Friday, July 28, 2023

Bein Hazmanim Begins in Lakewood for summer 2023

  For the kolell youngeleit of Lakewood, and Bochurim of BMG summer 2023 vacation begins now as they rest up before resuming to the shtender for upcoming Elul Zman. The learning of course continues in local Botei medrashim some with special bein hazmanim programs. During these weeks one experiences a feeling of relaxation and serenity in Lakewood. people will be heading out to vacation and while roads are usually empty and traffic eases during these weeks, as more people moved into the surrounding areas and neighboring towns the quiet streets may be something of the past.


  1. The police are on a relentless ticket blitz in honor of bein hazmanim.

    1. They finally have room to pull people over. Other times, the roads are too overcrowded.

  2. They should ticket everyone who talks on their cell phone while driving (in other words, everyone).

    1. Not "everyone" talks on their phone while driving. Are you meaning to implicate yourself?

    2. They should also ticket all the corner-hugging parked cars, which create a driving & pedestrian hazard.

    3. They should also ticket the zoning and planning board members who caused all the insane traffic buildup in the first place.

  3. They should ticket any yungerman that’s here Bain hazmanim. How will these yungeleit rest up for the next Zman if they’re here?
