Sunday, November 29, 2020

Livestream: Levaya of Harav Eliyohu Meir Sorotzkin Zatzal

 Levaya of the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Elya Meir Sorotzkin Zatzal will take place today 11:00 am at Springfield Yeshiva Tiferes Baruch 112 Linden Avenue, N. Plainfield, NJ The Kevura is in Eretz Yisroel Har Hanenuchos. call in number 732-839-3003 pin # 7763828466



  1. can someone fill in some backround about the yeshiva i have attended numerous levayas i dont remember one with such bchiyos by yungeleit & bochurim , especially when the r"y was ill and bderech hateva people see the guf getting weaker . there must have been some unique kesher

    1. The bechiyos were from the young bais medrash bochurim who were metapel with the rosh yeshiva the last few years they had a very close kesher with him and they went through the last tekufa emotionally.

  2. The rosh yeshiva was a very charismatic and hartzige person, he led the yeshiva very mal'chus'dig and he was somewhat of a "litvishe rebbe", the highlight of the dinners for me was the R"Y dancing at the end with parents and alumni and in yeshiva he would dance with them for hours.

    When a R"Y begins his pshat in the Rashba with "with lots of sweat and blood" (mit shvitz un blut.....) you will get such bechiyos

  3. Most people that have learned in the Yeshiva can attest to the fact that the R"Y had a big part in shaping and directing their life.
    He was a very unique and inspiring individual.
    Having spent their formative years in his presence, talmidim generally had a lifelong chavivus for him.
    We all felt as though we lost a father.

  4. The R"Y was a very unique and inspiring individual. He had a fire burning within him. Talmidim that learned in yeshiva during their formative years, generally felt like he had a lifelong impression on the shape and direction of their life.
    We all felt as though we lost a father.
