Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Shaalos Uetshuvos on Porch Minyanim

Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlita a Posek in  Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood gave a shiur on the Halachos pertaining to Porch Minyanim on the bnei Torah line
You can hear a recording of the shiur  by calling 732- 363- 6713 press  1, 2, 50
some of the points mentioned by the shiur below  (Do not pasken based on this)
-Introduction: The mekor of a tziruf through seeing each other is in hilchos zimun קצה many rishonim hold you cant be metzaref that way. it is not pashut but due to the circumstances you can be somech beshaas hadchak on the yesh makilin brought down by the mishna berura.
-If one feels he can daven better beyechidus he is not mechuyav to daven with the minyan

-Since it is a kula the chazan should have in mind during chazaras hashatz and make a tnai that it  be a tefilas nedava (the question is about shabbos when there is no tefilas nedava some porch minyanim do not have chazoras hashatz)
-Kedusha, Kadish and Barchu is not a shaalah of brach levatala
-If you have a חצר in the shape of a ח the porches can join together
-If you have porches on both sides and a reshus Harabim in between they can not join
-If there's a driveway or parking lot between porches that is used by the public or yechidim as a thoroughfare it is considered a shvill and they can not be miztaref to a minyan from both sides. however if you have 10 on one side than the porches across can join in to that minyan but they can not count ato be the 10 who make that minyan
-Ten people on porches have to be able to see each other, (Its a shaila if  one can see the others but not everyone can see each other)
- If one has to turn around to see that is ok but if you have to bend over and look to the right or left that does not count
-Lechatchila it should be a minyan of רואין זה את זה or they all have to see the chazan or he sees them.
-The garbage cans between the houses is not a problem of mechitza or if it smells
-A microphone can not be used for the parts of davening that the chazan is moitze the olam but if he finds it hard to raise his voice he can use it for pesukei dezimra or the end of tefilos that do not need him to be moitze.
-The bracha of Maain sheva these minyanim are not a kvius and nothing happens if u dont say it
-Krias Hatorah: If there is a sefer Torah  the Baal koreh should make the brachos for  all 7 aliyos (a total of 14 brachos) he cant make one bracha in the beginning and one at the end there is a inyan to have 7 even if its one person.


  1. btw, it's Sheilos U'Teshuvos

    1. no. shailos uetshuvos is actually correct.

  2. I have a shaila on the tshuv how do I submit to the rabbi?
