Sunday, April 5, 2020

Badatz: Has our Blood Been Allowed!

The Badatz Eidah Hacharedis of Yerushalayim decry Israeli police brutality during enforcement of social distancing Friday night in the Meah Shearim neighborhood. Police used Stun grenades and beat innocent people who were allowed to stand within 100 meters of their home in a dense area. A 80 year old man was beaten with a head injury and required surgery.


  1. Maybe you shouldn't throw stones at police officers, the fire department, and ambulances and the police won't throw stun grenades back... just a thought. Peleg ran out of propaganda so you have to resort to Eidah material? Sad!

    1. You trust the news reports that lie and vilify charedim all the time?
      you have no rachmanus on frum yidden..Nebach

    2. I guess Yaakov Litzman wants to lie and vilify frum yidden? Give it up. All of us in EY are sick and tired of American wannabe kannoim who think they can convince us to disbelieve our lying eyes...


  2. There is a reason why this only takes place in certain Charedi neighborhoods and not all. You won't see such a thing in eg Telz Stone

    It is what happens when you engage in so much Hisgaros B'Umos.

    Rav Henkin ztz'l who agreed with the Neturei Karta about most issues , to the extent that he never became a member of the Agudas Yisroel of America because they were too accepting of Zionism, writes in Pirush Ivra that he heard from Rav Chaim Ozer that if the Zionists ever do succeed in making their own country all the halachos of Hisgarus B'Umos will apply to them too

    1. Can you post the piece in Pirush Ivra?

    2. I don't have access to it at home but it is in the back of the second volume of Kisvei Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin. Ayin shom...

    3. @Berel if you can use this site to find it

    4. Rav Henkin zatzal CHANGED his mind according to his own public LATER writings starting in the mid 1950s.

      See more at

  3. No matter what you say theres no excuse for police brutality. Only in israel such a thing exist u wont find in the usa police beating people up for transgresing social distancing.
