Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Lakewood BOE Meeting

Lakewood Board Of Education virtual  meeting  7:30 pm
Watch live stream Here  
see agenda Here 
More than 140 students returned for In-Person Instruction!!
-$517,572.00 to purchase 1,800 HP  Chromebooks
District has distributed 1,987 Chromebooks/devices to students for the
purpose of remote learning, since March 17, 2020.
The District ordered an additional 1,800 Chromebooks that have been on backorder since June.


  1. Here is what I got back on my OPRA. Gustavo got a similar answer.

    Approximate Counts
    l)Please provide an accounting the hundreds of Chromebooks in the middle school last year. How many were in the middle school at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year?


    How many are in the middle school at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year?


    2) Please provide an accounting of Chromebooks in the district last year. How many were in the district at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year?


    How many are in the district at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year?


    3)Please provide A) the number of students receiving remote instruction


    and B) how many of them are using Chromebooks provided by the district.

    When the legislature removes the cap on tax increases for district owing over $100 million and Lakewood has to repay every cent of the currently (assuming they get the loan this year) $140 million owed, will taxpayers still shrug it all off?

  2. I cannot torture myself to listen to the Court Jester ramble on and on but Mr. T. said that about 2,000 computers are in the hands of students now. But that begs the question. He also said less than 800 are being instructed at home? So why are 1,200 computers (and really 1,800 since only 285 of the 800 have them) in students' homes? They would be better used in the schools. The likely answer is that they cannot or have not attempted to get them back. So they are ordering another 2,000.
