." "And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House,”

-Trump campaign says "the election is not over" and it will challenge the "phony" claim of Joe Biden winning. "The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final."

-Murphy making an announcement at 11:00 am on Cannabis Regulatory Commission and possible corona restrictions.

- Murphy hints at possible new restrictions on businesses as covid cases go up in NJ. INan interview with wapo he again mentions the Lakewood model of how he plans to replicate it to bring down numbers.

 -Secret Service ramps up protection of Biden, sending reinforcements of agents to Delaware, in anticipation of his possible win.  (Wapo)

- Biden takes lead in Georgia for first time. There were 8,899 absentee ballots from military and overseas voters that hadn’t yet been returned to election offices in Georgia as of Thursday morning,

-Reports are piling up in Michigan of voting fraud  that could have helped swing the state to Joe Biden.

-Trump: So now the Democrats are working to gain control of the U.S. Senate through their actions on John James, David Perdue, and more. Would End the Filibuster, “Life”, 2A, and would Pack and Rotate the Court. Presidency becomes even more important. We will win!

-Tefilos for Rav Dovid Feinstein, shlita has been hospitalized, and is in dire need of rachmei shamayim. Name for Tehillim Dovid ben Shima.

-Covid19 cases rage in the Western NY region and across NJ.  A month ago governors and media pinpointed the cased in Orthodox Jewish areas.

 -Kent Road will be closed to traffic for the next 7 months due to replacement of the bridge at the Lakewood - Howell border.


  1. How don't you see it?November 6, 2020 at 6:32 AM

    -Reports are piling up in Michigan of voting fraud that could have helped swing the state to Joe Biden.

    You use the word 'reports' quite liberally (the irony is not lost on me). They are not reports, they are claims, and quite baseless ones at that.

    The republicans are working overtime inventing fraud stories, so that people think that 'at least some of them must be somewhat true'. They are ignoring the danger of their actions. They are thinking short term, hoping that their base will be outraged enough to stick with them. But in the long term this is a dangerous move for the country, undermining the basis of the democracy. Trump is putting country last and himself first, as he has always done.

    If there are credible claims, pursue them democratically. But the idea of persuading the public to distrust elections plays right into the hands of democracy's enemies. As the joke is going around 'Kim Jong Il says that the election chaos is a result of having more than one person on the ballot. Multiple choice breeds chaos'.

    Well done, republicans.

  2. How does anyone believe the fraud drivel? Why would the Democrats allow McConnell to win? Why wouldn't they stop that? Why didn't they ensure the blue wave in the Senate if they are so powerful?
    How do they control the elections in Georgia where the state government is controlled by republicans?

    If you want to believe in republican's policies, fine. But to go from there to believe those stupid conspiracy theories is just ludicrous. Obama was still not born in Kenya, even if the peace process with Sudan is a good thing.

  3. Can someone elaborate on what the "Lakewood model" that the governor keeps on pointing to?

    1. the scalpel approach

    2. The lakewood model is a phony farce that askanim and murphy convinced themselves that they brought down the numbers of the virus. It is nothing more than manipulating data with shtick deception and trickery. The real Lakewood model is thousands got sick with corona and R"L people were niftar after a few weeks the numbers automatically went down as is the nature of how the virus works.

  4. Mazel Tov America!

    You have a new President coming, someone who actually wants to get the complicated difficult job done. Someone who won't have hours available each day for tweeting, watching TV, and calling into radio shows. Someone who will actually spend his time reading his intelligence briefings, and calling on actual experts to explain complicated issues. Someone who won't use petty revenge to make decisions, rather figure out how to better the life of Americans.

    Mazel Tov!

    1. Reading his intelligence briefings...
      Hahah the Buffoon cant utter a coherent sentence.

      Biden will remain in the basement

    2. I hope you do not know that Mr. Bidden is handicapped with a stammer. You, hopefully inadvertently, are making fun of someone with a speech impediment.

    3. I am anonymous 11:47, and it seems that Anonymous 12:07 needs to be told what reading means. Reading does not mean 'uttering', it means looking at words of text, and processing them with the mind. It may be a complex concept to you, but some people have some experience with it, and they learn all kinds of things through it. Unfortunately, for the last four years we have had a president whose intelligence level is pretty minor, close to zero, and his breadth of knowledge about any topic under the sun has been also close to zero. Which is both the reason he does not read, as well as a product of his lack of reading.

  5. Why does Hefkervelt skew so much to Trump? Any foolish news that could mean Trump is winning gets mentioned, yet when news emerges the other way, it is ignored. Why? What is the point?

  6. America, America, grace has yet been shed on thee!

    A divided Congress means that no fringe or extreme element will rule. America will find its natural center, where it belongs.

    America needs leadership, not charisma.

    We need an executive with empathy and elderly wisdom, and yes, someone with decades of experience in the Senate, to heal our divide.

    More than anything, we need moderation.

    If "Sleepy Joe" means that he is not a man of passion to galvanize partisan support, then he is the cure to our ailment.

    1. decades of experience in the senate? decades of experience doing nothing in the senate. can you name me one thing this man has accomplished over the last 47 years?

    2. That is the point (not to admit he has no record). We need leadership and a return to civility more than we need this or that policy and new legislation.
