Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday July 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 87° with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Chance of rain 40%. Humidity 70% UV Index 8 of 11

- Tehilim 4 year old Lakewood boy fell out of a 2nd floor window with serious injuries name is Yehuda Leib ben Rochel Chana

- The 9 days begin tonight at shkiah 8:23 pm  rosh chodesh Av 
minyanim for Yom Kioppur Katan erev Rosh chodesh 

- BMG registration deadline today for winter zman

- Mega millions drawing tonight jackpot $640 Million. Powerball jackpot climbs to $1 Billion drawing tomorrow night

- Price of Kosher meat is expected to soar next week Springfield Wholesale Meat Distributor announced steep price hikes on their products, most by double digits and some by over 50%, citing increases by their supplier, Solomon’s Meats. The move is expected to lead to major price increases in Kosher stores. (Kol Haolam)

- Schools raise tuition again after last years  steep increase parents were hopeful that this year the tuition would not go up but as the campaign to higher teachers salaries continues  schools  told parents they will keep raising it but not at the same rate that they did last year.

- LPD daily safety tip: Never leave your child in a vehicle, not even for a few minutes. Heat stroke can damage the brain and other body organs. It can even lead to death. Drive safely, Lakewood

- The TAG mobile will be on the South Side of Lakewood every Tuesday from 2-5 at Todd Plaza 1091 River Avenue.

- Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he has been told he is a target in the Jan. 6 criminal investigation by special counsel Jack Smith. Trump  he may soon face indictment for the Jan. 6 probe, “Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and Indictment,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social site.

-BDE: Petirah Harav Yosef Chaim Moskowitz, zt”l, of the Shotzer Rebbe of Williamsburg at the age of  78. He was a son in law of the Deszher Rebbe of Miami ztl The Rebbe,led his renowned Beis Medrash Kehal Da’as Shalom Shotz, located in the heart of the Williamsburg  He was widely recognized as a talmid chacham who authored numerous sefarim. The levayah today will be at from his beis medrash in Williamsburg. with kevurah in Monsey.

- More Sickened By Parasitic Stomach Bug In NJ The CDC and New Jersey health officials are monitoring intestinal infections caused by the parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis, which is typically spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with feces. Cyclosporiasis cases are monitored by federal health officials to detect outbreaks that may be linked to a common food source.

Photo: HaMekubal Rav Michoel Burnstein shlita on a recent visit in Lakewood/Toms River with Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita


  1. https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2023/07/11/a-pandemic-of-cruelty-n2625547

  2. Tuition will increase as long as parents pay.

    Unionize the parents, and come as a group with a demand that the increase be justified. They can't push off a group.

  3. I wouldn't mind the higher tuition rates if the teacher's salaries were actually raised My wife is a teacher who got a minimal raise as of now my cleaning lady earns more than her.Reality. Where is all the money going to?

  4. one idea would be to charge tuition on a sliding scale based on income and/or lifestyle, meaning a family that has a 20x higher standard of living if you know what I mean ( succos in israel, Florida for pesach is 100k, extravagant simchos), should pay 20 x more tuition than a low income family renting a house. right now wealthy people pay less than double the guy who is barely surviving.
    just like the public school system is funded from property taxes and state income tax, so the wealthy pay much more.
    then it can be worked out that everyone only has to pay 10 to 15 percent of their income / lifestyle. right now if you earn 100k with a bunch of children in school, you are paying almost half your income to tuition, while wealthy people are paying one or two percent. chinuch in yeshivos should be a right accessible to everyone in the frum community as a basic right without having to choke financially. the current system is just not right anymore. and actually this is how it is by the chassidim.

    1. If you would do that then the "Succos in israel, Florida for pesach is 100k, extravagant simchos" would just make their own school. There aren't enough of them to fund all schools. By Chasidim where they have a life long commitment to and benefit from the Kehila you can expect people in the kehila to support the schools. By non-Chasidim where schools are privately owned and there is little personal identity with most of them if you charge a gvir too much he'll just find another school.

    2. yes would be difficult, but can be made the norm of the established frum yeshiva crowd in America. also the wealthy families generally want to go specificly to the choshuva schools and yeshivos of the yeshivaleit, and the mainstream mosdos. they would not want to be in an only wealthy crowd school. it just needs public support and a real leader in our society to push for this. judging from the schools and mesivtos that I know, I think that now there are enough wealthy families to balance out the numbers as opposed to just a few years ago when there was not.

    3. Did you vote Republican or Democrat? I have the feeling that many ppl in our society vote republican but have socialist ideology.

    4. actually both Republicans and democrats are behind the public school system which is funded by property taxes and income taxes, and no Republican ever said it's unfair the wealthy are paying much more say 10x or 20x more for their kids education. because an education is a basic right, and it should be the same for frum children.

    5. The truth is, the Torah has a socialist ideology regarding schooling.
      The town collectively must educate its youth. The rich must pay more according to the Torah.

      The maskana must be - either socialism isn't that bad, or that the Torah is anti-Torah woke.

  5. While everyone keeps focusing on the teachers being underpaid, the issue of significantly overpaid school owners often remains overlooked. To address these concerns, it is essential to prevent school owners from personally profiting from programs intended for the schools and teachers. Redirecting those profits solely towards benefiting the schools and their teachers would be a positive step. Moreover, owners' compensation should be aligned with the compensation they offer their employees."

    1. There is no big crowd looking to open mosdos in Lakewood and if you make those rules there will be even fewer people willing to do so and fewer mosdos available. Plus why pick on the school owners only, how about limiting what any service provider like the (physical) builder can make off a school?

    2. I'm confused. If it's so simple why not open a school yourself and follow your own rules?

    3. The current owners make it difficult for new schools to start. They even tried to manipulate Bais Faiga when they started their High School. If the owners were forced to behave it would be a lot easier for good people to open schools “al pi derech Yisroel Saba”

    4. If the school owner mafia was stopped many more normal people would open schools.

    5. Are you willing to compensate someone who invests to open a school and it doesn't work? Do you want him to carry that loss all on his own, or are you willing to reimburse him for all of his loss?

      We need responsible people to take risks. But just like the risk is their own, so too is their reward.

      When they take tzedakah funds, as they all do, then those funds can only be used for a reasonable salary/cut for the owner.

      May Hashem grant me the middos not to envy my friends.

    6. Reading this comments makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
      Can it really be that there are SO many villains among us? Are all school owners nothing more than a lecherous bunch eager to pilfer your hard-earned funds? Are these the people we're entrusting, nay begging, to take our precious children and be mechanech them?
      Why don't the upstanding, self-righteous, charity-minded, and altruistic commenters here on hefkervelt all just open schools that follow all the high-minded practices espoused here and end the tyranny for once and for all? How can things be this bad and yet, we sit on our hands and do nothing?
      Instead, all anyone here does is moan and kvetch about how terrible everyone else is. Chevra - it's time we got up and took the bull by the horns and said, "Ad Kan - we're not gonna take it for another minute."
      Are we only capable of blaming everyone else but we're not willing to do anything?
      Are we only going to find fault with others while claiming to be tzaddikim?
      Can we in good conscience truly bad-mouth everyone else while hiding behind keyboards in the manner of מלשינים?

      People - you're nothing but a bunch of lowlife cowards who sit and rail endlessly against anyone who does anything worthwhile while doing nothing about any problem other than lobbing anonymous hand-grenades at everyone else. For shame!!!

    7. Anon 5:23 it's easy to bash any opposition and dismiss them as keyboard warriors but..
      Many have tried to actually do something and were fought vehemently by roshei mosdos preventing them from opening.

      Roshei mosdos went into the business knowing full well of what it entails both risk and reward
      Are you aware that some girls schools in Lakewood are owned by investors as a for profit business?

      Now why won't roshei mosdos open the books to show the parents and community they ask for money to see what's going on?
      Why are they scared to do so?
      What are they hiding?
      They have NO RIGHT to unilaterally raise tuition on parents that can't make ends meet without showing the books.
      They are not excused by your silly argument that they opened schools so they can now do what they want with no accountability just because they took a risk to open.

      Honestly parents are stuck with a very bad taste entrusting the chinuch of their children with some but they have no choice as anyone knows what it means to get your child into a school in Lakewood.
      So instead of sitting behind your keyboard and shaming parents that are bullied taken advantage of and feel powerless maybe YOU get off your chair and fix a system that is causing tzaar to many.

    8. "Many have tried to actually do something and were fought vehemently by roshei mosdos preventing them from opening."

      Really? Name names please. Every single between 5-10 new mosdos open in Lakewood and no one stopped them. This is a myth and the facts on the ground prove it.

      "Roshei mosdos went into the business knowing full well of what it entails both risk and reward"
      Do you know the risks and rewards? Do you have a clue what it costs to run a מוסד התורה today? There isn't a single one that survives on tuition and government funding alone. Every single one requires a massive amount of fundraising just to pay the bills, let alone enrich its founders. I have a clue because I was in education for more than 20 years. I never got rich, nor did a single one of my peers. All we did was kill ourselves for ungrateful parents. Go sell your tales of rewards to some fool who'll believe you.

      "Are you aware that some girls schools in Lakewood are owned by investors as a for profit business?"
      Name names please. Don't lob accusations - give us the names. You can't because you heard this third-hand from some yokel in the coffee room.

      "They have NO RIGHT to unilaterally raise tuition on parents that can't make ends meet without showing the books."
      Says who? Some anon commenter who never ran a מוסד a day in his life? A kvetch who never once thought about how to make payroll? They can do as they please. Plus, every single institution has plenty of people who get to see the books. If you had an inkling of how they are run, there are at least 5-10 people who have full access.
      And if it's so simple, open your own school except that you won't and you'll find another set of people to blame for your laziness.

      "Honestly parents are stuck with a very bad taste entrusting the chinuch of their children with some but they have no choice as anyone knows what it means to get your child into a school in Lakewood."
      No one is stopping them from opening their own schools. But they don't. They'd prefer to let someone do all the hard work and then complain that they have to pay tuition. What else is new.

      "So instead of sitting behind your keyboard and shaming parents that are bullied taken advantage of and feel powerless maybe YOU get off your chair and fix a system that is causing tzaar to many."
      I do and I have. More than 20 years worth of slaving for ingrates like you and your ilk. Thankfully there are plenty of parents who are appreciative, but those types have better things to do than to sit and complain. They work, earn a living, pay tuition gratefully, and show appreciation whenever they can. You, on the other hand, can't be bothered to pay tuition and only do so because you have no choice. As if your kids are someone else problem. No wonder that no school wants your kids. All they'll get in return is ingratitude.

      Parents are bitter? How about the good people in every school who work unreal hours making the best school they can for those parents and their kids and instead of getting complimented, end up getting pilloried. No one is shaming these ingrates - they do a fine job of it themselves.

    9. "There isn't a single one that survives on tuition and government funding alone"
      Obvious typo. You meant 'every single one survives on tuition and government funding alone and still make a profit', right?
      If not that's not what you meant then you are clueless about how much profits the chinuch "non-profits" are making these days.
      Did you say you were involved in mosed 20 years ago? Yeh we can tell..
      times have changed $ince then..

    10. Bais Faiga sends a quarter million a year to cover the cheder budget girls schools are profitable

    11. Ask your buddies in the coffee room they will tell you exactly which mosad is owned by investors it is not the place to publicize it

      "They have NO RIGHT to unilaterally raise tuition on parents that can't make ends meet without showing the books."
      Says who? Some anon commenter who never ran a מוסד a day in his life? A kvetch who never once thought about how to make payroll? They can do as they please. Plus, every single institution has plenty of people who get to see the books. If you had an inkling of how they are run, there are at least 5-10 people who have full access.
      And if it's so simple, open your own school except that you won't and you'll find another set of people to blame for your laziness."

      The public does not see the books and does not trust the self appointed yes men board. Until the mosdos are transparent and have an outside audit of how much money they have it is a chutzpah to charge parents even one extra dollar of tuition.

      There's a reason why in a perfect world the community supports the schools the fact that lakewood is all private does not make the roshei mosdos in any position to raise tuition and rip off parents with no accountability and trust from the parents.

    12. All the lange megillos don't change the fact that Menahalim of schools have admitted that with 16 girls, a school breaks even. The other 30 are pure profit.

    13. IOW you have no names, just hearsay. I figured. Typical.

      Every organization files a 990 which is public. They can't possibly "open their books" to the public because there is a lot of private information there such as how much you still owe in tuition and who hasn't paid in three years etc. Little details that industry people would understand, but outsiders like yourself would never think of.

      No one forces you to send to a school and no one forces you to support them. They can run their schools as they see fit and you can open your own school and run it any way you want. No one owes you anything. The chabad guy who was angry that his kids were not accepted went and opened his own school. Good for him. He put his money where his mouth was and I respect him immensely for that. You, on the other hand, do nothing but complain about everyone else and tell them what they must do. Unimpressive.

    14. "If not that's not what you meant then you are clueless about how much profits the chinuch "non-profits" are making these days.
      Did you say you were involved in mosed 20 years ago? Yeh we can tell..
      times have changed $ince then."

      Sorry sweetie, I'm still in it and going nowhere.
      I'm anything but clueless because operational efficiency is one of my specialties and I've consulted for multiple institutions. How 'bout you?

    15. "All the lange megillos don't change the fact that Menahalim of schools have admitted that with 16 girls, a school breaks even. The other 30 are pure profit."

      Which menahelim? Which schools? When did they say this and to whom?


    16. I myself heard it from the Menahel of two girls' schools.

    17. Sure. Which menahalim and which schools? If they're sharing it with you, it can't be a secret so spill the beans.

      FYI - if by menahalim you mean principals, they have no idea of the finances because it's not their job. But it's nonsense regardless.

  6. You can thank Torah Umesorah they are responsible for the tuition hikes on parents after they made a campaign that gevirim will pay it was all a ruse and gave schools an excuse to rip off parents and squeeze them for money they don't have.

    1. Schools are the new “Nursing Homes”

      TU would do a big favor to teachers and parents if they used their power to rein in rouge school owners that are making it rich off the backs of teachers and parents and the public in general.

      All programs available should be utilized completely and only to benefit the public and those that the funds are intended to benefit. Not to enrich anybody.

    2. How would TU do that when they have zero power over the schools?
      Some of the comments here are laughable.

    3. Schools are the new “Nursing Homes” The government has been trying for decades to limit the amount of personal income nursing home owners who receive Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement can be making. So far with no success. They tried some of the ideas mentioned above. And many more. If you have a good enough business head to run a nursing home (or school)they aren't that hard to legally work around. So if the government who is actually funding nursing homes can't rein in owners profit there is certainly no way TU can. The schools don't financially depend on them

  7. Some schools have a mahalach that they try and partner with the parents. They treat them nicely, and discuss tuition with them like adults. They don't get to charge every parent $10,000 per year with no reductions. But their parent body is available when they need money for capital improvements.

    You can tell these schools by the plaques on the walls. Are the donors parents? Or are they outsiders? That should tell you something about the school.

  8. As usual BR raises it's tuition way above all the other Lakewood girls elementary schools and the teaches don't get paid a penny more, all the money goes into the pocket of the greedy owner, but nobody says a word.

    1. All schools should be obligated by The New Vaad or their rabbinical committee to open their books for public inspection.

  9. Who is this Burstien? What makes him a mekubal?

  10. No worries that the rich will open their own schools, they know who's got the good kids, it's the same issue with room in schools, if the families not getting accepted would open a new school every year there would not be any crisis, but the problem is they want to live a certain lifestyle at home while their kids are together with the cream of the crop in school.

    1. They lack the personality for it.
      Too much order

  11. Facts are there aren't many businesses that are cash flowing like mosdos after just 2 years. Besides the the point that they build huge buildings with so called building funds, while putting the building on their own name, and if things get tough, they just sell the school for a hefty profit(it happens a few times each year) Schools should be run by boards and hire an administrator that wants and has a passion for chinuch and is happy with 200k a year

    1. Who do you think is going to be on that school board? Not parents who are behind on their tuition. Not people who are going to make up the schools shortfall no matter what it is out of their own pockets while ignoring tuition. Not people who are going to put their hearts and souls into the school when every guy off the street will be telling them de'os. And that is if you lucky and the people on the board are actually well meaning. Don't assume they will be.

    2. No boards!
      Each class should have a parents' committee, voted in by the parents. That committee should be able to force the hanhala to behave.

    3. "Facts are there aren't many businesses that are cash flowing like mosdos after just 2 years."

      OK, you seem to be very knowledgeable. Can you name three mosdos that were cash-flow positive after two years? Just three out of the more than 100 here in Lakewood. Please share.

  12. "and if things get tough, they just sell the school for a hefty profit(it happens a few times each year)"

    Really? Can you name a few where this happened over the past 2 years? Not asking for 5, 2-3 will do.

    1. If you were and are involved in chinuch you would know exactly about the building that was sold for 8 million recently and you would know which mosad is owned by investors
      you are abviously just a troll trying to deflect the reality

    2. Names please? What's the big secret? Let's hear what you've got?
      And who are the others?

      See folks, it's not hard. Just ask for names and watch 'em squirm. Lots of big allegations, but no actual facts. All they do is cast out further allegations and try to impugn the integrity of others. If this is so rampant and going on all over the place, surely there's no issur of Lashon Harrah so that couldn't be the reason they're withholding the names. It's also anonymous so no reason to be worried. Why not supply names? Just a few. Not asking for too much, am I?

    3. Yes you are.
      For some, the previous is enough already!
      & for some others it's too much already!

  13. Everybody knows the names, no need to smear them by name in public. It’s obvious that whoever is commenting is afraid of what will happen when enough people get fed up with the current situation of profitizing the chinuch of our children.

  14. "Everybody knows the names, no need to smear them by name in public."

    Did you read what you just wrote? If everyone knows them, how are you smearing them in public????

    And alleging bad faith on all school owners is no better from a Lashon Harrah standpoint. In fact, it's far worse so you may want to come up a better excuse as to you why you won't produce names.

    Of course, no excuse is needed because you have no names, only hearsay. I've requested names on multiple claims - some of which would harm no one - and not a single one has been produced. It's obvious why.

    Furthermore, how can "everyone know" all these things when an industry insider like myself with 20 years of experience right here in Lakewood not be privy to any of this? Neither I, nor my associates whom I've asked about this, know anything about this. They laugh when I share some of the things I read on this forum.

  15. This 'industry insider' has no need to prove his identity or existence, yet claims others 'squirm' when asked for names.

    The fact that Hefkervelt doesn't want a lawsuit on its hands didn't occur to him. He decided they squirmed, so 'azoi iz'.

    This guy has experience for sure. Just not sure what.

    1. Let see the 20 year mechanech publicize his name here if he's got nothing to hide otherwise he's a coward

    2. Clearly reading comprehension is not your thing.
      You think calling someone a coward will really advance your argument? The 20 year mechanech has not claimed anything about anyone so why would he? No one is asking the anonymous commenters to reveal their names. All anyone has asked for is for them to reveal the names of all their alleged evildoers whom they claim "everyone knows about". So name them without naming yourselves. Your twisting and squirming would be entertaining if you wouldn't be adults. Seriously, time to grow up.

  16. The old "I would say but don't want a lawsuit" trick. I figured we'd see it any day now.
    Sorry boys. Put up or shut up. You have nothing but rumors and look more foolish with each passing day.
    The only lawsuit you should be concerned with is the one that HKBH will be bringing your way for slandering His children. You can't hide from Him and he detests the likes of your kind.
