Thursday, July 27, 2023

Motzei Tisha B'Av News Updates

 Kiddush Levan
 Daf Yomi
One hour learning seder at BMG after the fast

- UN chief claims "the era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived."

- Report: Trump and two aides have been charged with attempting to delete surveillance footage relevant to the classified documents investigation

- Delaware-based Nemours Children’s Health,Dupont  announced that they renewed their contract with NJ FamilyCare, but only with Wellcare HMO. They are continuing to work with Horizon NJ Health and Amerigroup Community Care to come up to an arrangement. Families who currently have a Horizon NJ Health or Amerigroup Community Care plan can switch to WellCare NJ FamilyCare in order to continue seeing Nemours Children's providers. 

- 2 Lakewood bochurim were involved with a scooter accident erev Tisha BAv BH one boy was released from hospital the other has been taken off a respirator and responsive please continue to daven for Meir ben Nechama

The Lakewood Police Department has just been slammed with a lawsuit due to a crash allegedly caused by a Traffic Safety Officer while driving an unmarked vehicle FAA

- Due to backlog some local mokvaos are open in the developments inquire within

- Close to 2000 Jews ascended the har habayis on Tisha Bav which most halachic authorities forbid.


  1. Remember before they go on har habayis they go to the mikvah, an extra tisha bav bonus.

    The hasidic looking guy that's always next to ben-gvir, is no hasid, he's security,and he dresses like that to hide the bullet proof vest he's wearing.

  2. Clowns on הר הבית is a קיום of the פסוק על הר ציון ששמם שועלים הלכו בו

  3. The pareve language "most halachic authorities" is disturbing. Unless this site is for mizrachi too. If thats the case , the name hefkervelt is correct


    1. Agree with previous comments.
      Be that as it may,these guys are active enemies of our common nefarious enemies
      We've much in common with them

  4. Where did you get that info from

  5. Unreal these UN clowns, There is a summer heatwave and they come out of the woodworks. It happens every year.

  6. UN building, I'm told, is a fire trap. Wasn't too safe when built, obviously payoffs, like everything else UN does.
    Their Air conditioner bill is sky high, they're looking for President Biden to pay for fixing the situation.
    A few more billions
