Monday, July 3, 2023

Monday July 3 News Updates

 Weather 87° Scattered thunderstorms during the morning becoming more widespread this afternoon. Potential for severe thunderstorms. High 87F. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall possibly over one inch.

NWS:: There is a possible risk of severe weather today.

- Towns with the biggest home price increases on Ocean county 
Manchester went up by 57.0% since 2020: $206,756 to  2022: $324,572
Toms River  Percent change: 49%  since 2020 average home was  $360,932 to 2022: $537,950 (App)

 - Tehillim for son and son-in-law of the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg. Reb Zalman Leib who were involved in a car accident last night in Swan lake in the Catskills near satmar camp there were 6 injured and 4 have bh been discharged please continue davening for the rebbes son  Rebbe’s son, Chananya Yom Tov ben Chaya Sarah, and his son-in-law, Yoel Shimon ben Roiza Malka  in critical condition

- Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson holds its 4th of July Fireworks Celebration at 9:30 p.m. July 1-4 

- FIREWORKS  Due to impending inclement weather tonight, the Lakewood Township Independence Day Fireworks have been canceled.

 At least 20 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces, 10 killed as the army launches a  Operation in Jenin that could expand to other parts of West Bank
a 14-year-old Palestinian stabbed an Israeli man in the city of Bnei Brak today.The victim was evacuated in moderate condition to Maayanei Hayeshua Medical Center  The Palestinian terrorist was arrested

- Former chief rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt is a “foreign agent,” Russia’s Justice Ministry said, “Goldschmidt disseminated false information about the decisions made by public authorities of the Russian Federation and their policies,”  “He opposed the special military operation in Ukraine.” Goldschmidt left Russia at the beginning of the war and called for Jews to leave Russia. Goldschmidt  said “I am proud to stand on the right side of history and be counted among those who oppose an unjustified military operation and the harm inflicted upon innocent people. (JPOST)

- Aid In Lieu increases for next year by $143 for mandated transportation. LSTA did not say if they will now charge non mandated parents less for their fee of courtesy busing.

- Hachtara of Harav Menachem Mendel Senderovic, shlita (Mechaber of Shaylos Utshuvos Atzei Bsamin, Rosh Kollel and Av Bais Din of Milwaukee, as Morah D’Asra of Khal Zichron Boruch Dov, 38 Enclave Blvd(LNN)


  1. See here for a striking similarity between tzitzis and tefilin

  2. Reading the letter yesterday from the girl in the Yated really makes me sad. Although we must commend this girl for having bitochon and that is the proper thing for her today in her situation however regarding the tzoro facing the klal, bitochon is absolutely not the answer. Just as we would not close down Hatzoloh, Bonei Olam, RCCS etc. on the basis of bitochon so too it is complete foolishness to apply bitochon as a solution for a severe lack of boys. This is common sense as clearly explained by Rav Elya Ber shlita at the Aguda convention.
    Just as an FYI, the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel is very btzaar about the situation and he feels strongly that two years of boys schooling needs to be done away with asap so that the age gap no longer exists (although he obviously feels that the freezer is not the crux of the problem). No godol who feels an achrayus for klal yisroel would say that nothing needs to be done about this burning issue. It is clear that whoever is fighting the push to change the system עתיד ליתן את הדין

    1. Stop blaming people and finger pointing anyone who has a different opinion or approach. The age gap theory has not been proven and if a bas Yisrael cries out to Hashem she is misguided????.
      Just because you publicly say that you are betzaar does that mean that no one else is batzaar?
      Who's aid that no one is doing anything about helping with shidduchim?

    2. I agree with you 100% and was thinking the exact same thing. her bitachon is very nice and commendable and if she is sincere I am sure it will help her.

      but not everyone is on her level and you can't solve a major issue facing the Klal by telling and expecting everyone to have bitachon.

      Rav Elya Ber shlita has been on the forefront of this issue for many years, it boggles my mind that the klal does not heed his words, he is the Rosh of all rosh yeshivos!

    3. It is terribly unfair and pointless to pressure Roshei Yeshiva to change their entire mosad. Would you give up your entire livelihood?

      The onus is on gvirim. They have to step up to the plate. They have to offer FINANCIAL INCENTIVES to bochurim who start shidduchim early. Looking at our willingness to spend on extravagant 5,000 dollar kiddushim, it boggles the mind that the only "reward" bochurim get for starting young is a free rental car.

      Is klal yisroel that poor? Rechnitz, in an article, begged bochurim to be the "Nachshon." But he is worth BILLIONS. Why doesn't he reimburse bochurim who are willing to be the "Nachsons." Why is he hoarding his money? And not just Rechnitz. I personally know tens of Jews who make a few million every year. Why can't each gvir sponsor two bochurim per year? The first two bochurim who get married from Philly, get 30K each, sponsored by Rechnitz. The first two bochurim from Riverdale who get married, get 30K each, sponsored by Louis Scheiner. These people make more than 60K per day!

    4. How ridiculous!!
      Roshei Yeshiva are not being asked to give up their livelihood rather they are being asked to let the bochurim leave a year early and not stay in their shiur for three years and they are being asked to instruct the bochurim to stay shorter in EY. How is that effecting their livlihood??!!
      Furthermore, how dare you demean our roshei yeshiva like that??
      They are not college proffessors rather they are yidden steeped in torah and such a yid when he hears the cries of bnos yisroel about their gshmius and ruchnius future ought to giving up literally everything to help. that is what gedolai yisroel always did?

    5. "the onus is on gvirim"
      This is a truly liberal mindset.

    6. Anon 5:43: You aren't being realistic.

      Anon 5:25: It's a Torah mindset. When the Romans surrounded Yerushalayim, the gvirim shouldered the expenses. At the very least, the gvirim should either shut their mouths, or put money where their mouths are.

  3. The shortage of boys is not an opinion rather it is a fact.
    Bitochon will NOT create boys who dont exist. That is not an opinion rather it is a fact. This is simple logic and whoever thinks otherwise is a simple fool. Rav Elya Ber said this as did Rav Malkiel and it is obvious to every thinking person.
    Bitochon can help an individual but BITOCHON WILL NOT HELP THE TZARA OF THE KLAL. There is a shortage of boys and whoever can do something about it and chooses not to will have a lot to answer for at the yom hadin. All the harbotzas hatorah will be thrown into the garbage if one heard the cries of thousands of bnos yisroel and chose to ignore them and ruin their lives forever.
    Furthermore, it is a chilul hashem to use Hashem and his Torah as a reason to do evil. In Eretz Yisroel they also learn torah but they are not using it as a ticket to ruin the lives of our precious girls. This is not the derech hatorah or derech hashem. We the people need to make sure that every rosh yeshiva, both young and old, are well aware what we the peole are going through becasue many of them are for obvious reasons not experiencing this in their own families.

    1. The am haaratzus in this comment is mind boggling! Yes Bitachon does not create but in the zechus of Bitachon we can be zoche to yeshuos above the natural possibilities. Who ever doesn't believe that everything is possible needs to learn some more sifrei yira and hopefully they will be zoche to Emuna and Bitachon (which are the biggest assets besides Torah, which you can acquire during your lifetime.

    2. Nice how you call Rav Elya Ber and Rav Malkiel amei hooretz.
      The stupididty of your comment is astonishing! What kind of yeshua above the natural are you hoping for that will get 1000 girls to marry 500 boys?? Are you expecting the Maharal to appear and create 500 גולם'ס for your daughter to marry??? How stupd can one be??
      To be clear each girl shold work on bitochon for her own situation that she will be helped.

    3. Very far from a proven fact. It It is not simple math but rather simplistic math. Reality is ,very little real study has been done, just taking birth statistics is childish. Just taking in consideration that mental issues, eating disorders, depression, reproductive issues are far more prevalent in females than males for example eating disorders almost unheard of in men and sadly Affect 9% of the population. It for itself can negate the entire gap And when you keep going it can actually be there is too few girls...... OTD is another factor. And each and every one of these factors are far greater than any claimed gap factor. Focusing on the wrong diagnosis can be worse than doing nothing at all because it is all a great distraction.

    4. Mr. Tracht
      So smart! So now let us hear your bright insight why is it that that a huge percentage of girls two years plus out of seminary have not gotten one yes from a boy and not because they are being picky rather they simply have not gotten any traction at all and at the same time the majority of decent boys have stacks of resumes and so many of them literally fly off the shelves as soon as they enter the parsha?
      Can we hear why there is such a huge percenatge of 23-24 year old girls and up in our community are seemingly forgotten?
      Dont the facts on the ground dispute what yout statistics?
      Can we hear why EY and chassidm dont have this issue?
      Can we hear what your real agenda is on why you are trying to block this change?

  4. The age gap is simple math.
    If it has not been proven then it is incumbent on the people that lead our tzibur to stop everything that they are doing and get to the bottom of what the problem is asap. Just shoving this under the rug is no longer an option (and it never was).
    In my not so humble opinion this is the biggest tzara facing our tzibbur not some of the other things that everyone seemingly manages to have time for.
    Additionally, as our numbers increase and the tzara by numbers gets worse and worse things will have to change so why wait? We may as well do this now and save thousands of our girls.

    1. Unfortunately as the tzibbur grows, al pi derech hateva, every rare problem will occur in numbers greater than before. I don't mean to be callous, but in regards to a tzibur having a crisis I would think that percentages is a more meaningful metric.

  5. There has been an age gap since Adam and Chava. The Avos Hakedoshim were older than their wives, some of them way older. It is just a THEORY that this is the root of the problem.

    1. In the days of the avos the men married more than one wife!!!........ Besides for that, the age gap went both ways. Calev was 40 when his wife Miriam was 86!!!!!

  6. It is OK to disagree on the cause of the problem. It is not ok to disparage, belittle and denigrate those who’s opinion differ with yours

    1. is it okay to say that anyone who disagrees with you is "asid litein es hadin"?

    2. Absolutley. Anyone who doesnt care about the plight of bnos yisroel and blocks those who are trying to help them because he has some demented agenda as if he knows better what the true cause is, while at the same time doing nothing to help whatever he says the cause is, is עתיד ליתן את הדין.

  7. Horav Elya Ber is a great man, and one may still disagree with him!

  8. I am happy to acknowledge that the age gap is a reasonable assumption to explain the issue. However, as I am sure many are aware, Dr. Yosef Sokol has published a study that seems to indicate that is not the case. I am not saying the study is at all perfect, however to argue insistently that the age gap is the problem, it may be beneficial to conduct a proper study that would actually indicate as such.

    1. Incorrect. The article merely says that the age-gap is EXAGGERATED. And his study is so riddled with flaws that it useless.

      Simply call up a local lakewood shadchan and ask if he has more boys or more girls.

    2. Sobol research is very unimpressive and he was definitely not focused very specifically on our community rather he was targeting the larger frum community. We, Lakewooders, do not need a study. Anyone who lives in Lakewood unless his eyes and ears are in Mars knows exactly what is going on. Just look around for a few short moments on what is going all around you and you will know too. Making studies is just a way of procrastinating and kicking the can down the road. We need acion and we need it yesterday because we are dealing with the future of our dear daughters!

  9. and if turns out that the age gap is not the problem, then know this, all those who made such a big tzimmis about the age gap, not only did they not help fix the situation they should just know that they made the problem much worse

      we should do nothing and wait till we have thousands of girls being skipped each year, which will happen because although the percentage being skipped will remain the same , since we are ka"h growing by leaps and bounds, that percentage instead of being hundreds will very quickly become thousands.
      Do you have a better fix or is it enough for you to stand on the side and try to block any and all progress??

  10. I wouldn’t disparage any gadol or Rosh Yeshiva who says boys should marry earlier. I would question though what the current age of boys leaving their Yeshiva currently is. Are they going after second year? Third year? Fourth year?
    Be the trend setter. If the “big guns” (for lack of a better term) were to send their talmidim to eretz yisroel at 20 or (god forbid) not send them at all and push them to marry at 21, then the situation will change.

  11. When our family was sitting shiva for my mother A’H we asked our father a real galatzianer how he ended up marrying our mother who was born in Budapest. His response was; after the war all what we wanted was to rebuild a house of Torah and Mitzvos nothing else mattered. He looked at me pensively and said your Chatzkel is already 28 vos hokt er a kup- this one is too frum, that one is too heavy, the other one es past nisht far dein mishpacha un dehn hut ihr taiyness tzum Bashefer

  12. I agree with last one seems to talking about the fact that most of the time,the girls are the ones who say no to their seems to me they are looking for things beyond what the rsh"o wants. If they would focus on building a Yiddisha shtub with their husband,we would be able to solve at least some of the problem

    1. Most of the times it's the boy's mother saying no before they even get to a date to give the girl the opportunity to say no.

  13. TO ALL THOSE WHO DISAGREE: How can one disagree regarding a simple fact that there were far more girls born in 2003 than boys more in 2000 and the same for all the sorrounding years so if the boys born in 2000 are marrying the girls born in 2003 there simply wont be enough boys. Add to that the fact that there are hundreds of girls that are missed every year and you have the complete disaster that we are witnessing. Period
    I cant for the life of mine fathom what drives those who are bent on destroying any progress. Do you delight in knowing the vast numbers of older girls in Lakewood? Do you take pleasure in knowing that a HUGE percentage of girls from amazing homes with every maalah are two years out of seminary and have not gotten one yes from a boy? Where does this השחתת המידות come from? Rav Elya Ber and Rav Malkiel are as smart as you and machshiv torah as much as you and they believe beyond of a shadow of doubt that the age gap is the problem and something needs to be done asap, as does every person who has an ounce of a brains. It is no coincidence that in places where the age gap does not exist this crisis does not exist.
    Please stop for a second before you comment and think of the destruction that you are perpetuating for no valid reason

    1. Stop having the Lakewood scoop use the crisis for click bate and be mevazeh the roshei yeshiva and undermine the Yeshiva system and then put all the blame on the 3 months BMG freezer.
      That is why ppl despise the campaign even if theres truth


    2. eg By the modern they get married even later
      Where's their shidduch crisis?!
      Furthermore,they're poaching our girls

      Iirc We lack males indeed.
      Because we can't tolerate solid B+ males.This town wasn't created for that.Yet we accepted everyone
      So all we have are A boys& riffraff

      So in short,it's largely ridiculous

      Oh, &their negius renders the names mentioned moot

    3. Lots of B boys out there

    4. "..As you"
      Who says they are?

  14. The age gap will be a short ten fix, if any. The argument is that it will release a large batch of boys, so the current numbers of boys and girls will be even. Assuming they all get married and were down to zero, going forward we're producing more boys than girls. Then what?

    1. You clearly have no understanding of the age gap issue/solution

  15. Lakewood has great meteorologist always blowing the call. It was a beautiful night for fireworks
    They also cancel school when there's no snow

    1. Does the police dept get paid holiday overtime rates when fireworks get cancelled?

    2. Re:foreign agent
      Hardy to contend that it's false.
      Besides,for that family it's of the lesser problems
      Their Manhattan daughter-in-law is a Judaism twisting pro trash lefty

    3. That’s right. It is better to do NOTHING then to do the wrong thing. Doing the wrong thing will make matters worse.
      The age gappers may or may not be correct, but the hostility to any one who thinks differently just makes everyone tune out. People with different views care just as much and are desperately seeking ways to fix the problem but there is no need to be nasty and disrespectful to other approaches

  16. Unfortunately you sound like the old maskilim who made fun of frum yidden.
    It doesn't make you look better by abusing Gedolei yisroel for your selfish agenda.
    You Shmek of the YU/Berlin tumah which is unfortunately creeping into our machane.
    Keep reading Bialiks, Slifkin and their cohorts doctrine. No wonder your hashkofos are the way they are!
    Hopefully you find the path back before it is too late.

  17. the people who are personally insulting anyone who disagrees with them are clearly speaking from emotion. they are suffering and are lashing out at whomever they can to mitigate their pain somewhat. we have to feel their pain and daven for them. their pain makes it impossible for them to engage in honest debate so we just have to love and validate them.

    1. That is absolutely true. They are in pain. When we say "they" we are referring to thousands of local girls and their families.
      The real question is why are YOU not in pain?? Why are you callous to the pain of thousands of your sisters? Will you only feel the pain when its YOUR daughter or sister? Know well that if something is not done quickly גם עליך יעבור כוס and then you will not forgive yourself for fighting any attempts at change. Do not think that you are different, for whatever reason, becasue this is affecting nearly everyone

    2. exactly, thanks for proving the point. don't worry, we will daven for you. we know you don't really mean the nasty things you say and that it is your pain talking.

  18. What makes you think that all of us are not in pain. We are personally experiencing this very issue ( multiple times ) yet we don’t see the age gap as the issue. Do we need to be insulted and demeaned by you because we see things differently than you?

    1. no but you should still be moichel them because they are not in control of their emotions and don't really mean the horrible things they write. (since you are able to think rationally, it is up to you to be the bigger person)

  19. Ah I get it. So if I don’t believe in the NASI propaganda, I am a fool, I have bad midos, I am asid litein es hadin, I am callous, I don’t feel the pain, I don’t care about the girls and the families going through this Tzara, I am an am ho’oretz etc. and all the other nice things that were posted.

    By the way I have 2 daughters between the ages of 25-30 who are still waiting for a yeshuah

  20. Amazing Stuff!
    You have daughters in this situation so you obviuosly know and feel the pain yet you are 1000% convinced that the age gap, which many gedolai yisroel firmly endorsed and the numbers seem to clearly indicate that this is the problem, and in the circles where the age gap does not exist the problem does not exist, is not the problem so much so that you are willing to scream from the rooftops that no change should be made and take full achrayus for the potential catastrophe which you are perpetuaing.
    Please enlighten us so that we too can have this same absolute clarity.

    1. nebach, so much pain. we will all daven for you and hopefully you'll be able to go back to being a rational person after hashem sends your yeshua.

    2. Your tefillos are much appreciated but I bh do not have older daughters so direct your tefillos to all the older girls in Lakewood and beyond and daven specifically that Hashem should give our leaders the wisdom and courage to do what is right.

  21. And the condescending attitude continues
