Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tuesday November 24 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High around 50F

- Lou Dobbs on Fox: “Do you think we are going to see the Trump Presidency saved? ”Sidney Powell: “Yes I definitely do.. there’s NO ISSUE in my mind but that he was elected in an ABSOLUTE LANDSLIDE NATIONWIDE.”

-Trump tweets:  Should President Trump concede to Biden? Poll Results: No: 190,593  (98.9%) Yes: 2,181  (1.1%) Total Votes: 192,774. @gregkellyusa @newsmax For the good of our Country we must prevail!

-Agudah remote convention "Youth Hour" will be by call in option only after backlash for having kids watch it online. All other programing will be live streamed with call in options 

-Food distribution Yesodei OTL box at yeshiva Mekor Hatorah tooday 6:30 pm 180 Sims Avenue, (box includes milk hot dogs turkey  bauggets buns bag od oranges tray persian cucumbers Israeli pickles Dagim egg rolls srerns sprinkle cookies box drinks)

Tashbar 7:00 pm

-18 new covid cases  in Lakewood, totals 6636/213

-Trump" I Want to Congratulate the People of Our Country, There Are No People Like You’   “the stock market, Dow Jones Industrial Average just hit 30,000, which is the highest in history”

-NYC to Impose ‘CoVID Checkpoints’ at Bridges, Tunnels, Train Stations This Thanksgiving inspecting some out-of state travelers at airports to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus

 -Gelbsteins Meal Boxes will be distributed tomorrow: Wednesday, November 25, 2020. The weekly meal box will contain traditional Holiday food, including, but not limited to: Frozen Turkey  Stuffing Cranberry Sauce All food is Kosher. 

-Police say Indoor gathering limits will be hard to enforce at Thanksgiving dinner You don’t have a warrant to enter someone’s house, so unless you look through a window or you got a call, you really don’t know how many people are inside that home. They will count on snitchers to call in violators.(NJ)

-Trump: Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen‘  via BreitbartNews They are 100% correct, but we are fighting hard. Our big lawsuit, which spells out in great detail all of the ballot fraud and more, will soon be filled. RIGGED ELECTION!

-Signs in shuls and yeshiva asking youngeleit to call Aguda headquarters ahead of the upcoming virtual convention online. The letter states that some moetzes members were not aware of the online virtual event. Particular concern is of a "Youth Hour" on the convention program targeting children, after much mesiras nefesh went into not to have children use zoom or online classes.

-  NJ drivers will get a temporary license, starting today Nov. 24, MVC because licenses are now going to be produced at a central processing facility. So, drivers will have to wait to get their permanent, new licenses. Drivers will leave the agency with a 30-day temporary license, and the permanent license will be mailed to them.



    1. So Mister, you have been warning of the Civil War for a while. Are you some kind of John Brown?

      Are you a Yankee or a Rebel? What side are you on? State's rights or federal tyranny?


  2. I Beat Don Lemons student and his anti Trump lies and foolishness

  3. youth hour is specifically for frum kids of the mosdos hatorah that use zoom;

    1. Why is that allowed, it is not school related kids should not be lured to go online period.

  4. Mesira alert a guest from out of town at a wedding last night tweeted to the lpd that some ppl did not wear masks.

    1. Are you trying to keep it a "secret" as some others tried to do? When you do something involving many people, you know it won't be kept a "secret." That's life. I don't condone mesira at all, but I also don't condone bnei torah denying the seriousness of the virus and acting as if it doesn't exist. It exists and you can't go against the rules, that are there for our benefit, "secretively."

  5. Once again, we see how the Agudah is run by balebatim and NOT by Gedolim.

    1. Wrong. The gedolim tell the Aguda leaders what to do. However, when other people find out about it and complain, they rethink the situation and realize that it's better to keep the peace and not make a hullabaloo

    2. Bullarky.
      If the Gedolim are behind it, why did they change it to phone call only?
      Tertitz is, the Gedolim are NOT behind it.

  6. twillory shirts - a frum company - is running a black friday sale on excellent white shirts - better than tyrwhitt #shopunzere

    1. Twillory is not by any means a "frum" company, they should be ashamed of themselves for their non tznius advertising on their website

  7. Hey where's the trump haters who keep claiming wacky conspiracy theories against trump without evidence?
    Probably still sleeping

  8. I saw some signs asking people to call and email Agudah to increase 'youth hour' so that all kids can have a direct contact to Gedolim of our generation.
    But as the other signs were not signed - for very good reason so too these signs were not signed for not so good reasons.

  9. All these claims against the agudah are without evidence. You people realize that you sound insane.

    1. How do you know they are without evidence? Bring evidence to that

  10. The gedolim can’t put their name to the macho... I guess it’s fake news

  11. The Lakewood Roshe Yeshivas Rav Malkiel and Rav Yeruchom who are on the Aguda Moetzes are not speaking on the online convention.

  12. Who is Don Lemon? Please provide a link.

    If life gives you lemons, make lemonade

    1. He is someone on CNN. The Democrats finally woke up and got their own talk radio like Bob Grant and that Sean Hannedy (I disliked him since 9-11 when he praise Chenney and said he would not mind if the air force shot down a passenger plane he was on. What a fool! That is not the concern with most men. What about women and children. What if his wife or daughter were on the plane not him? Airplanes don't just have tough guy men on them. And I started disliking Lambaugh when all those Haitian boat people were coming and Clinton ordered the invasion of Haiti (He send Jimmy Carter their and negotiated the Haitian government to surrender without a fight) and Limbaugh starter screaming saying we have no interest there. HUH? They were coming in by hundreds a day. And then the dork Republican talk radio, Limbaugh, criticized Obama for saving the car companies. HUH? Who is going to make our tanks and airplane when we go to war with the Soviets? Didn't Ford make the 3/5 of all airplanes in WWII. Duh. So think twice before you criticize these new Democrat talk-television because the Republican talk radio have proven how dumb they were (Limbaugh said when Clinton retires he will be secretary-general of the UN. What? An American cannot have that position). I catch these mistakes all the time. I learned in college economics that debt is not so bad when owed to Americans and Limbaugh said the opposite. They went to school for broadcasting, not for political science or history. At least Chris Cuomo went to Yale and then law school and is the son of Mario Cuomo. Don Lemon comes on after him. Nice to see some balance in talk radio/television for once, and don't give me that media bias manure. Everyone knows that if the reporting is fake, then millions can be made to expose the truth in this extremely competitive capitalistic society we live in. As if ABC, NBC, and CBS are going to purposely hide news when if they break a story their ratings will go up. Like they really don't like making money. The only fake news is coming from the person who coined that term.

    2. Your long runon sentence is not so easy to read. But I get the gist. The right has pea brains as talkshow hosts, so the left decided to copy them and got one of their own.
      How great! Now we have pea brains on both sides!
      Then we get to vote the peabrain in chief as president, and he plays golf for a few years, in between asinine tweets.

      What a wonderful country we live in. And people think there is a difference between the right and the left. In reality, the left has twice the brains of the right. But 2 times 1 is 2, and two brain cells is insufficient to actually run a country.

      Dumb and Dumber

    3. Sorry for the run-on sentences. It is hard to edit in that little box. You comment was funny. Yes, dumb and dumber.

  13. They have call in numbers for agudah convention as well

  14. Can't wait for socialism. Finally us poor yungerleit will take away all the rich people's houses in Lakewood for ourselves.

    1. Funny but Lakewood has always been socialism. I never knew anyone to take government programs where I came from. When I came here, so many people took food stamps, HUD, WIC and they did not try to hide it. I have never seen so much reliance upon the state. Good thing for Clinton, who with Congress, made it tougher to get the programs. Then when Andrew Cuomo was Secretary of HUD, they promulgated a rule that you cannot get rental assistance if a close relative has title to the home.

      People, you don't get it. The Democrats are not liberal and the Republicans are not conservative. Yes, they have extreme wings, but both parties are in the center. At time, Democrats want to expand handouts, at other times, like during Trump, the Republicans do it (with help of Democrats). At times the Republicans help the poor, like Bush's child credit, and Trump standardized deductions. At times Democrats help business, like Obama and the banks, other times Republican do it. Bottom line, each party takes a different stance on issues and those stances will change every generation. You people are fools to think one or other the parties are extremes. Our parties are election oriented not issue oriented like in a multi-party system. Their only goal is to get elected, not for particular policy, except to the extent it will get them elected. And get this, I think the Democrats are going to become the party of religion. Reagan claimed that for the Republicans, but we are going to see a shift. Sure evangelical Christians will stick with the Republican because of personal ties, but that will eventually disappear.

      Two third of Americans are the same party as their parents unless they are immigrants of course. This is what studies show. So how can it be, as diverse as we are as a nation, that Democrats do not have conservatives (remember Sam Nunn and the Southern Democrats during Clinton) and Republicans do not have liberals (Rockefeller and many northern). This polarization in which one party is liberal and the other is conservative will not endure. American always swings back to the center and if the parties want to get the most voters, they will be as close to the center as possible, albeit right or left slightly. Also remember, party platforms are meaningless. It is the candidate that takes a stance. Again, our parties are not issue oriented.

    2. Can you back up your claim that Democrats are pro-religion?

    3. Just boich s'vara. The other stuff, the main point about the election oriented two-party system is taught in the textbooks. IN foreign countries with the multi-party system parties are issue oriented.

      However, I watched all four nights of the Democratic convention. I never hear G-d evoked so much, not even in the Republican conventions of old. Also, Bidden is very religious. So much so, that if Kennedy, a Catholic, had talked about his faith the same way, I do not think he would have been elected.

  15. The comment section on HV is disintegrating into an orgy of fools bashing Trump.

    1. No, some are Trump-loving fools.

    2. The whole was was created for me. Just thought you should know.

  16. So we have the news that Trump is finally, begrudgingly, conceding. Well not really conceding, but 'allowing' president-elect Biden to access the tools needed for his transition.
    Shortly afterwards, the market breaks a record, reaching over 30,000. Most likely as a reaction to the news that Trump is most likely going to be out of office.
    And this numbskull actually tries to take the credit!?!?

    To think some people in Lakewood actually voted for this guy...............
