Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday November 2, 2020 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sun and a few clouds with gusty winds. High near 45F. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.  Selichos Behab

-Agudath Israel of America: Terror in Vienna! We are horrified at the latest violence apparently aimed at a synagogue, this time in Vienna. Our condolences to the bereaved, and wishes for a full recovery to the injured.

- 1 new covid case in Lakewood totals 6116/211

- New Jersey authorities are investigating the traffic tie-up on the GSP caused by a caravan of  Trump supporters and will likely get ticketed if enough evidence surfaces, State Police Col. Patrick Callahan called it incredibly irresponsible and dangerous and said investigators were reviewing videos to identify the vehicles that blocked the northbound lanes of the Garden State Parkway on Sunday.  Gov. Phil Murphy called the stunt “silly, because I don’t know what that accomplished.

- Biden Campaign Manager: “Under No Scenario” Will Trump Be Allowed to Declare Victory Tomorrow
-Food distribution Box by Sanz Klausenburg today from 5:45-7:15 at the preschool building. Edgecomb & Parkview behind Evergreen.

- Murphy: At this point, DO NOT MAIL YOUR BALLOT: Deposit it in a drop box: Hand-deliver to your County Board of Elections Hand-deliver to a poll worker at your local polling place tomorrow Contrary to what some elected officials have said, you CAN vote in-person tomorrow at a polling place in your community. If you choose to vote in-person, you will cast a paper provisional ballot.

-NYT: "Concerns have arisen that communities may be manipulating coronavirus positivity rates by discouraging sick people from being tested. NY Times reports on the drop in Monroe from 34%- 2% Some members of the ultra-Orthodox community in Orange County rejected the idea that there was any effort to manipulate the positivity rate, and argued that they were being targeted because of their religious beliefs. “Always in everything, ‘It’s the Jews’ fault,’ they are trying to pin everything on us,”

-Satmar Lakewood in contract to purchase 30,000 sq foot building for its girls  school for $6 million.

- Over 50% of the 21,374 registered Republicans in Lakewood returned their ballots while 4,435 of 7,670 registered Democrats returned theirs (Reporter S Schorr via Twitter)

-A federal judge has rejected a request filed by Catholics and Orthodox Jews to overturn New York State’s recent limitations on houses of worship, and school closures. “For purposes of the pending motion, the court is satisfied that the [shutdown guidelines were] guided by science and data, and not a mere desire to target religion,” wrote Judge Gary Sharpe, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, based in Albany, in a ruling Friday. (Hamodia)

Harav Dovid Soloveichik, shlita, Meshulam Dovid ben Alte Hendel 
Rav Yaakov Busel shlita  Chaim Yaakov ben Faiga 
Rav Shmelka Pinter Refoel Shmuel Shmelke ben Yuta

-Beginning today Monday Drivers will have to make appointments at Lakewood and some state Motor Vehicle Commission agencies. Customers have to make appointments first on for registration and title transfers for privately purchased vehicles and to renew vehicle registrations that cannot be done online. Lakewood MVC will be by appointment only.

-Please be advised that on or about November 6, 2020, Kent Road in Lakewood/Jackson will be fully closed, 24/7, to allow for demolition and construction of the new Kent Road Bridge. Closure is anticipated to last approximately 7 months.

-APP: "Departing from tradition, the newspaper will not run individual election results Wednesday or Thursday, since the Nov. 3 numbers will be considered preliminary. We'll report the results when we are certain all the ballots have been counted, which may take a week or more. Until then, will be your best source for the latest voter counts as we update our online chart each day as new results come in." 


  1. A vote for Biden is a vote for Palestinians:

    1. A vote for Trump is a vote for white supremacists

    2. 7:46

      As expected, Biden supporters are LIARS

    3. I will not name-call you back, but I will encourage you to do your own research, especially on this exact page & site that you listed.

      "Last March, we looked into that issue, and experts told us there are a number of indicators that suggest white nationalism and white supremacy — and violence inspired by them — are on the rise, in the U.S. and around the world."

      “There is pretty broad agreement among law enforcement in the U.S. and the European Union that violence as a result of far-right groups, particularly white supremacists, is on the rise,” said Cohen, who is currently a professor at Rutgers-Newark. “It’s a growing problem. We are seeing more hate crimes and targeted attacks by people who identify with that ideology.”

      “The threat from right-wing terrorism in the United States—and Europe—appears to be rising,” wrote the report’s author, Seth G. Jones. “Of particular concern are white supremacists and anti-government extremists, such as militia groups and so-called sovereign citizens interested in plotting attacks against government, racial, religious, and political targets in the United States.”

      So, I will repeat, in the past 4 years the danger from white supremacy has grown in leaps and bounds in the US. I believe that another 4 years of Trump would continue to further & enable this trend.

    4. Why is 'in talks' mean that a vote for Biden is a vote for Palestinians?

      Every incoming administration has a transition team, and they need to deal with many different issues, some quite distasteful. They will be talking to leaders of many countries, NGOs, organizations and companies. They will eventually end up dealing with them, in many different ways.

      Trump's connection to white supremacy is complicated. He has condemned them, but at other times he has acted in ways that makes THEM feel like he agrees with some of their points. That is why they are more active now. Now, it is possible that he doesn't know about the effect he has on these groups, he may be just clueless and ignorant. So instead of being evil, he is merely clueless. I don't see much of a difference between the two.

    5. Remember all the attacks against frum jews in brooklyn before covid started? Those weren't perpetrated by white supremacists.

      The rise of white supremacy may be an issue, but if you don't think the increased violence on the left is a far greater concern then you're being willfully ignorant.

    6. Even if the increased violence on the left was a proven fact, it is nothing like the other side.
      White supremacy threatens Yidden directly, leftist extremists are not really our problem.
      And the leftist violence also only reared up under Trump. He has brought out the worst in this country, on both sides, and that is why he must be stopped. We need someone who will stop trying to inflame people and pit citizen against citizen.
      Only Biden!

    7. Anyone whose head isn't in the sand realizes that the greatest threat to Jews is not from "white supremacists"

      And President Trump has not been in touch with the Palis since they rejected his peace proposal. He made them an offer, they refused to come to the table, now he is working in peace with Israel and the rest of the region, and eventually the Palis will come around.

      Very different approach from Biden, who took hoards of cash from Islamist bundlers according to JihadWatch

    8. Eventually they will come around. Like a miracle. From 15 terror attacks it will go down to zero. There will be sites in WalMart parking lots to take care of everything, and then nobody will die (anyone remember this foolishness?). The Israelis will take some bleach, and no more Palestinian problem.

      Believe what you want, but remember it is just a belief, not a fact or even an opinion.

  2. איך חיים בהכחשה כזה?
    אין אף אחד שלא יודע ששיחקו עם המספרים, פרסמו את זה בפומבי. ועכשיו רוצים לשקר שהכל אינה אלא אנטישימיות?! ועוד מאמינים בזה?!
    ואל תגיד לי שזה רק לפנים, וכולם יודעים שזה לא ככה. אינו כן, אלא בכל פורום פנימי נהיה אמונה חזקה שכל מה שקורה במדינת נ.י. אינו אלא אנטישימיות. זה האורתודכסיה החדשה שכולנו צריכים להאמין בה

    שבתך בתוך מרמה, מאנה דעת אותי

    1. צודק אבל הפוליטקאים גם רוצים שישחקו עם המספרים להראות שהם שולטים על הנגיף

    2. טוב ויפה, אבל אל תספרו בתמימות שהכל אינו אלא אנטי-שימיות בשעה שאתם משקרים ביודעים.
      אל תגידו שהקשבתם להנוהלים והחוקים, בשעה שזה שקר גס
      ואל תנסו לעשות את זה כענין בין הישיבות ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם, נגד חוק עקשני ובלתי מובן. אם תפסיקו לעשות חתונות ואסיפות למיניהם, ותתמקדו אך ורק בלימוד התורה, נאמין לך

  3. Is this what we have in Lakewood

    Drastic drops in the positivity like the one in Orange County are highly unusual, said Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. She said the situation may reflect a lesson epidemiologists have learned from countless previous outbreaks and pandemics.

  4. A lot of good it did to have the Magadrag and publicize videos of frum jews blocking traffic and acting out in public running on open highways with trump flags.
    There is no seichel

    1. Expect summons & tickets in the mail

  5. Vote out the vaad.
    Vote straight down column A

  6. Coles and Gross are running major ads with TLS. Ignore the noise. Vote ONLY Column A! Mike D'Elia and Hector Fuentes need your votes!

    1. Now they wake up. Wondering if they have info of those who already voted
      The vaad is on the board of elections

  7. VOTE republican straight down don’t listen to the Vaad they are a self serving organization that have a limited amount of organizations and individuals who gain but most of us lose out by their tunnel made decisions just look at your taxes go up every year non stop and the limited or non at all service you receive back for the taxes we pay ignore them and vote your pocket book not theirs

  8. If they dare ticket anyone, we should all plant ourselves on the parkway for hours in peaceful protest

  9. They have all the videos posted by all the frum websites and will use it to give tickets. Check out twitter how they share the footage.

  10. Troopers blocked the exit on the parkway causing traffic.
    Would murphy rather we loot shoot people and burn down storrs?
    Did Murphy forget about the thoudands of elderly who died in nursing homes because he forced covid19 patients.
    He is the one lecturing about a peacful protest unbeliavable

    1. What is unbelievable is that someone somewhere thinks that this is a response to committing chilul Hashem on a global scale (yes, pictures of obviously frum people running around on the parkway were broadcast all over the world). At least we didnt shoot or loot. Or Murphy killed old people so its all good.

      Not to mention the utter stupidity of recording yourselves committing traffic offenses, license plates clearly visible and then compounding the stupidly by sharing those videos all over social media.

  11. Our chachomim have warned us against participating in the parties of Achashveirosh. Why are frum yidden proudly jumping up and down like hyenas at MAGA rallies or running up the Parkway with Trump flags? What are we doing? Is this wackiness going to get someone to vote who wasn't before? What's the toeles? When the post-election SHTF, it's best if the yidden are out of sight. Stay safe! Don't be foolish again!
