Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday Nov 17 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5781 News Updates Lakewood

 חדש עלינו את החודש הזה לטובה ולברכה, לששון ולשמחה, לישועה ולנחמה, לפרנסה ולכלכלה, לחיים ולשלום, למחילת חטא  ולסליחת עון

Weather Cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. High 50F.  Chance of rain 60%. Flurries in Northwest Jersey

-Wayne County Michigan Board of Canvassers unanimously agrees to certify the results, on the condition Secretary of State’s office conduct a comprehensive audit of the unexplained, out of balance precincts across the county

- Agudath Israel Asks US Supreme Court To End Discriminatory Restrictions in NY  targeting houses of worship and the New York cluster zone. Read here

- OCHD: Due to technical difficulties an up-to-date COVID-19 notification for 11/17/20 is unavailable.

-Trump: The only thing secure about our 2020 Election was that it was virtually impenetrable by foreign powers. On that, the Trump Administration takes great credit. Unfortunately, the Radical Left Democrats, Dominion, and others, were perhaps more successful!

-Trump terminates Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Saying statement on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate.

Food Distribution: 

Yeshiva Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:45
Tashbar 82 Oak at 6:45 pm entrance from rt 9 side Box includes (Haolom Pizza Cheese Box of Dagim Waffles Box of Kind Bars Stern's Flat Kokosh Sandwich Cookies Can of Don Pepino Sauce Six Pack Yummy Yogurt Pineapple Colored Peppers Dvash Orange Juice Milk)

-Kinnus zikaron and hespedim tonight at BMG for the yahrzeit on 2 kislev of Harav Aharon Kotler zatzal and the mashgiach  Harav Nosson Wachtfogel zatzal. Speaking:  R"Y Harav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler shlita, Harav Moshe Heineman shlita, Harav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Shlita  6:15 Binyan Beren

 -Lakewood MVC is closed due to an employee testing positive for COVID-19, and will reopen Saturday, November 28.

-Ocean County small businesses who are struggling to pay rent can now apply for an assistance grant of up to $30,000. Funding is through CARES Act funds.  first come first serve basis.  apply Here

-New Jersey on Tuesday reported 4,060 more COVID-19 cases and 38 additional deaths  the highest number of new fatalities in nearly four months.

-Murphy said he hasn’t ruled out ordering another state shutdown to curb the growing spread.

-Lakewood school district: Currently, we have had very few cases of COVID-19, which have been directly related to school activities, and absolutely no school spread! Please continue to be responsible and adhere to the Governor’s directives. 

-NJ Health commissioner: “We expect a peak at the end of the year, and a very busy January and February. But not as high as it was in April.
-Lakewood homeless have no where to go during a cold blue event when the temps are below 35, after township sells the community center on 4th street in a land swap deal.  Township officials say they will rent motel rooms and   will rely on funds in an affordable housing trust derived from fees the township collects on commercial development.(App)
-Lakewood Cheder/BF may open an additional school to accommodate many applicants 
- Gov Murphy Honors Doctor Elliott Samet’s Memory Mrs. Samet was interviewed by the Governor on Thursday. In response to her question as to why he was doing this, the governor replied that reporting stats are good but too impersonal, so he decided to do these more personal conferences, taking the time to remember New Jersey residents who have passed away from the coronavirus. The governor’s staff read all obituaries and selected those that stood out, and apparently all that was written about him, including the personal comments, impressed the staff. (Hamodia)


  1. So far, every single lawsuit has folded, and not due to procedural issues, but because the evidence was as flimsy as it could get. There were republican and democrat observers at the countings, they were just whining that they couldn't get more people in the superspreader rooms. The totals that changed in seconds was due to simple software glitches that happen the whole time. No 'magical' ballots appeared, just like the virus did not disappear through 'magic'.
    There are only a couple of suits still outstanding, that do not affect a sufficient amount of ballots to change the outcome.
    Now is the time for people to accept the idea that on January 21 we will inaugurate a President Biden.
    Those that like this country and want its success, will do their best to ensure the transition is smooth and that he has the ability to do the best job he can. They will try and transcend the partisan politics for the common good.
    Others will whine and tweet like losers, causing just enough trouble for the country to fall apart.

    1. I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message. Oh wait, you mean the President is sworn in on January 20th and I'm a day late (and a dollar short)? That Trump guy foiled my plans once again! Nooooooo! [Secret Service comes to escort Joe from the empty podium and drive him off into the sunset... THE END]

    2. spam. This article isn't about Trump. Find a different website to spew your talking points.

    3. If only you guys would have followed these great words back in November 2016 when Trump won:

      "Now is the time for people to accept the idea that on January 21 we will inaugurate a President Trump.
      Those that like this country and want its success, will do their best to ensure the transition is smooth and that he has the ability to do the best job he can. They will try and transcend the partisan politics for the common good.
      Others will whine and tweet like losers, causing just enough trouble for the country to fall apart."

      Instead, we got 4 years of Russia hoax, Mueller, impeachment, daily negative coverage of the president, hatred and violence against Trump supporters. Now, suddenly, we're supposed to just accept Biden's voter fraud?

    4. It won’t be Biden running the country. It will be his people doing whatever they want and him signing the bills dementia and all. Hashem Yerachem!!

    5. Anon 1:57 - the negative coverage of Trump, was just reporting the news. Are you suggesting the news media surpress news just because it is negative to the president?
      We constantly hear about the Russia hoax, when the investigations proved that the Russians interfered into the election. How is it a hoax?
      Impeachment was not an undermining of democracy, it is part of the democratic process. When a president or judge commit an impeachable offense, tehy should be impeached.

      Trump is not doing anything for anyone. He is bleating and tweeting, with no facts, evidence or even plausible story. He is undermining democracy and acting dangerously for this country. And his grad finale is liable to be even more dangerous, be it an Iran attack or an irresponsible troop removal.

      To those who voted for Trump in 2016 - you obviously weren't thinking this through.

    6. There never was high expectations that state and municipal courts in Dem controlled areas would rule for President Trump. Did anyone honestly think that the Supreme Court of PA, that unconstitutionally changed election law would rule against themselves.

      One federal suit was just filed, there will be more, and eventually, it will get to the Supreme Court

    WAKE UP-
    WAKE UP-

    1. True Yid says

  3. You only make this statement because you did not learn American history in 11th grade or in college. Everyone knows that the slavery issue divided the delegates at the Constitutional Convention. States were passing Acts of Nullification against the tariffs. Calhoun, when Jackson's VP supported rebellion. He also created the substantive due process doctrine that "due of process of the law" doesn't just mean that you get your day in court, but the legislature cannot pass laws to interfere with liberty and property. For example, you cannot make a law against abortion, same gender marriage, or from 1895-1937 you cannot make laws interfering with property contract, wages and regulating business. In Calhoun's case, you could not make a law interferring with slave property (amazing how a doctrine invented by the biggest states rights advocate because the biggest source of federal power over the states, of course, through the judiciary).

    Moreover, in 1860, the two party system broke and we had four parties.

    AND YOU THINK WE NOW WILL HAVE A CIVIL WAR? Study history. I do not see any states nullifying acts of Congress, threatening to secede, arguing over the same issue for generations (like tariffs and slavery). I fact, it is quite the opposite. The parties, consistent with how the system works, switch positions every generation. The Democrats used to be the party of the working class and now it seems to be the Republican. There are many examples. So why do you think we are to have a civil war? American civil wars, like the Romans, are headed by great men, like Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, US Grant, Winfield Scott, supported by legislative bodies not thugs on the street, as when the US Army splits in half in 1861. I do not see that happening at all. If anything, the military is united in upholding the Constitution. The governors of all states and their legislatures will uphold the law. And so will the Supreme Court. We won't have a civil war, but we still might lose our republic one day. THat is a separate lesson.

    1. Superficial & shallow information

    2. I have no idea what is shallow or superficial. Do you mean to say that a state legislature, without any warning, is going to all of a sudden secede from the Union? Or do you, rather than look into American History, look toward banana republics and backward barbarian countries with thugs running around or military coups? Do you actually believe that thugs can bring down the whole might of the United State government, all fifty state government, all major corporations, public school systems, police forces, army, navy, citizenry in which in most states everyone is armed and patriotic to defend the red, white and blue. We went down when those very institutions battled each other. For example, the Democrats and Whigs split into two parties. The Northern Whigs (Republicans) went against the Southern Democrats (Our system is meant for two parties not four).

      Has any ruling of the Supreme Court been ignored? Do not courts of law still have authority? What is shallow in looking into American history to know that the country is not on the verge of civil war (and I hate writing that as proper noun because there is only one Civil War even though it was a lost cause).

    3. Amazing how you denigrate the education of someone who you do not know. Then continue to post some irrelevant facts, which while it may, or may not, show some knowledge of history, definitively showcases your limited mental acuity.

      I am not sure what the point of your citing the Nullification Ordinance is. S.C. wanted to secede not from the entire Union, but from certain laws passed by the Federal Gvt. Jackson made it clear that he was prepared to go to war to prevent that from happening, which indeed may have been the precedent for Lincoln to use force to keep the Union together. (Again not relevant, but if your going to mention something,at least explain it).

      Why you mention abortion and the new definition of marriage, is a mystery. Although I would assume you are the same person who has mentioned this before in a comment, and just have an infatuation with toeva and killing babies.

      Additionally, your claim that a civil war requires states to secede and the existing government and standing army to split in half is ignoring the vast majority of civil wars and revolutions that occurred throughout history.

      Do I think there will be a civil war, unlikely. It requires a lot of sacrifice and people in general have grown very comfortable in the U.S. But then again, 6 years ago I never thought large groups of people would roam major urban areas, committing acts of violence, arson, looting, vandalism, and intimidation, not only with impunity but with protection and cover from media and politicians

  4. Yeshivas at risk of what????

  5. One more thing. I am a liberal. I assume that "horrible liberal" is someone else. I also consider Robert E. Lee the greatest American besides Washington.

    Now as for people like you, who talk about your horrible liberals, you will someday make this woman Alejandra Cortes into the president. It will be the fault of the Republicans and liberal haters because they call her AOC and only presidents are allowed to have three letter names (besides MLK and RFK). I would never refer to her with three letters (but maybe four).

    Let me list some people who considered themselves liberal. Milton Freidman (who invented school vouchers and monetary policy), Felix Frankfurter (who was only non-activist judge and the greatest justice on the Court since Holmes and Brandeis), Adman Smith (who invented capitalism), John Locke (who invented the American theory of government). Do I need to go on?

    1. You need to go on!

    2. Silly but cute
      So 19th century

      the mentioned figures would be defaced by the mobs now
