Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday July 24 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sun and clouds mixed

- Trump Could Be Indicted As Soon As Tomorrow In January 6th Probe

- Zoning board approves  cell tower application on route 9 south on Locust st. There was no opposition per faanews

- Adirei Hatorah fundraising events today in NYC

- Jim Jordan: We are entering the 'important final stage' of the Biden family probe and Impeachment is on the table for AG Garland and possibly Biden as GOP eyes millions racked up by the Biden family as ex-Hunter associate expected to testify on Joe's involvement

- Whitehouse criticizes Israeli vote today for judicial reforms:  “It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority.” US will continue to support efforts for a broader consensus for political diolouge. 

- Faanews: The day when dormitories will be more legal in Jackson than in Lakewood has just gotten much closer. At a special meeting to be held next Monday, July 31, the Jackson Township Planning Board is set to formally recommend, by way of a Master Plan Reexamination Report, that the Township adopt an Ordinance permitting dormitories in certain zones, to comply with the Township's settlement agreement with the Justice Department, and also to expand the zones where shuls and mikvahs are permitted. More

- Off to camp second half starts today boys sleep away camps head out today expect traffic at the bus and luggage drop off locations aroundLakewood.

- Israel: Knesset drama Reasonableness bill passes, by a vote of 64-0 asopposition boycotts last vote. This bill restricts the Supreme Court from intervening in the government and laws passed in the knesset.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting today 7pm watch live stream HERE . see agenda HERE
Verizon Cell phone tower application on River avenue 140 foot cell tower at 1364 River avenue 
Washington and Spruce application for 6 family homes
Chestnut and Stradford to create 28 duplexes

- Daas Torah on parental alienation A event will take place in Lakewood tomorrow Tuesday July 25 to hear daas torah regarding parental alienation following the visit with gedolei torah in Eretz Yisrael. Speakers include HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff  Rabbi Nechemia Gramma  and R' Yonasson Schwartz at Khal Ohr Yoel; Meir 60 Williams street 7:30 pm the event is run by the broken ties organization

- Lakewood police conducted yesterday a 'Cops in Crosswalks' operation, which had undercover police officers posing as pedestrians at crosswalks. 52 people were stopped for 'Failing to Yield to a Pedestrian.' Some drivers were also given summonses for other Motor Vehicle infractions.

- Tips on how to prepare for the fast of Tisha B'Av according to Rabbi Yechezkel Aschayek author of the sefer  חיים בריאים כהלכה). One should start preparation  from the morning 2 days before by drinking 50 % more water of his daily intake. Drink 20 before eating and after meals, don't  drink until the food is digested in order not to dilute the acids that digest the food. The food should be chewed well before swallowing in order for the body to digest it and not have it sit in the stomach. One should increase protein starting 2 days before, such as eggs fish etc. by the seudas Hamafsekes one should drink 20 minutes before  and no need to drink afterwards

- Report: "Lakewood Zoning Board Attorney has failed to recuse himself from representing the Board in litigation which also involves his personal client". Faanews 

- Twitter owner Elon Musk announced Sunday that the app's world-renowned bird logo has been switched to an "X".


  1. As of 11am today, the agenda of the zoning board was not posted on the township website. Is this a legal meeting under rules of OPMA?

    1. The ZB agenda is posted at the applications folder page for the ZB.

      Unlike the other township departments, for some reason the ZB secretary doesn't want to make it easy to find by having it displayed on the township's homepage.

  2. Why is the zoning board hiding the agenda and not posting it on the main page of the Township website
    What are they hiding

  3. Re:- Lakewood police conducted yesterday a 'Cops in Crosswalks' operation

    Classic! The cops never enforced this dangerous law (short stops, cars going around you...) and one day they need some more money so they pick up 52 easy targets and fine them...

    1. They didn't fine them. Vast majority only got warnings.
      As to not enforcing...the police in this city don't enforce any driving/parking laws .

  4. Whenever Hunter Biden's deeds are mentioned, they magically transform into 'the Biden family'. Funny how the mainstream rightwing media spins things.

    1. The current white house resident needs to be evicted asap. He is a threat to national security.

    2. But Trump wasn’t , of course

    3. No, trump's children (who were actually part of the administration) didn't sell out America and Israel for 2 billion Saudi dollars! No way would they do that.

    4. Current White House occupant has protection.
      His VP is even worse.

  5. "It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority"
    Here in America we would never do that. We just unilaterally make changes through (often unconstitutional) executive orders.

  6. “It is unfortunate that the vote today took place with the slimmest possible majority.”
    The slimmest majority??
    In the history of the medina they never had a majority like now. Even when the colition was a so called gov it wasn't with 64 mandates that ALL are on the same page (at least in this issue)
    The white house should keep their noses out of israel & fix their own trash

  7. Daas Torah on parental alienation...... any three people with beards is daas torah? they may be smart, ehrlich and talmidai chachamim but does that mean whenever I have a m'zumin of three such people i can call it daas torah ??

    1. No, they are giving over daas Torah from gedolei Eretz Yisrael whom they met with recently

    2. It's called a bais din.

  8. There is a huge "Parental alienation" story which has been kept under the radar. Couple broke off ties with the parents and grandparents - a choshuve family - a "ish muram M'am". Seems that the Rosh Kollel pushed the couple to break off ties. Where is the outcry? How can a rosh kollel do this to the parents? No amount of abuse excuses such rishus to the parents and grandparents.

    1. Who is 'the' Rosh Kollel? Which Kollel?

      What amount of abuse are you talking about?

  9. Or they are far less than muram M'am
