Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday 5 Av July 23 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 86° Mostly sunny. High 86F

Tisha B'Av Temps will be kn the low 90's

- Biden called on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not to move forward with the planned Israeli Knesset vote on judicial overhaul, saying he is highly concerned about the legislation and its potential implications. “ it doesn’t make sense for Israeli leaders to rush this — the focus should be on pulling people together and finding consensus“it looks like the current judicial reform proposal is becoming more divisive.

- House fire on Columbus Ave in Lakewood after fire broke out at 11pm in the old house behind the Columbus shul. Traffic blocked off on central Ave from Sunset to New Central in both directions. Fire brought under control at 12pm

- Self checkout kiosks now available at NPGS James St location 

- Hundreds of thousand right wing Israelis demonstrated today in Tel Aviv to rally for the judicial reforms the knesset is expected to  vote on it in the next few days. Netamyahu received a pacemaker and was hospitalized expected to return to the knesset on Monday.

-Thousands of Lakewood residents enjoying the new playgrounds recently installed in Pine Psek

- Bde: Petirah of 11 year old boy Avrohom Yosef Weiss a"h of Boro Park who passed away on shabbos at camp Krasna in the catskills after an allergic reaction. Levaya in Kiryas Yoel today 1pm.

-Shoppers are stocking up on local kosher meat in stores ahead of expected price increases across the board that will go into effect tomorrow July 24 for local beef. Imported meats have not formally anounced an increase.

- Nikki Haley will be in Deal, NJ  this evening at a fundraiser event hosted by the Syrian Jewish community 

- Charles Tyrwitt Lakewood now selling chasidishe style shirts with right over left buttons.

- BDE: Petirah of Habachur Yehuda Leib Kunda Z"L was in high 40's, a son of Reb Shmuel Kunda ZL. Levaya 11:30am at the Lakewood chapel with kevura in Eretz Yisrael

- Malon resort a kosher hotel with 130 rooms will be opening soon in Florham park NJ an hour from Lakewood it will have a shul mikva kosher food 365 days a year.

- Mega Millions lottery jackpot now $820 million agter no winner Friday night. Next drawing Tuesday night.

-Tick season there's been an uptick of tick bites in Lakewood make sure to check yourself and children after being in tick prone areas. Use tick repellent that’s at least 20 percent DEET.

- A Maamad Tikkun chatzos to cry over the churban will take place Sunday night into Monday morning at KZY 175 Sunset rd Lakewood with participation of the Mara D'asra Rav Dovid Merling shlita and a live hook up shmuz by Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita followed by the recital of tikkun chatzos 

- Ocean County is considering buying three ambulances and staffing them with paid first aid squads to deal with a drop in volunteers and a slowed response time in Southern Ocean county towns and parts of Toms River at Ortley Beach.

- Rabbonim have signed a letter in support of a Dayan after a recent letter called into question arbitration deals that were implemented.

- Authorities announced today that Angel Garcia-Rodriguez, 26, of Lakewood, was charged with Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Crash, Resulting in a Death,  happened late Friday night in the area of James street in Lakewood. According to officials, responding officers found that a 2007 Honda Civic had struck a utility pole. Officers also discovered that the driver of the vehicle had fled the scene of the crash and located a critically injured male  who died later st Jersey Shore hospital more at NJ

construction moving along for seasons supermarker in Toms River video below  


  1. Please rest assured: Prices for Tevya's Meats are NOT being raised. Available at Shloimy's and NPGS.

    1. The question is why not, if all US beef pricing, even non-kosher is going up. If something is too good to be true, it normally is.

    2. Tevyas is from south america


  3. I'm not necessarily referring to the sad news item above, but if someone is in his high 40's maybe it's so nice to use the term "Habachur". Again, I don't necessarily mean this specific instance, but it's time we become more sensitive about this. Same issue about a "bachur" in his 40's not wearing a tallis and being forced to stick out like a sore thumb.

  4. Rabbonim have signed a letter in support of a Dayan after a recent letter called into question arbitration deals that were implemented.

    Can we please see the letter? Who are the signers?

    The letter from Rav Elya Ber and Rav Shloma Miller still seems very clear. It will not be cast aside - especially the psak of the Rambam as to what a day and needs to be.

    1. Reb Shloime Miller denied that the letter he signed has anything to do with this Dayan. And indeed, the letter doesn't mention any Dayan by name.

      And this letter is signed by Gedolei Yisroel.

    2. The signers on this new letter did not reach out to the rav in NY who wrote the first letter.
      They did not address the Avlah that is being accused accept to give a chezkas kashrus.
      Additionally krovim are possul to say Aidus.
      Rav Sholom Kamenetzky shlita Rav Elya Brudny shlita work for and involved with the Bais Havvaad.
      The other rabbonim are from the neighborhood or Rosh Kollel.
      It's meaningless if someone does something wrong and not address it.

    3. Anon 2:34 - you are seriously mistaken. They did reach out to the safra dedayna in NY who signed against the Dayan in Lakewood.
      They are not Krovim of the Dayan at all.
      Reb Elya Brudny supports the Beis Hava'ad, correct. How is that somehow a bad thing? It shows how great the Beis Hava'ad is.

      And nobody did anything wrong. Someone went to Beis Din and lost. That happens every day. It doesn't mean that someone did anything wrong. The party that lost, in this case, decided to make a ruckus. The Dayan paskened the Halacha according to his knowledge of Torah, and he is an extremely knowledgeable. But when complaints arose, he did not rely on his own opinion, and he asked greater Talmidei Chachamim than himself, explaining his point. They agreed with him. No Talmid Chacham who heard his explanation disagreed with him. Only those who heard one side.

    4. First figure how to spell,then we'll choose whether the rest has any value

    5. Is the “Rov” in NY someone that needs to be addressed? How abt the “RY” of amish town? אית דגרסי ואית דלא גרסי

    6. 1) I find I very hard to believe that Rav Elya Ber and Rav Shloma Miller only meant this one particular Dayan. It's a big problem which everyone needs to be aware of - in order to protect themselves and in order for it to be corrected.

      2) I also find it very hard to believe that Rav Shloma Miller meant that this dayan is not included. That people should simply sign away their rights to him. This is impossible, as Rav Shloma doesn't think that anyone should sign away their rights to another human. Period. Even if he is a good guy. You are meshubad to Hashem and may not sign away your rights, as they're not yours to sign away.

      3) I don't understand how an activist magid shiur/rosh yeshiva who was unfortunately invloved in a major halachic controversy where he acknowledged the unfortunate michshol of eishes ish, is now getting involved in an halachic controversy of another city.

  5. Conversations about Rabanim on an internet chat is meaningless, yet we spend so much time and energy on it.

    1. Most dayonim today's days have a smartphone, as many din Torahs are on zoom, so they have access to the blogs too


  6. Anon 3:42 negius is just as possul as kroivim Rav Brudny and Rav Kamenetzky are fully involved with the Bais Havaad.
    The issue is not that one side lost it is that the Dayan did something wrong by going after one side and putting them in their place with an arbitration that is not based at all on shulchan aruch
    Reb Elya Ber is backing the maaracha there way more than just one side lost
    You have a case where someone made themselves too powerful without having to be accountable to anyone.
    This is nothing to do with bais din
    It is a one man show

  7. Bais Havaad has on their roll a media mouthpiece who scouts every opportunity to spew their propaganda here and elsewhere

  8. It is always the way of the losing side in Beis Din to try and attribute negi'us to anything that doesn't agree with him.
    Here is the list of Talmidei Chachamim, Rabbanim, and Dayanim that signed on behalf of the esteemed Dayan of the Beis Hava'ad:
    Reb Eliyahu Levin,
    Reb Kalman Epstein
    Reb Yaakov Forcheimer
    Reb Meir Eisenman
    Reb Eliyahu Brudny
    Reb Dov Kahan
    Reb Uri Deutch
    Reb Ari Marburger
    Reb Chaim Meir Roth
    Reb Avraham Kammer
    Reb Aaron Berl
    and Reb Shloime Miller who clarified that his original letter was not concerning the Beis Hava'ad.

    Not one bona-fide Rav, Rosh Yeshiva or Dayan was willing to put his name to a sign against this Dayan. Not one. Just one obscure Safra Dedayna, and Reb Eliyahu Levin explained his opinion in his letter.

    1. You can have a bigger lost too. All they are saying is that he is a nice person. But the issue is Still a problem that has to be dealt with and those who signed know that as well.
      It's a problem when you have a heskem made up not according to shulchan aruch by a Daman without shimush who answers to know one and feels empowered to go after the balei din. It's not because of lo saguru mipnei ish when you abuse your own power that you create with out shulchan aruch. As chazal say shoiteh assur lerachem alav. Kol shekain when you go after balei Din because you feel you could do so after they were fooled and did not get a fair chance.
      Rav Elya Ber is very aware of what is going on and so are some of those who signed the letter

    2. Love that word 'shimush' you shoved in the middle over there.

      This Dayan was Reb Eliyahu Levin's right hand man for years. He didn't travel once every two years to EY for a week for 'shimush', he sat with him on cases, discussed world issues with him, and is still very close to him. How dare you say he has no shimush?

      And the whole idea that the psak was 'above Halacha' is disproven by the Talmidei Chachamim who heard the Psak. Reb Eliyahu heard it, Reb Meir Eisenman heard it, Reb Elya Brudny heard it. The Dayan didn't hide behind the shtar birurin, he explained himself thoroughly. The Ba'al din doesn't want to listen, so he is running around making a ruckus. And simple people will fall in.

  9. Bottom line blackmailing someone by alienating them from their children is alright or not? You can decide for yourself. I don't think a thousand chasimos will change anything

    1. It's always easy to simplify a Din Torah to a couple of sound bytes. That's not how it actually works. Those of us who know how Beis Din works, know that there are always pratim and pratei pratim. Someone who signs a tzetl after hearing one side is possul. And we know who does that constantly.

    2. It's always easy to obfuscate and seek to confuse by saying you don't know all the details of the details.

      Those of us who know how Beis Din works, know that it's always forbidden for a dayan to place himself above or outside of halacha. He's a dayan to repeat Hashem's halacha in that particular matter. He is wrong when taking matters into his own hands because of a shtar. Simply wrong.

  10. I don't know this Beis Din, I don't know this case.

    But we have here a roster of the most respected Rabbanim, Talmidei Chachamim, and Dayanim in town. How dare anonymous commenters disparage them all? Do you know the Torah that they know? Do you know the Dayan personally for as many years as they do? Do you know this case from both sides?
    How dare these azei panim come here and spew their anti-Talmidei Chachamim propaganda? How much is the samech mem paying them for this?

    1. How dare you are moitze shem ra and chosed biksheirim. No one spewed anti talmidei chachomim propaganda.
      Did you speak to Rav Elya Ber?
      Did you hear from the Balei din?
      The chasimos are not about the issue at hand.
      Keep trying to spin and divert it won't help.

  11. וְעוֹד רָאִיתִי תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ: מְקוֹם הַמִּשְׁפָּט שָׁמָּה הָרֶשַׁע, וּמְקוֹם הַצֶּדֶק שָׁמָּה הָרָשַׁע

  12. תלמוד בבליJuly 23, 2023 at 9:22 PM

    לא חרבה ירושלים אלא מפני שהעמידו עצמן על שורת הדין

  13. An answer to much that was written here:

    Every single Beis Din has the two sides sign a Shtar Birurin. The Beis Hava'ad is no different to any other Beis Din in the world in that regard. The idea that Reb Elya Ber and Reb Shloime Miller are against people going to Beis Din and subjugating themselves to the psak of Talmidei Chachamim is just absurd. It isn't signing away 'your rights', it is accepting the Beis Din as the Poskei Halacha. A person may not paskn monetary issues for himself, and Beis Din is the place to do it. No alternative has been suggested.

    There is no way for the layman to judge anything professional, we aren't doctors to know which doctor is a fraud, we aren't Talmidei Chachamim to judge who is the faker. The only way to know to whom to turn is not based on beard length or other nonsense, but according to what other Talmidei Chachamim say. When the Dayanim of America generally believe that a certain Beis Din is unacceptable, like has happened a couple of times, that should be sufficient for us not to trust them. And when they deem a Beis Din acceptable, that is how we know that it is acceptable.
    In this case, respected Dayanim, poskim for many years, great Talmidei Chachamim and Rabbanim, all tell us that the Beis Hava'ad is an acceptable Beis Din. They tell us that this particular Dayan is a Talmid Chacham and a Yare Hashem. What more can we ask for? Should we be asking internet zitzers? ישיחו בי יושבי שער?

    However, there is one problem. Sometimes, we find askanim who try and make 'peace' at all costs between a couple or a partnership. They either want peace, or that the story should finish without a fight. They have no interest in justice, they aren't poskim or Talmidei Chachamim, they are merely askanim. These askanim are sometimes useful. But they sometimes overstep their boundaries, especially if they are young, and in order that they be successful, they persuade the couple to sign a Shtar Birurin. Their intentions may be noble, but they never intended to provide justice or truth, just to keep the peace. These people are not affiliated with any Beis Din, and they can cause major trouble. Reb Elya Ber and Reb Shloime Miller signed against these people. It is possible that the losing side of a Din Torah convinced Reb Elya Ber that this Dayan is just an askan, he lives far away and it is possible to fool him. But the true kavana was never that a person should not go to Beis Din for his issues, where else should he go? Court? To the internet?

    1. Spin spin spin but your dreidel still lands on shin

      You avoid all the issues and did not answer any of the taanos that Is behind this maaracha supported by Reb Elya Ber and addressed in the letter by the Dayan from NY.

      This shtar Beirurin is not al pi shulchan aruch don't tell us that people go-to beis din to accept psak halacha when the signed arbitrary agreement is not based on halacha but by one individual that is not a bas din.

      blackmailing someone by alienating them from their children is alright or not?
      Can you answer that??

      The rabbinic who signed the letter in support also agree that there's problems and the issues with the Dayan needs to be dealt with

      Don't blame askanim who want a pshara when there are serious flaws with the signed heskem

    2. Tell us exactly which Halacha in Shulchan Aruch passels the Shtarei Berurin of the Beis Hava'ad? Why does that not passel the Shtarei Berurin of every other Beis Din in the world?

      I don't know what you are talking about regarding blackmailing people. Neither you, nor I, am privy to the details of the case and the reasoning behind the psak Halacha. So your question about 'blackmail' is irrelevant.

      And your penultimate point is a blatant falsehood.

      The Rabbanim who signed in support do not believe there is a problem with this Dayan. I spoke to quite a few of them, and their belief is that there should be more Dayanim like him.

    3. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a peshara. But those askanim should not overstep their boundaries and force a settlement. Leave the Halacha to those who learned Halacha.

  14. The defenders attack us for being grumpy for having lost a case.That is all they got.
    Never have had a need to ever show up there .
    Their record,style ,& nicely disguised polished cronyism is obvious to everybody except krum buddies or the naive

  15. I have no idea what the case revolves around
    Can someone please educate us?

    1. It should never be about one specific case. Never.

    2. As we read elsewhere, someone lost a Din Torah, and he is spending his life trying to bashmutz the Dayan that he blames for the loss. So far, he found one safra dedayna willing to sign a strange letter against the Dayan. The leading Talmidei Chachamim in town, Dayanim in Batei Din, Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva, all support the Dayan.

    3. It was a custody battle a shutfus or yerusha?

  16. It's not about someone losing a case it's about many cases that were conducted shelo al pi halacha of shulchan aruch and a bona-fide beis din.
    It is not one one Safran ddayna signing a strange letter when Rav Elya Ber and other grdolei rabbonim and Roshei yeshiva who won't be named are very involved behind the scenes here.

    And yes the Lakewood poskim who wrote how great the Dayan is still plan on tackling the serious issues brought up with the way the mediation is done with a one man show that answers to no one and people got messed up. Lo saguru means from bully dayanim too

    1. Shulchan Aruch is huge.
      Can you tell us exactly which Halacha?

      Or is that also 'behind the scenes'?

      We have 'plans' for the future, 'behind the scenes', 'won't be named', 'messed up' and more. But to our eyes, we have the Gedolei Harabbanim and Talmidei Chachamim saying differently. Batei Din accept the Beis Hava'ad like any other Beis Din, and you can rest assured that your case will be heard there by professional Dayanim.

    2. If people lose a din Torah they may be upset but if it was done fair and square they won't bashmutz
      Why are so many people offline upset about the Bais Din

    3. People are upset about every Beis Din. This Beis Din has just as many losers as winners.

  17. Unfortunately we have Therapists/Askonim/Rabbis in our town who are shofchei dam by encouraging children of broken families to bashmutz and alienate their parents from having a relationship with their children/grandkids.

  18. Time for a grassroots initiative to boycott companies that raise
    prices without any consideration. E.G MEAT
