Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday November 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Mostly sunny. High 56F

- 61 new cases of covid19 in Lakewood totals 6839/219

-Trump: “Democrats suffered crushing down-ballot loss across America.” @NY times This is true. All statehouses won, and in Washington we did great. So I led this great charge, and I’m the only one that lost? No, it doesn’t work that way. This was a massive fraud, a RIGGED ELECTION!

- A powerful storm is expected to dump at least an inch of rain on New Jersey on Monday. The storm could be severe, with damaging winds possible in the afternoon and wind gusts above 45 miles per hour along the coastline, the NWS said. Strong wind gusts are possible inland as well.

-Murphy: said Sunday a statewide shutdown  is still “on the table” as he warned New Jerseyans are ”in the fight of our lives” over the next three months. He said it would be a last resort and that he doesn’t “anticipate it” happening. But, it could come down to it if cases continue to surge.

- Supreme court Justice Samuel Alito has given NJ Gov. Murphy until 3 PM on Dec 3 to respond to lawsuit filed by a Lakewood Rabbi on religious gathering restrictions. (Fox)

-Trump: There is no way Joe Biden got 80 million votes ‘We have the greatest case ever’ "If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level or at a House level,' 

-Dr. Anthony Fauci on school closures: “Look at the data, the spread from children and among children is not very big at all, not like one would have suspected.”


  1. 61 new cases is a lot. scary.

    1. 40 yesterday is this the 3rd wave or still the second wave

    2. 61 out of 100,000 is .006 %

      Thats not a lot and is not scary


    3. It isn't scary, except for the 61 people and their family members. And the 43 the next day and the 57 the day after. Not scary at all.

    4. You know that the death rate per 100,000 people is two to four times the rate in 2019, 2018 and all previous years this century depending on state and city. NYC saw a seven times higher death rate. In 1918 the death rate in NYC was about three times higher than before the pandemic.

    5. Doctors in Lakewood have all been telling me that they cannot get their patients in the waiting room to wear masks. I went to one the other day and simply requested the receptionist to call me when ready because I saw two people without masks. Think what you want, but it UNHEARD OF to see someone in a doctor's office without a mask. Try to make all appointments in offices far outside Lakewood.

  2. -Trump: There is no way Joe Biden got 80 million votes ‘We have the greatest case ever’ "If Republicans allow it to happen, you'll never have another Republican elected in the history of this country, at a Senate level or at a presidential level or at a House level,'

    I don't think that outcome is necessarily a bad thing, but 'we have the greatest case ever' seems like a euphemism for 'I have no clue what will happen, but why not make noise'. Meanwhile he hasn't actually shown a case at all, anywhere.

  3. Tomorrow Lakewood askanim will announce how they were able to keep down their numbers.

  4. Hey commenters, I came here after a long day at work hoping to be entertained. Where are the conspiracy theorists and the name droppings?

  5. People do know understand the new Middle East. We have been focusing too much on Iran's nukes. Nukes have historically not cause the greatest shifts in power. Nukes merely guarantee, as much a humanly possible, the survival of a nation.

    The greatest threat is Iran's now cruise missiles. Should they export them to Lebanon and other enemies, they would almost certainly hit their targets, unlike in the past, and these would include ports, cities, the airport, nuclear facilities. It will change everything.

    This is why we are seeing a coalition build between the Saudis, UAE, Bahrain and Israel. Very few understand that when we killed that bad guy last year and the Iranians retaliated, they used their new precision weapons and hit a major Saudi oil facility, RIGHT ON TARGET. This is big news.

    Hence, Biden should be careful. It is not enough to stop their nukes. We need to maintain our leverage with the sanctions so that we can prevent them from not exporting these new weapons. It is one thing for Iran to start up with Israel or the Saudis. They are sure to get hit back. It is quite another to give them to the thugs that send missiles into Israel.

    1. Don't worry at least Trump is no longer president. Who cares if the world burns.

    2. Are you suggesting that Trump's killing of that bad guy caused a dangerous retaliation? Because the orthodox position on that was that the fear mongering was disproven.
      I guess we see from here that things happen under wraps, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions.Hmmmm

    3. No. On the contrary. It showed us what they have. Kind of like the old Middle East Wars. We got to see that the Ruskies have.
